that one with the heart problems fella was such a flipping geek! fancy asking the poor woman if she fancies him when shes stuck to a monitor in hospital! fuck i would have knocked him out if he was my partner! lol! it was a bit tedious last night wasnt it? i thought it was anyway haha. the one in the car park was awesome! i think thats the best way at least its over and done with very quickly and you can be in hospital with baby for a little while haha! i dont want to labour much in hospital lol so im gonna just try and give birth in the carpark (joke but i do think its the way forward haha) x
Oh I agree! When I start labour (IF i start labour!!! lol) I plan to have a soak in the bath and keep mobile at home as much as I can before going to the hospital. Trouble is, by the time I think i'm at the point of 'time to go to the hospital' I can just see getting there and being told i'm 2cm