October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Being reliant on someone else for money is hard and a new concept for me which I think makes it harder. Once baby is here, I won't have time to sit around thinking about it so it should be easier.

I had a dream last night that I had the baby (a girl) and I was holding her under my jumper to keep her warm...then she disappeared and I was too scared to tell OH so I pretended she was still under my jumper....what could it mean? :lol:
Morning all

What a weekend, spent the whole weekend with my OH family for his mothers birthday so needless to say am happy to be in work now! Am so shattered am just not sleeping at all, I can't find a comfy position, is anyone else finding this? I am having roughly 3 hours a night on a good night!

Jumping in on the conversations... I don't carry my note, they are so big I don't have a big enough bag to carry it everywhere lol! Still not ordered my bag but I am picking bits up as and when I see offers, everyone tells me Aldi nappies are brilliant so have bought a few packs of them and just been storing in the 'nursery'..... Had a massive scare this morning when I realised I am having a baby in potentially 11 weeks time, when I think back to how scared we all were in the beginning and that wanting to get to 12 weeks then 20 then 24 and now am like WOAH SLOW DOWN!! Am not ready ha ha

Happy birthday ladies by the way :)

My little man is off on his school trip today for the week, I realised yesterday that I won't see him now until two nights before we go away, so was amad panic to check everything still fits him so I can pack, why am I leaving everything so last minute!!

My OH seems to be nesting more than me, caught him yesterday scrubbing the oven, he did all the weeds in the garden and put stones down, cleaned microwave etc so am just letting him do that ha ha x
I'm struggling to sleep too, last night I didn't sleep til 1am and then I kept waking up with cramp in my leg and at 5am I woke up feeling wide awake! It's nice to be up early and not feel too exhausted but it will hit me later on and I'm in work til 9 tonight.

Movements are all of a sudden a lot stronger, I've been kicked in the ribs a few times already today - always fun! Somebody at work called me 'heavily pregnant' the other day, I think the look I gave scared them haha.

Oh dear, what a couple of days..crazy!

Girls I can see you have so much energy I might need some unpacking and cleaning the house as well haha. Now really, I am so tired and so slow I can barely do something, we sleep on the mattress at the moment as my hubby works so many hours and doesn't have time to assemble the bed frame. Not complaining much as is really comfortable.

I put my notes in my bag yesterday just in case.

Olivia I do understand the feeling , in the beginning of our relationship I did not worked for one year. I left my job and the area I was leaving and left to leave with my current husband. It was extremely hard to ask for money and I have done it for us! I see it as a normal thing to supportive with you as you are carrying his baby . Hope you sort out the maternity pay as soon as possible.

Probably I will need to start buying some nappies to stock up as I always leave everything for the last moment and this time I want to be organised and not to stress out in the last moment about something.

I had to re-book midwife appt for Wednesday as I have been so busy and completely forgot.

I could fall asleep!

I have been following the July, Aug and Sept mummy threads, I wonder who will be first out of us guys? Are we going to continue with the thread in a different forum? Will be good to see them grow when we have been through the journey together in a sense!!

Need sleep.......... x
I am sooooo tired today. I know I slept last night but I feel like I was tossing and turning all night. I just cant get comfortable. I'm also feeling really short of breath today. Its probably just the effect of the rapidly decreasing space within me. Got my MW appt tomorrow so I'll mention it then. I'm sure everything fine, but the heat today is not helping. I've told my boss if its stays hot and/or I'm short of breath I'll not be going into London for meetings.

But on the bright side I had the blind for the nursery delivered (and it looks like the right size so yay for my measuring) and my changing bag.

I think it would be nice to keep chatting afterwards. It will be nice to see everyone's little ones grow, and have people to ask questions to/get advice from x
I think the May mummies have set up a thread in the baby and toddler section, so they can all post in one place on there - maybe we should do something like that...

I'm struggling to sleep at the mo - I keep ending up on my back, lying there thinking how bad it is meant to be, but how I can't be arsed to move! If I have my pregnancy pillow on my left, to encourage me on my left, that's fine, but every time I roll that way, I have a really sudden urge to pee! I think I roll right onto my bladder, or baby pushes on it. I just want to lie on my front, God damn it!
I fell asleep at about 2130, but someone messaged me at about 2245 and woke me up. Now I'm awake, hot, grumpy, and have that thing were you've woken up too soon and feel a bit sick. Urgh, who texts a pregnant woman that late?! Grrrr
Would be really nice to have a thread in the baby and toddler section after so we can keep in touch and see how everyone in getting on.

I am sleep deprived at the moment. Yesterday left work at 15:00 as my boss saw me falling asleep. Felt extremely exhausted as the day before we moved many of our stuff and went to sleep at 1 am and woke up at 5 am. We have just one car and I need to start work when my husband is starting. This week he is starting at 6 so everyday I am up at 5 am. Last night I did not get much sleep either so looking forward to finish earlier.

I am really struggling to do everything and I feel I just want to cry of how much I need to do. Anyway we will get there until baby is born but it is hard not to stress. All I want is to get some sleep and relax...

Midwife appt tomorrow, hope bloods were fine.

Anyone's feet swollen ? Mine are swollen and hurting atm. They were usually getting better and now seem to be like that constantly.

I wonder how is ladybugs she did not posted in a while.

Good luck with midwife appt today Amy

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Morning x

Yeah I am still not sleeping great I think he must wake me in the night as I jump up and go the loo so not sure if he has kicked me awake? Has anyone else been having restless leg syndrome? x

My ankles swell most days yeah, the one used to swell anyway from when I was run over, never healed, but now it becomes quite painful if I can't elevate it, god knows what I will be like in the heat next week in Portugal! If I am allowed to go of course x
All fine at the 28w appt. Gave me details to call for antenatal classes, listened to hb and measured me. Currently measuring at 27. Puts baby under the 50th percentile, but she wasn't worried and I'm not surprised as I've always been small. Baby was head down, but she says they move so much at the moment that they really don't care about that for a while.
Had a quick chat about backache,shortness of breath, etc but she said it all sounds pretty normal.

