October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Hey ladies x Such nice bags, I might have a look as well because I did not like what I have seen in shops.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Baby decided not to move or kick all day , nice present for my Birthday as I was worried all day! I spend one hour in the evening switching sides and he finally made some movements as I was just about to head to the maternity to get checked. I was so busy and walked a lot maybe that is why, my feet still hurt. Not very nice not to be able to drink a glass of prosecco on your birthday but the mocktails were really good haha.

I feel him moving differently, hope on Monday the midwife will be able to tell me his position , last time he was transverse.

Happy birthday for yesterday Allysa :) mine is in Wednesday :D did you do anything nice?

I don't know if I mentioned but the midwife called me to say I have low haemoglobin levels and she has dropped round some tablets that I now need to take for 4 weeks. I am also looking for foods high in iron. I don't really like spinach so I am thinking about incorporating it into a quiche or omelette.

I have my GTT on Tuesday morning. Then only 2 weeks till 31 week appointment! Going so quick!!! On a different note, I am looking to start my birth hypnosis course next week :D

Has anyone booked any classes with the hospital? I got forced (by midwife) into signing up but unsure if I want to go.. ..theres 3 classes, becoming a parent, preparing for birth and feeding.
Happy birthday for yesterday Allysa. Sorry baby ws not behaving, typical!

Bad news on the iron tablets Olivia, but fortunately easily resolved. Only bad thing I've heard on those is that they can leave you constipated, yay. Maybe try some beef pies or casseroles. In this weather I love throwing some in a slow cooker with a load of stuff and leaving it all day.

I think my midwife said she will give me the details for the hospital antenatal classes at my 28 week appt. From what I remember I need to call and book on them. She said there were 3 classes and they run from approx 32 weeks, so sounds the same as yours. I am keen to go as I have no real idea about labour and also think it could be a good way to meet others. I really want my OH to come to as he has hardly any idea about newborns and labour so I think it will be good for him. xx
Thank you girls. I did not do anything special , me and my husband were both off work so he took me out for a nice Birthday lunch followed by shopping for the house until about 9 pm. Bought a nice light for the baby's room and again some clothes for him, I might need to stop now.

My midwife pushed me as well to book into the antenatal classes, but simply forgot about them.Some friends told me they are useless and did not recommended them but I am thinking to go.

I have been looking into the classes and have seen most people day the NHS ones are pretty basic and don't teach stuff we don't already know. I think I will wait and see...my first class is on the 3rd of August!

Oh, Amy......im already there with the constipation haha which doesn't help when I already feel like a whale :( I will pop into chemist and see what I can take to help relieve things!!

I am having bursts of energy today and just want to clean everything!! But my body can't keep up, I get so out of breath and can't bend down properly. I am finding this very frustrating as I want so much to get done but can't manage it :( I found myself taking the washing machine apart to clean it this morning.....nesting anyone? Haha
Happy birthdays for this week and next week!

Travel system is all here and set up in the garage! Feels weird that the car seat will be the first thing to be properly used...I'm feeling a bit more prepared now - every time I go food shopping I pick up a pack of wipes/nappies/formula, so it starts to build up. Also got a angelcare happy bin, I wasn't sure if it was a gimmick, but it was only £8, and if there is a particularly bad nappy in the night, I don't want to be traipsing downstairs and waking the dog up. I'm also going to try reusable nappies, our council does a free trial, so hopefully once I've got my head right those, I will be using less disposable nappies anyway.

It feels so hot still!! I'm feeling more and more tired...I think the nice tri 2 part is over, and now it's going to get tough, lol!
I'm there with the nesting. Even though I tell myself I'm going to have a lazy day I keep organising/tiding/throwing things away. And loving making lists. Trying not to do too much before hubby gets home as he does want to be involved.
I'm also starting to buy some additional bits to build up a stock- some nappies, wipes, etc. I don't want to go mad, but don't want to have to go out for things just before or after the birth. I'm going to get a nappy bin for upstairs as well, save constantly traipsing up and down the stairs

I've managed to avoid the constipation so far- scared saying that will jinx it. If anything I'm more frequent, possibly due to having less spare space in me (sorry if tmi).

I've got a Moses basket for when baby is little but I was wondering if anyone was getting, or recommending any of the smaller sleeping pod things? I know some people love the sleepheads but they are so expensive there s no way I will be getting one. I have seen the poddle pods that's are only £40 and look good, but I was wondering if they were actually worth it. xx
Oh my god. Just wrote the longest essay to post and my phone decided to close the tab!! Gutted :(
Lets try that again......

