One Born Every Minute

Maybe she was just really scared about having the examination and this is nothing to do with whether or not she is from a council estate?!
I was brought up on a council estate and am pregnant with my first baby at 28, married in my own home with 2 degrees behind me. Its not all 'shameless' on council estates...
I think it's sad how people feel the need to stereotype others
I think its funny people say not to judge based on age but use age to justify things... been 17 is not an excuse to behave how she likes, my sister in law had her baby at 16 and didn't act like that, an internal during labour doesn't hurt... its only two fingers, and your dilated and ready for a baby to pass through... plus contractions hurting normally over powers anything else. But whatever that her choice its not the same as refusing tests for downs syndrome tho as that wont make a difference to the health of the baby. You will just know they have/ dont have it.

I think they love to show the worst people on there... there are tonnes of teenages in the same situation who act like 'normal' ... Age doesn't make you cope with pain any better... maybe she wasn't prepared for it but that's her own fault as there are tonnes of places for teenage mums to go (i live near Leeds) Me and my friend where offered loads of places to go even tho we are not teenages, (she is 21 i am 22) if she didnt go to them its really her own fault she wasn't ready for it.
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Oh go on then i'll add my opinion.... My thoughts on the young girl- I watched a longer clip on the OBEM website of earlier interviews and in it she said she didn't want drugs in labour as her baby will get drugged. Obviously when it came to it she wanted diamorphine but who can say I'm not gonna be asking for something just because I think I don't want it now. As for smoking, the tv people knew what they were doing when they added that bit of dialogue in didn't they! I had an assistant who smoked in her car with her baby son and she was late 30's. (not sure she smoked when pregnant but I don't see much difference when the windows were all shut!) I'm not sure the girls age is completely relevant as smokers are smokers whatever age, some can give up and I guess some can't.
Credit to her for the pushing stage though, she was really going for it, and I was pleased to see the total focus they say you get when in those last stages of labour.
Felt a bit disappointed when she said 'thank f**k thats over' as soon as baby came out (well I think thats what she said) but more because I usually get all emotional when the babies come out and that kind of put me off my usual sob!

As an older mum I feel lucky that I'm having my 1st baby now, I feel like I've had a good life and now it's the right time. These young ladies are at optimum baby making age lets face it! Society has moved on so much and people are living longer but whose to say that means we should have our babies when we're older? I just never wanted that kind of responsibility as a young girl. There are good and bad parents out there of all ages. My friend at school had an alcoholic mother and a father in jail (they weren't young!) and she was a straight A student who was the loveliest most rounded thoughtful person.

Thought the other mum worked really hard too, I liked her casual attitude in the early scenes.
Very Diplmatic messages here but i'm sorry, I still stick to my opinion! She wasn't aware of how lucky she was to have a baby, it all seemed a big joke to her & her birthing partner (you can disagree) but my judgement remains the same.

There aren't great people in the world & nobody's perfect but she irritated the hell out of me.
I'm not saying i'm going to be a greater mother than she is, i just know i'm a lot more aware of how precious having a baby is and i would over-come any phobia or fear, and run through a burning house if it meant making sure my baby was out of danger!!.No second thoughts or arguments!..

Let's hope tomorrows episode creates the same sort of debate!

p.s- My opinion of the girl on the programme isn't meant to offend any one on here I'm just commenting on what i saw in her.
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I wasnt gonna comment but i will :D

I totally understand her fear regarding internals, i remember my first one in labour with dd1 i was just 20 terrified, scared of hospitals and omg i shot up that f*cking bed like you wouldnt believe! Didnt want them to do it again at all but i let them.....

However i have a fear of needles (some of you know) and i havent had any bloods taken in this pregnancy or either of my previous 2 pregnancies, no matter what the reasons given to me i just could not do it, so i understand how that poor girl must have felt,

Ive read everyones thoughts on this some i agree with some i dont but we all entitled to have our say :D

I do think its a bit nasty to say bout the whole council estate/ Jeremy Kyle thing (my god if you all knew my situation regarding my eldest and having different dads you'd all have me on there too!)

I honestly think the way they portrayed her this kind of reaction was inevitable sadly xxx
It's a harmless PF thread though, the "council estate/ jeremy kyle" comment shouldn't be taken to heart by anyone! It was just to express my anger of her imature attitude (but then again she is just a child herself)

Anyway, like yourself JoJo if people knew the ins and outs of my situation I would be great topic & would sitr up a lot of opinions. Like i said im not judgin her parenting skills i just expressed what i thought of her, and my thoughts don't count for nothing, just to cause some harmless banter between a bunch of hormonal ladies! lol. x
Your thoughts do count!!!

Thats why we are here (well i am anyway lol)

And lets be honest hunni i used to own a ladies only forum we dont need to be pregnant to start a debate heated or otherwise!! xx
Meh well, it's too late to change the way i am now. The words that come out of my mouth will upset people sometimes, but who walks around biting their tongue all the time?... I had an opinion so i wrote it down, i think it's great people have had a lot to say about it. i'm quite looking forward to tomorrow's episode now TBH! :)

lol You're right, women (& MEN) need no reason to have a good debate! :) xx
Im the same i say what i think most of the time and generally dont care what people think, espec when/if someone asks my opinion (if they didnt wanna know they shouldnt ask!)

I have learnt (the hard way too) not to get wound up by anything posted on any forum xxx
I'm really looking forward to tonights episode I always do!!!!

The council estate/jeremy kyle thing is funny to me. I was raised by a single mum on council estate. My dad left her when she was in having my brother after 9 years of IVF. She struggled but worked everyday and did what she could for us. Me and my bro have never been in trouble and have numerous qualifications in our chosen professions. I can understand how people who have not experienced the same upbringing would say that kind of comment. I myself often look at people and say she/he belongs on Jeremy Kyle probably cos I love Jezza and would love to see him have a go. lol.

I was a single mum for 13 years and now have a second chance in life with my new OH and AJ. I can only imagine when you have tried so hard to get pregnant and see others do things that you don't agree with eg. smoke, drink, not take medical advise how hard it can be for people to deal with. I also believe that everyone has free speech particularly on here. lol. xxxxxxxx
I was brought up in a council estate and so was my mum dad etc, i still use it as a discriptive word... its not the actual council estate -- its the whole Frak from shamless type of people that i describe as council estate Jeremy Kyle people. Its not offencive.
I think sometimes the "council estate" discription depends where you come from. The town I live in now doesnt have a 'council estate' as i know it - yes there are council houses, but you'd never know which ones. Yet where i grew up - i stayed in the "posh houses" (others phrase not mine) - cos we were the privately owned houses just outside the "scheme" - and even now driving through that estate it looks totally different to the rest of the town although most of the houses are probably privately owned now.

When "The Scheme" was on the television, my friends up here thought it was completely exaggerated for entertainment, cos that type of estate doesnt exist up here. - "Schemey" - was always a bit of an insult where i grew up, yet it means nothing up here.
TBH if if i saw a millionare who i thought belonged on jeremy kyle i would still call them coucil estate lol
Hey i know at least 3 people that have been on Jeremy Kyle. Lol
wow 3 people nikki? i'm watching jezza typing this!

cant wait for tonights OBEM, i'm sure it will bring another debate too....
I know 3 people too and it's soooooo funny!!!! We taped one and showed it in the pub they were so proud of it all as well and the man passed his lie detector test as well so we gave him a drink on the house lol xx
is anyone else feeling like this series of OBEM has lost something compared to the others, every week they seem to have someone on it who either annoys me or makes me sad that they behave like that. ive not got teary at it so far, been too busy laughing at the idiots on it so far

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