One Born Every Minute

If that was my OH i would have knocked him out, what an idiot. Oh and the forceps really made me cringe. Not suprised she struggled getting a 10lb 10oz baby out, my son was 8lb 1 oz and he got stuck so she did really well. That other couple were lovely and baby freya was such a cutie!
^^ Agree. A wee shame as he seemed ok for most of it but just totally out of control when it came to his emotions. X
Oo I couldda smacked that boy! Gives young parents a bad image.
I couldn't watch it coz footie was on...soooo I got it on 4od thought I would start with season 1... Omg one women is screaming place down terrified me!
Told my hubby if he behaves like the first guy he'll be asked to leave the hopsital cuz I'd of killled him, it was such a shame the second only got to spend a day with his little girl :(
I might get bashed here, but I think she was proper selfish. There was no way she should have taken her Mum with her instead of him. It's his first baby! And if he's man enough for her to start a family with, he's most definitely the person who should have been there holding her hand!!

Cried so much when the second girl gave birth. I cry when the military wives song is on too.
yeah my hubby was goin mad at him too , there was no need for that carry on at all it shouldnt be about him it was his girlfriend and baby that should have been his no 1 not himself, muppett

Bawled my eyes out at the poor baby when it wasnt crying too just didnt expect it either which is stupid of me

Hubby is now worried cos he doesnt think il cope lol great confidence booster
he was begging me to scream witht he pain like the women in the next room cos he says i go too guite when im in pain and tense up, prob right to a certain extent lol

And of course i had dreams all night that i was in hospital in labour after watchin it lol, i was trying to fill a tub of water to get in but it was the room so when i opened the door to call the nurse all the water washed away lol
Omg just caught up. Was in tears. How scary for Bethany! Her partner was a bit of an idiot but understandably must of been stressing for him.xx
Gave me quite a lot to think about. Now established that OH doesn't want to cut the cord.

Watching the young mum doped up to the eyeballs needing forceps has given me a lot to think about regarding pain relief. I think I'd actually rather be the 2nd mum sucking on gas and air but I guess we'll see.

Her boyfriend was a twat, what a manchild!!! Why do men say they don't mind what decision you make then throw a fit when you make one they don't like. He seemed like a bit of a failure in life.
"Watching the young mum doped up to the eyeballs needing forceps has given me a lot to think about regarding pain relief. I think I'd actually rather be the 2nd mum sucking on gas and air but I guess we'll see."

See that was what my OH said but I wish they told you what drugs she had taken cos was defo more than a epi i think to be that bad she was completly out of her bracket, id hate to be in that state
I just dont understand why the lad didnt speak up and say i want to be at the birth the poor girl was so out of it she shouldn't have had to make the choice! x
oh did you think he wanted to be there??

See i got the impression when he was saying " oh im not aloud in there am i" and "oh you choose " that he actually didnt want to be there at all and was just kicking off afterwards trying to look like he wanted to be there in the first place

he was still a gobshite either way lol
Am I the only one who was disapointed in the program??? It seems to have lost it's edgyness and character and the humour fo the last series.

Or is it just because that man was such a tw*nt???!!!
I watched the episode this morning.

Man alive that Kurt was annoying. Jeez... it's not all about him yet he went on as though it was. I'm starving this, I need that blah blah blah.

That poor girl has more than one baby to look after I think.

I really hope when I give birth the nugget comes out crying because I just don't think I'd be able to hack that!!

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