October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I am experiencing the same kicks today Allysa......so strong and all over the place. Lovely bump pic!!

Really isn't long left now ladies!!
Looking good Allysa. Your bump looks a similar size to mine, but maybe a bit lower?
I'm the opposite of you- I couldn't be bothered to get undressed to go for a shower. Took ages to gather the energy.
This is my 27w 2d, evening, post dinner bump and bloat. It's definitely a lot bigger in the evening than the mornings.

Exciting news on the cot bed and car seat. I will order my cot bed when hubby is back as I cant deal with it sitting in the hallway til then.

Has any got/is anyone getting a changing bag and got any good recommendations? Makes? Or key features that are really useful? I love my handbags so I want something I love as will be using it all the time. Don't want anything too girly, and I don't want to be hunting for things in the bottom of the bag constantly. xx


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Not sure why that uploaded on the side. Sorry.
I meant to say I feel like my tummy is full of limbs, or a big snake. No big kicks but just a lot of movement in there. It seems to span a big area now too.

I've ordered the above bag (not sure if link will work) - but I didn't pay £50 for it!
I git it from amazon on their prime day on Monday for £27!! I thought you can't go wring fir that...it arrived today (along with an angelcare nappy bin!), and it looks lovely. Hubby didn't realise it was a baby bag, just thought I bought myself a new handbag! It's got loads of compartments, changing mat, bottle insulated holder, another small pouch and a clear one for dirty/wet things I think...it has a shoulder strap, normal straps and 2 clips to clip it around the pram.

I've just been ordering stuff on the next sale - I need to stop it! I've come to terms with the fact she has plenty of newborn and 0-3 clothes, so all these clothes are 3-6, lol!
This is my changing bag, it's nearly 4 years old and still in really good condition so I really rate the Babymel bags :)


Love the changing bag digital. I need to get a changing bag....i really must start looking

Arm is aching today, not as bad as I thought but still an annoying ache.

Bump looks good Amy. Is anyone using any oil or creams to help prevent stretch marks? If so, what are you using?
I love the Babymel ones too, they just look quite expensive so was looking around. However given how much I'll be using it its not really that much....trying to justify in my own mind! The changing bag feels like a much bigger commitment than the pram- haha!

I've been using a fair amount of moisturiser lately in the hope it will be preventative. After a shower I cover myself in it- usually just an Avon one, either the pot of intensive stuff or the cocoa butter one. Then when I go to bed, and then just before I leave for work I put some of the Palmer's Stretch Marks Massage Lotion on my bump and back. I've found that lasts forever. I got two bottles when I first found out I was pregnant and Im still on the first one. I have also found it helps if I get a bit itchy, esp when it was hot x
I did take a look at the pink lining (I think they're called) changing bags....but they seemed so expensive! One of the girls from the October group on Facebook found a website which sell pre packed hospital bags and the bag is an actually changing bag. There's quite a few different designs of bags and 3 different bundle options for the stuff inside. The most expensive is £57 or £59 and comes with all toiletries and little things we made need during labour and hospital stay. Also contains some baby items (babygro , sleepsuit, blanket etc) I'm going to buy one :)
://www.goodies4mummies.co.uk here's the link if any of you wanna take a look. I'm going for the soft grey faux leather bag although I do love some of the other designs but I know OH wouldn't be seen dead carrying them haha so the grey one will work for us :)
Will order it next week. Then I just have to add clothes and maternity notes and I'm ready for hospital :)
I think my Babymel one was £50 at the time which I thought was ridiculous for a changing bag but it's lasted really well for my son and I'll be using it again so feel I've got my money's worth :)

Eep hospital bags and stuff! I don't even have my pram ordered oops, I've been lured in by the shiny new Mamas and Papas Ocarro but I need to wait til next week so I can go view it coz there's no stores near me :(

I was about to rent a pool for the birth but my midwife just informed me that they bring everything with them, I just need to supply a hose, towels and biscuits haha.

Morning all,

Olivia am loving that page, I also picked the grey faux leather one, will order that tomorrow on pay day, what a bargain that is, will prob swap some stuff out but the bag I had found was £50 with nothing lol just hope it is good quality that is the only thing, you wonder if something can be that cheap is it the best quality? x

Another sleepless night, am really struggling to get comfortable and it is making me so exhausted all the time! Got my sons leavers performance this afternoon, its his last week and a bit at Juniors before he starts seniors, where has the time gone!

Got a weekend with the in laws this weekend, really can't be bothered with it, they just ignore me, ignore am pregnant, don't give a sh1t about my son etc so am really looking forward to it as you can tell! But needs must, my partner owes me big time for this lol

My work just informed me that I only have 7 working weeks left until I finish (am off for two weeks so technically still 9 but they don't include them) so am freaked out now! How is time going so fast, I remember the first trimester and I was willing the time away to get to the safe points and now am like 'woah slow down please.........' x
Does anybody have a clue which way their babies are laying? At my 20 week scan baby was head down and I felt kicks quite high up but last night I felt some huge movement and now it feels as though baby is laying across my stomach? When does their position become a problem? X

Edited to add a bump pic, I think the change of position has made me huge again?!
Yes Flick, I agree about the quality but even if it lasts me for 6 months, it'll be worth it (considering how much it'll be used) I won't be ordering mine till next month :( financially can't afford it at the moment.

The time is going way too quick, especially when you're figuring out finances and pay days!!!!

Digital, at each scan baby was breech and at my appointment on Tuesday, midwife said baby was head down. I always ask as I'm curious :) I am unsure about when it becomes an issue. I'd say ask midwife when you next see her.

I have no energy today just want to sleeeeeep but got house work to do and have to go to the bank :(
yeah my baby is breech, my midwife thought he was head down but he is head up and wrong way round lol trust him to be awkward! x
When I went for my scan at 22w she was breech, then at 24w appt she was transverse. MW says it doesn't matter at the mo. I think she said it starts to matter from 36w, but I cant be sure if I'm remembering right.

Thanks for the bag link, going to have a look now, otherwise I may have decided x
Hey, had my 28 wk appt today, I'm measuring bang on, 28cm, so 50th centile.
Baby is low down, which I knew, she always has been, dont think ive had one kick higher than my belly button!
But she is lying transverse at the mo, so my bump has shrunk a bit. This happened with my daughter, so I got sent for a growth scan but it was all because of her position.

Can't believe the next appt is 3 weeks away!
God job I have a 4d scan next weekend to keep me going, lol!
Great appt Lea. Cant believe we're on to 28w appts already. Looking forward to mine next week.

Just ordered my bag. Went for the Babymel Grace in grey. My cousin has the tan one and she loves it. I wanted something that works as a handbag too. Very excited to get it.

When I get home from work all I want to do is put my sweats on, veg and eat. Its fine if that's my life for the next 13w isn't it?!x


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Nice changing bag Amy

Good to hear all was well Lea :) next appointment is 31 week! Although I may need another before then to discuss what's happening as I'm so huge ;)

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