October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I have a friend whose little girl is one today - but she was due 19th October! She has overcome a lot of problems and people didn't think she would make it, but here she still is. It makes you think doesn't it....fingers crossed we will all keep cooking for a bit longer. I don't mind being a bit early, but please wait till September!

Wow, it does make you think doesn't it. My OH is going away from 19th of August till the 30th of August and I keep thinking something could happen while he's away. Want to make sure I have everything sorted before he goes away.

Hope everyone is doing ok. This thread is so quiet as not everyone is here yet....
Thanks Amy, I am officially in trim 3 from today! 27 weeks ..so exciting!

I got the weekly mail from babycentre saying that my baby 's survival now would be 90% which made me feel a bit better. Not that I want him now, I want him put and nicely growing inside until his due date :D

We been busy, my husbund is painting the house, we have furniture delivered yesterday, crazy ! And this heat make me feel so dizzy, I am not a good help at all

I'm in denial that I'm in tri 3, lol!

Got mw appt at 28 weeks next week, wonder when we will start to discuss birth plans and stuff.

I was making some arrangements with friends for mid September and I thought, if I'm early like with my daughter, I would have my baby by then - eek!!
I too have my 28 week appointment on Tuesday and then my whooping cough vaccine. I believe midwife is taking bloods and will start measuring me. I was also wondering when or if birth plan will be discussed or do we just get on with it? Nothing's been mentioned so far
Evening ladies sorry I've not been keeping up with you all I promise I will be around more now! Hope everyone is well and all bumps are growing nicely xxx
Glad to hear all is well Vicki :)

Just wondering where Flick has got to....hope all is ok!!
Here I am! YAY!
Can't believe this is the start of tri 3. Crazy. xx
Had a really awful dream last night that I ended up in hospital, and they said they would book me in for a C section the next day!!
It was really vivid...got a day off today to start getting nursery ready and also pick up the buggy!
I've got one from distant family, which is a britax 3 wheeler, with car seat, and it's quite big, but really light and comfy to push, prob best suited for when a bit older and for dog walks, etc. It's in perfect condition, the tyres still have the little hairs on it!
The new one I'm picking up today is from mothercare, and will be all shiney and new! And then stuck in the garage until it's needed!
Hope flick is ok too...
Morning everyone,

I have put this in both threads as I noticed you were asking x thank you

I kept meaning to respond over the weekend but it has been a bit of a manic one! I ended up calling the midwife at about 1.30 on Friday as I had a sugar drink and nothing was working. They told me to lie down for an hour and see, if nothing then ring back, so I rushed home and went straight up to bed and lay down, nothing happened so I rang them again and they told me to go straight down. Did the norm of urine, blood pressure etc then hooked me up to a monitoring machine and his heart beat was nice and strong, phew, she could hear him kicking but I wasn't feeling anything so we think the placenta has moved. Was in for an hour while they checked that the rhythm was ok and that there was no other issues, told me I am still low risk and that if am ever concerned again just go straight down, don't wait or wonder, just go, so that made me feel better as I was so worried about time wasting etc but I just couldn't relax and was crying in work etc... so I am glad I went. Have had some movement but it is mainly inside movement like it feels like it is in my pelvis? Then the odd kind of elbow poking out my side but nothing at the front anymore so odd that he has gone from being a bruiser to a butterfly but I will take anything for reassurance!

I hope you are all ok, am just about to catch up on the July thread now am also watching the Aug and Sept thread, can't believe there is only 86 days to go, feels so scary when I start to think about it! We collected the car seat, steriliser, monitor and then some other bits and bobs (bottle brush, nipple cream lol etc) so I spent all day Saturday sorting the whole room out and sorting out a big box of stuff from the kids bedrooms for car boot etc so feeling a bit more accomplished at the moment, and I have slept, Friday night I was in bed by 9, my face hurt from crying and stressing so much so I slept like a log!

I am so far 18lb heavier, am not sure if that is baby or me, everyone tells me am all bump and they can't tell I have put on any weight etc but I feel huge! Will wait and see! It does say online that between 15 and 24lb or something at this point is normal so am ok with the weight gain just hope it comes off as easy as it is going on! x
Yay, glad you are ok flick. When one is goes awol, we all start to panic, lol!

For anyone else that has a child already, please tell me I'm not the only one who is going through her clothes (age 4-5, she has now outgrown) and storing them?! I feel a bit mad keeping these clothes for the next 4 years, but decent stuff, and coats from next and shoes from clarks, I just want to get more use out of them. I suppose it's one of the perks of having 2 the same gender. She will still get lots of new clothes as well, I'm making her sound like a right hand-me down kid already!
Yay, glad you are ok flick. When one is goes awol, we all start to panic, lol!