My ankles haven't been too bad, but I do try and keep them up on my footrest at work and then on a footstool at home. I'm sure going to London tomorrow will make them swell though.

Hope everyone else is having a good day x
Just catching up! :)

Flick, I hope your weekend with MIL wasn't too taxing!!! Also, how have you got your OH to start nesting!? Share the secret! I need to know haha

I decided to pick up some nappies as they were on offer in local asda, I got 44 newborn size 1 pampers for £3 and also a 77 pack of asdas own little angel nappies in size 1....how many size 1 do you think we will need? I have no idea how many nappies babies go through a day as I'm a FTM!!

I also wondered who will be the first out of us to introduce our LO's to the group! Keeping in touch after will be lovely :) I'd love to see how our LO's get on and the characters they turn into.

I find sleeping ok....a bit uncomfortable as I can't roll over anymore and if I roll onto my back in the night, I wake up and feel very ill!! So I try and stay on my left side which isn't a problem as I have always slept on my left side :) my ankles are ok overall.....at times my feet look slightly swollen but I think that's because the extra weight is flattening them out haha

Hope everyone's midwife appointments went well. I had my GTT today and almost passed out during the first blood test as I hadn't eaten for 13hours!! Will get the results tomorrow. Has anyone else had the GTT?
Morning x

Glad midwife appt went well Amy, I have got mine today at midday.Very curious how much I will measure.

I did not had de GTT Olivia even if I wanted to, just to check the levels. Been eating far too many sweets this pregnancy and I am concerned my sugar levels must be high at the moment, however midwife was not concerned last time when I mentioned.

Had an awful evening with a lot of pain in my left low area. Surely the baby is lying there as it is swollen compared to the rest of the bump , been in such pain I wanted to cry. Is anyone getting a lot of strange noises from the belly?My one rumbles quite loud and strange I start to get concerned, never had that before.

It was raining all night with thunders and lighting and without curtains I have a good view until the morning. How I wish I could have slept in today. Friday can't come fast enough..

Morning all,

Olivia, weekend with the OH family was a delight (please please note the massive sarcasm dripping from that sentence........ ;))! I have no idea why or how he is nesting but am not going to say anything to him as it may break the spell lol

Nappies wise, they say around 12 changes a day for new borns (but bear in mind the accidents!!), I know when I had Jackson some days would be 10 nappies other days would be 20, depends on what they do, he always had a habit of as soon as I put a clean nappy on he would poop! He also had a skill of peeing into his ear when I took his nappy off (boys tend to pee as soon as air hits their little bits lol)

I had the gestational test a few weeks back, he went mental after that god awful drink! But it was following that test that I had nothing from him then went to hospital! Am shocked that I didn't get a call the amount of sweets I consume!!

I keep getting told that my bump has dropped, or that I have popped, does anyone else get these comments? I have just been told I have the most gorgeous bump (not sure I have seen a hideous one so not sure what that means lol) x

For some reason work have turned the air con off, I know it is cloudy outside but really, it is July! Am sweltering already, today is going to be one of them days x
Oh gosh I forgot all about wee fountain boys do! I wasn't expecting it with my first and he managed to wee all over his own face when he was 3 days old, I was flapping about trying to clean his face up and he pooped everywhere! Fairly sure I used about 10 nappies in that change alone haha.

I'm off to a christening this weekend, btw whoever it was that gave me the serephine recommendation thank you so much! I tried on a lot of store dresses that almost had me in tears and decided to order one from there last minute because I'd given up and the fit and material is lovely :)

Good luck with the appointment today Allysa x

Hey, just came back from midwife which left me concerned even if they tried to tell me all is normal.

Bloods were fine but they found some traces in my urine which can indicate an infection and I will need to get a sample to my surgery to get it checked. Blood pressure went up, but she says it is still in the normal limit and nothing to worry. And the measurements , well I am measuring 31 but still puts the baby till under the 50th percentile which says is fine. Again they were not too concerned they say we will see at the next appt which is on 7th August. Oh, and baby is head down but as he is moving a lot he can still change his position.

Feeling tired and low at the moment and I might take some days off work to rest..
One of the American mums uploaded a table which has a rough stab at number of nappies needed (or diapers!) I have no idea how accurate it is as I'm a FTM too. It wont let me upload from here but I'll try and do it when I'm home from my tablet.
I didn't have to have the GTT, no indicators for needing it. I also have none of the obvious risk factors for 'a massive bleed post birth'. Good to know but I'll wait to high 5 myself after birth if everything is ok!

I've been booked on the antenatal classes. For me they run once a week in the 34, 35, & 36 week. It will soon come round though, scary!
Not sure my OH has ever changed a nappy. That will be funny.

I got woken up by thunder at about 2330. It was so loud. Then we had loads of lightening and torrential rain. Then I was awake at 0430. Great.

Allysa- no tummy rumbling apart from my own! x
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Just seen your message Allysa, sorry your feeling low. All sounds fine with the checks and I'm sure if they were concerned they would send you for a scan. We are all different and will all measure differently. I'm sure you're absolutely perfect for you.
As for the urine sample I think they expect things to be off sometimes as we are having so many hormonal changes and making so much discharge (or I am anyway, sorry tmi).
But if you're feeling tired definitely take some time off. I took last Thursday as I hadn't slept, and am definitely taking advantage of working flexible hours.x
So I did a comparison as I keep being told how huge I am for 29 weeks, what do you ladies think?? Be honest xx 23 v 29 weeks

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