* OCTOBER 2019 - Testing Thread *

Brazil nuts are the most minging thing ever! Could think of a hundred things I’d rather be eating right now but I’m determined this month to try everything and anything I read on the internet!

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Dates and prunes? What's on the little cracker thing? I'm on pomegranate juice, brazil nuts, peppermint tea with selenium, plus I've been doing a yogi tea brew with cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and ginger!
I read online that dried fruits such as dates and prunes can help with estrogen levels to thicken your lining! Same with seeds, mainly flax seeds but I couldn’t find any in that damn co op lol! So I just bought a seed mix!
What do the teas help with?! I will get to trying those now too xxx
I read online that dried fruits such as dates and prunes can help with estrogen levels to thicken your lining! Same with seeds, mainly flax seeds but I couldn’t find any in that damn co op lol! So I just bought a seed mix!
What do the teas help with?! I will get to trying those now too xxx
The tea blend I make is just for all of the amazing properties of those spices really. Cinnamon is classed as a superfood, I only have one cup a day as its caffeinated. And the peppermint one is just because it has added selenium and is good for preventing oxidative stress. X
Is it a special mint tea you have? I have some in the cupboard but probably not the added selenium type? Xx
I don’t mind the Brazil nuts. I wash them down with a glass of pineapple juice.
@Jac2019 - when are you going to stop with the juts and juice. we are the both 4dpo right?
@Natalie8964 - I have that tea at home, trying to work out if I like the taste though haha xx
I don’t mind the Brazil nuts. I wash them down with a glass of pineapple juice.
@Jac2019 - when are you going to stop with the juts and juice. we are the both 4dpo right?
@Natalie8964 - I have that tea at home, trying to work out if I like the taste though haha xx
I am the same I don't mind taste but washing them down with my pineapple juice. Yeah we are 4dpo. I stopped them last time at 10dpo as I got the bfp. I did read for the Brazil nuts and juice/pineapple to take it for the 2ww from day of ovulation though so will maybe take it up to AF due this timexxx
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I am the same I don't mind taste but washing them down with my pineapple juice. Yeah we are 4dpo. I stopped them last time at 10dpo as I got the bfp. I did read for the Brazil nuts and juice/pineapple to take it for the 2ww from day of ovulation though so will maybe take it up to AF due this timexxx
Thanks hun. I am running out of pineapple juice so I better put that on my list xx
Thanks hun. I am running out of pineapple juice so I better put that on my list xx
I asked OH to get it last night on way home as I was running out. Probably once that one is finished I will either get 1 more or stop.. Xxx
Started my normal spotting this morning, AF should be full force later today or tomorrow. Will be adding selenium this cycle I think! Also Brazil nuts if I can find them.
Started my normal spotting this morning, AF should be full force later today or tomorrow. Will be adding selenium this cycle I think! Also Brazil nuts if I can find them.
Sorry to hear that :( if you are in the UK you can get them in home bargains and lidl. Xx
I'm back TTC ladies, was a CP. Confirmed today with blood tests. My level was at 18 Wednesday and today was 6 so I'm hoping to still ovulated this month but will be on the November testing thread. I wish you all the best of luck this month xx
Thanks for your support, this ttc stuff is stressful.

Well I would normally ovulate CD17 so that we be Thursday. My hcg in my blood hopefully should be gone by Sunday so I doubt I will be but we will see. I'm still gonna do the OPK. You can take me off for now till I ovulate
OK thank you that gives me hope.
Although I have pcos and sometimes can take my body longer to calm down.

Gonna start temping again tonight and see what happens. My IC was so faint this morning my OH couldn't see it, with the other ones he could.

I'll start using opk on Sunday and see what happens.

We said the one good thing to come out of it is at least we know we can get pregnant as he had a history of low sprem count before he conceived his son

Yes it's the knowing you have fallen pregnant gives hope that's the same for me and my OH we will keep trying knowing we can and hope we get our rainbow baby. They do say more fertile after mc so fingers crossed you are.

As you say test opks and see what happens I was shocked when saw mine positive exact same time of normal cycle xxx
Yeah I have heard that.

Thanks, wish I didn't do that pregnancy test Wednesday now, I would of been none the wiser.

We live and learn. I am gonna try and not test early. Also gonna stop temping after ovulation is confirmed

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