Amy, I was adamant that we were only getting a Cotbed as it's more cost effective and I don't have a lot of money right now (quit job in December - pre pregnancy - and haven't worked since!!!) Financially it's been a struggle for me, even though OH supports me...i stoll want to do my part. So cutting costs is essential for me!! I said there was no point getting a Moses basket or anything of that nature to only use for the first few months. Well that was until a member of OH family offered us a mama's and Papas Cotbed for free (saving us over £300!!) We only had to get the new mattress which I got at half price for £81 in Mothercare event. Only problem is the Cotbed is in Cardiff and we live in London. So OH said he will make the time to go and collect it and bring it home....only thing is he's very last minute and I prefer to be organised and planned. I had visions of it being October and OH still hasn't gone to collect it...stressful just thinking about. So I decided to pick up a Moses basket mattress and bedding while at the Mothercare event, just need to pick up the Moses basket and stand from somewhere in next couple of weeks. I figured this way baby will have somewhere to sleep if OH doesn't get his bum in gear!!!
I'm currently "relaxing" in the bath but all I keep thinking about is cleaning the kitchen cupboards!!!
Haha, I know that feeling. I just decided that I 'had to' go out and cane up the tomato plants as they were drooping. Could have done it tomorrow, it could have waited for days, but no. I had to do it now. Crazy

I have decided that I am going to put a film on in a bit and get a glass of non alcoholic wine and see if that makes my brain switch into relax mode. I cant switch my brain off from all the things we need to do, and annoyingly a load of it is stuff I need to wait for my OH for. xx
I'm in the same boat with OH. But my OH is very lazy....feel like all I do is nag him at times!! Poor guy ;)

Our Silver Cross travel system turned up today....i really want to put it together but I daren't :( I rushed to open the car seat and then I couldn't fit it back into the box haha.

Another reason why I think I want to clean everything is because this is the first day I have had energy....maybe the iron tablets are helping?
Does anyone carry around their maternity notes? I don't and only take them out of the house if I'm going to an appointment. But maybe I should carry them around from now on?
I do. They are in my handbag and I take that everywhere so they come with me. They're zipped into the middle pocket so I usually forget they are there, but then at least I know I have them if there's an emergency. I think I was more concerned about keeping them on me as OH is away so if there was an emergency there wouldn't necessarily be someone else around who knew the ins and outs of my pregnancy.

Hopefully the iron tablets are giving you more energy. I built my pram to check it was all ok. Given the nightmare we have had with kiddicare I couldn't deal with contacting them later if all was not ok. And yeah, I couldn't get the box to do up again once I took it apart and put it back in! After 2 failed deliveries I got my OH to deal with kiddicare and they have promised to refund. I've now ordered the car seat from John Lewis- hopefully I can rely on them!x
Special K is good for iron, I suffer from anaemia when I'm not pregnant and my midwife told me a bowl of Special K with a glass of proper orange juice (vitamin C helps absorb iron) will fix me up and miraculously my iron levels have been fine so far. I've started taking liquid iron anyways because she's gonna be checking my bloods at 28 weeks and she wants to make sure my levels are up for a home birth.

I feel like I can't relax if there's something that 'needs done'. I lay awake at night wandering whether I should stay up an extra 30 minutes so I can get a head start on tomorrow's housework haha.

Ahhh, I think I will start carrying them then!

I really want to build the pram....might do it later if I can convince OH to help me.

Has anyone else start to buy nappies or formula with the normal weekly shop? I don't know why but I feel a bit silly buying these things at the moment.

Have to go food shopping today....god help me on a Sunday :'(
Ahhh, I think I will start carrying them then!

I really want to build the pram....might do it later if I can convince OH to help me.

Has anyone else start to buy nappies or formula with the normal weekly shop? I don't know why but I feel a bit silly buying these things at the moment.

Have to go food shopping today....god help me on a Sunday :'(

Lol, I have! I have only bought one pack of newborn nappies, and the starter pack of formula, as these are the things I will be needing in hospital. This week I bought a load of wipes, it didn't feel too bad as we use a lot of baby wipes anyway, so that felt normal!
Each time I go, I will start building it up - especially when there are baby events!
I did feel odd at the beginning but I'm going to need the stuff so would rather start stocking up. And I wouldn't trust my OH to know what to buy if I sent him out in the first week or two. At least this way he will get used to what the stuff looks like before I ask him to pop out and buy nappies!

Speaking about my OH, just found out that him and a load of the guys he's away with have got E. Coli. Urgh. Lucky them!x
I am so unprepared :( but nothing I can do as I'm waiting for job centre to sort my claim out :( I've seen so many good deals around but can't get anything :( gutted.

I believe I'm entitled to a maternity grant for £500 as this is my first baby...that'll help so much but I can't apply for it until after 29 weeks and I also need midwife to sign the form so that won't happen until my 31 week appointment and then I have no idea how long it all takes to process. Feel like I'm just waiting to get things done....i have all the time in the world but can't do anything. Very frustrating, especially as I have always worked and had my own money and independence. Don't get me wrong, I have a very supportive OH who hasn't pushed me to work during pregnancy and provides for me...but he waits for me to ask for cash, which isn't in my nature...so I won't ask as it makes me feel bad. Sorry for the half rant :(
That's rubbish that you cant apply for the money before then. Surely they should expect pregnant people to want to get stuff sorted before 29 weeks. Once you get the form can you not drop it off for the MW to sign and you to collect from the receptionist? I know when I needed my MATB form the MW left it with the docs receptionist.

Must be difficult when you're used to having your own money. I keep worrying about what will happen when my wages go down and that I wont be able to contribute enough. My OH keeps telling me not to worry and that our wages will be used evenly and its not 'his' and 'my' money, but it still feels weird. But then I think, just cos I'm not going to be at work doesn't mean I wont be working. And I'll probably be working harder!!x
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