October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Won't let me off my phone so wil have to try laptop grrrr x
Here's the diaper list that I mentioned earlier. I have no idea if its in anyway accurate/realistic. When I said to my OH about the possible number of nappies per day he laughed and said 'can't you just turn them inside out?!' Haha. x


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Hopefully working now!!


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I don't think you are massive flick - in your 23 week one, your bump looks a bit flatter at the front. Mine does this when I know she is lying transverse (which is often!). And some days, my bump literally feels like it goes out in front of me for metres! And as soon as I eat, it grows massively, lol!

I can't remember about number of nappies...normally after each feed, I would do a nappy change, if I didn't smell anything beforehand! They feed every 2 hours or so at first, so about 10-12 a day would be right. I quickly learnt that especially during the night, if it doesn't need changing, don't bother changing it! Saves getting out of bed!
I don't think your bump looks particularly big. As lea said, it was flatter at 23 weeks but that's it.

My mate is coming round to see me this evening and while I feel bad for saying it- I really cant be bothered. I just want to veg out on the sofa and then try and get an early night, but I have to be sociable. I'm aware this makes me sound really grumpy, but I cant help it x
Ok ladies.....I can now feel virtually every movement and I'm exhausted :( the kicks in the ribs are painful! I don't sleep anymore :( soooo tired!!! Any tips to help with sleep?
Amy, I have been really unsociable recently haha it's terrible.
Really nice seeing my friend, but so pleased when she left at 2200. I want to be in bed!

No advice on the sleeping really, I'm finding it pretty hit and miss. Take me forever to get comfortable. Every now and then I manage to find that magically comfortable spot where I feel myself relaxing and dropping off, and that's amazing. At the moment it seems to be when I'm propped up on quite a few pillows- so on my back but almost sitting up, slightly curled to one side. I tried going to sleep when I was really tired, and not putting the tv on. It worked for a few nights. But now I'm at that point where my mind is still awake so I'm back to having to fall asleep with the tv on. So pleased its Friday tomorrow. Hoping to nap this weekend but then it never really seems to happen x
Morning all

I have been struggling for weeks with lack of sleep, I seem to find a position and start to settle and that is his trigger to start disco dancing so I end up lying on my back while he shifts position, it is getting exhausting! Was really weird yesterday I was in ameeting and people actualy saw him kicking, they could see my belly dancing, was amusing to see the people who have never been pregnant etc freaking out at the human growing in me lol x

Has anyone had braxton hicks?

Am sl glad it is Friday but I realised last night I have done nothing with regards to getting sorted for my holiday in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm struggling to sleep today - I get so uncomfortable, then to change sides I roll onto my back, with the intention of rolling over, but then I fall asleep there and wake up in a panic, like 'argh, I should be on my side!'. If I move too quickly I get a proper pain in my bump like I've pulled something...I wear a Fitbit to bed and it tells me how bad I sleep! I should be getting about an hour of deep sleep to feel fully rested - i got 5min last night!

Oh blimey, have fun on your holiday flick - are you going abroad? Xx
Yeah Lea I wear a fit bit and my best sleep in the last 3 weeks was 4 hour 27 minutes with 33 minutes of restlessness, it was like an acheivement lol!!

Yeah off to Portugal! Not sure if am crazy lol well this all depends on midwife signing fit to fly on Tuesday of course, but I cant see why she wouldn't? x
Ah Portugal sounds lovely - I could really do with a week just to lie around, drinking mocktails, but ain't happening for me!
Tho I'm quite liking the rain today - it's actually a sensible temperature!
I'm sure your midwife will sign you off, no reason not to really...
That article is fab! So true - literally all of it! Take heed first time mums, this is the truth!
That article is fab! So true - literally all of it! Take heed first time mums, this is the truth!

Ha I know, I remember the first wee and poo! Jesus christ it was like labour all over again and the after contractions, f*** me! x
Ok now I'm shitting it!!!! How long till we feel normal again!?!?
I decided to leave work early, so tired even though I felt like I got an ok nights sleep. I want to have a nap, but at the moment i just want to eat everything.

I saw that article earlier. Terrifying. I was saying to my mate last night that while I'm scared of the thought of labour, im not terrified as I expect my body, or the docs to take over. I am more terrified about after the labour and my body getting back to 'normal'. Esp with people wanting to visit, and needing to look after the baby.

Feeling pretty grumpy today. Its the summer ball on the camp where I woke and last year I went with my husband, dressed up, drank loads, had fun. This year we're not going, he's still away, I cant drink, and im fed up. I know im being irrationally grumpy but I can't help it.

Hi Megan- great to hear from you. Hope all is good with you and your pregnancy x
I'm with you on that Amy, I've been stressing about visitors during the first week as OH family is huge and they'll all want to visit....my family is tiny and understanding that I want time to adapt to new routine and survive the first week without visitors disrupting us.

Welcome to the group Megan :)

I can't believe there's only 10 or so weeks left. Baby is always wriggling around and at times I can't quite believe that there's a real little person in there and in a couple of months that little person will be here in this house.....such a strange thing to get my head around.

I had my job centre appointment and things should be sorted within 2 weeks. Also the lady gave me the form for the sure start maternity grant, once that comes through I will then be able to go a buy the final few essentials :) such a relief!

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