One Born Every Minute

HAHA :D Exactly what my mum says to me "laura dunno why your worrying, she cant stay in there forever haha x
Well doctors have got 6 months to work out a more appealing way to get my baby out of me. Honestly, I dunno why theres not more research in this area!!
i noooooo, i keep sayin "i just wish she cud come out some easier less painful stressful way"

but iv got 17 weeks left, doubt anything will be done before then lol

we should start fundraising! I thought we could call it 'labour research society' but then people might think we're political. Im certain that if men had to do it there would be an efficient, enjoyable and not to mention QUICK way to get baby out once its cooked.
cant wait to watch this now is it just a one off programme or a series of them??
ive already set the seies link for it to record every week, dont wanna miss it!

Oh is looking forward to it as much as me lol

hes at work those nights so ile record it
:yay: i love these programmes *toon waddles off to set up a series link* xx
i love sky + and the series link, now that i know how to use it lol
you guys all have sky plus? I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

lol @ waddling toon. I cant wait!!
sky + the best i cudnt love with out it. be had 2 reduce our sky package to save money, but just cudnt get rid of it as love the sky plus.
anyone seen the website to go with this programme?
tons of preview vids and info.

just type in one born every minute into google.

looks like you'll be able to watch the episodes again on 4od if you miss it as well.
I will def get dh to watch this with me- I might get freaked out watching it by myself!
I just watched the clip of that woman giving birth, didnt look too bad, my mum asked if I should be watching it but forewarned is forearmed if you ask me! Afterwards I thought, wel thats not so bad, I can do that! I know its painful, and Im prepared for that, but some of the stories you hear makes you think you're gonna die and come back again ten times. I hope not!

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