October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Yay, this is all very exciting digital. I hope they have beds. Let us know whats going on as you can.

We put Izzy in her Moses basket in her cot for a few of her evening naps last night. It was bliss. She took to it so well, and we had peace of mind from the baby monitor. She was in there from about 1800-2030 and then 2130-0100. We were able to have some grown up time and wine (although I then paid for it during the nighttime feeds!) When we went to bed we just moved her in her basket back to our room. Hoping to do the same tonight and get into a lose routine doing that in the evenings and having a bedtime routine.

How's everyone else doing?x
Good luck digital!
I was the same calling up for my induction, praying they would have beds free!

How did everyone else find the clock change? I though she would be a nightmare, but she woke at her usual 5:30/6am, where I just put her in bed with me, until I have the energy to feed her around 7!
Been away for the weekend, with my mum babysitting - and DTD for the first time since the birth!
Heyyy finally had my little boy, we’ve named him Elijah :) He only weighed 8lbs6, the exact same as my first. Labour was super quick, I was induced at 10am, 3cm at 2pm and I had him at 3.40 in the pool. We got discharged the same day too so really happy with everything.

Not sure how I’m doing with the feeding, he wanted to be fed constantly from 11-4 last night and I don’t think my latch is very good but hoping the midwife can help with that later.

Hope you’re all well xx
Yay. Congratulations digital, and the labour sounds pretty great. I love the name, and what a good size (and not giant!)
I can't really help on the breastfeeding stuff as I'm expressing and using bottles, but I'm sure you're doing great and he's just picking up the whole feeding thing.

We had a good night. Had a nice bath and bed time routine. She slept in her moses basket in her cot from 2000-0000 and then came into our room. She ate at 0000, 0330 and 0630, and got back to sleep after fairly well. Just hoping she now gives me the time to express and have some breakfast x
Congratulations Digital !! Sounds like an easy ( if there is such thing haha) quick labour ! Love the name too x
Amy glad Izzy is on her own moses and you have already a schedule set up . With Luca is different story haha, his favourite time to be awake is between 03 30 and 7-8 am so I usually end up crying from being exhausted haha. We have been to doc today as he hve a rash and they changed the formula as they suspect a cow milk allergy. Still pumping max 40-50 ml like 4 times per day and I am not very hopeful of increasing my milk supply. I feel a bit of a failure and guilty for not trying more but I have to carry on . Sorry for the rant and hope everyone is doing well x
Congrats digital! Only just an October baby, lol!

Ahh, maybe us lot shouldn't be in the pregnancy section anymore - pregnancy seems a million years ago!
Congratulations digital only just caught up again!! In between exhaustion and feeding am still not in a routine of any kind he demand feeds so during the day it is constant and that with the 4am colic am struggling! Hope you are all well xx
Any ladies still here in 2018???

Feel free to add me on Facebook if it's easier to keep in contact!!!! Olivia Rose, I live in London and my profile picture is of my partner and I :) I'm blonde...He's not :lol:

Wish you all the best ladies. Thank you for sharing my pregnancy journey :)

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