For anyone else that has a child already, please tell me I'm not the only one who is going through her clothes (age 4-5, she has now outgrown) and storing them?! I feel a bit mad keeping these clothes for the next 4 years, but decent stuff, and coats from next and shoes from clarks, I just want to get more use out of them. I suppose it's one of the perks of having 2 the same gender. She will still get lots of new clothes as well, I'm making her sound like a right hand-me down kid already!

Ha no I would too apart from there is a nearly 12 year age gap between my boys so am thinking the fashion will change! It makes me laugh when I look back to how I was dressed as a kid and now how my son is dressed or my step daughter etc... the fashion is certainly much kinder now lol x
My OH has a son who is 13....he has kept most of his toys and clothes...although I don't mind using some of it, I will also be buying new. He'll be gutted if it's a girl haha
So pleased to hear everything is ok Flick, we were getting worried then. I found that the hosp staff were lovely too, and there was no suggestion that I was wasting anyone's time. I felt like I was, but they said we should always check every time we're worried. Sounds like you had a productive weekend after that.

I've just had kidicare deliver my pram and carry cot! No sign of the car seat though. They're delivery system is appalling, I will never use again. But I was very excited to get what I did. I built it to male sure it was all ok, and then took it apart and put it back in the boxes so I can store it in the garage until needed.

I'm a FTM but my kid will be the 'hand me down kid' as I've been given so much. So pleased to not have to spend the money, esp as there are plenty of other things we need to buy (car, etc) xx
Flick so pleased all was ok with the baby.

Glad you have your pram delivered after all, Amy.

Again busy day and I feel knackered. I am meant to do so many things atm but I am just too tired!I thought we were supposed to feel energetic at some point? Cause I totally missed that part of pregnancy.

I feel a lot of kicks on the sides and under the ribs, quite high so really confused of his position. feeling so heavy already, I barely move and get breathless like he is squeezing my lungs. Wasn't supposed to complain as I would endure anything for him, sorry for the rant.

Decided today to go on materity on 22nd September, at 37 week if everything goes fine.I will take 2 weeks anual leave ang go on maternity from his due date.

I just realised I need so many things to buy so better put myself back on track

Sounds like a good plan Allysa, and that's the day I am planning on finishing work too. I'm going to take 2 weeks leave and then the Mat Leave will start. I'm hoping that I'll be fine working up til then as I will be staying in the office by then and not travelling to meetings. Also my husband will be working in the same building so he can drive if I get uncomfortable.

My plan is to stock the freezer while I'm off. Making loads of stuff that we can eat once Dave appears and disrupts everything!x
I'm going to finish at 36 weeks, the 3rd September...daughter arrived at 36+4, so fingers crossed will have enough time!

I had to call the midwife today - I had a nosebleed, not a massive one. The only time I've ever had one before was a week before my daughter came and when my blood pressure went up/pre-eclampsia. I checked my blood pressure when I got home and it was still fairly low...the midwife phoned me back and as I'm seeing someone on Thursday, she wasn't too bothered. Basically said that if there was anything, they would pick it up on Thursday, and said I would have other symptoms. I did try and tell her I didn't have any other symptoms before, it was picked up at a routine appt, but not sure she believed me!

Feeling pretty crap and uncomfortable tonight. No appetite, but thirsty, and always needing the loo. Hoping I feel better tomorrow...
I have no energy either. So sleepy all the time. I have 28 week appointment in the morning so will discuss with midwife then.

Good to hear about delivery Amy, shame it wasn't the full delivery! Although we have just had the same from mothercare. We ordered a mattress, pushchair, car seat and colour pack....only the mattress and colour pack turned up :( will give them a call tomorrow to see what's happened.

How's everyone sleeping at night? I'm struggling....i'll drift off for an hour or so then I'm wide awake :( too uncomfortable all the time. Anyone else experiencing hot flushes? I get really hot all of a sudden and sometimes feel faint then it'll pass....
I was up at 4 a.m, disturbed by a mosquito ! I was so angry cause I woke up until then at least 3 times for the loo and could not go back to sleep. Again looking like a zombie, all night I am turning from one side to the other one as my shoulders start hurting and trips to the toilet. Olivia I also get the hot flashes and a new thing..itchy hands! Basically I almost ripped my skin of last night, hands start to get itchy in the evening, really need to get a cream for it.

Glad all was well Lea and is better to get checked . Good plan to go on maternity at 36 weeks due to being a little early last time.

Another July baby was born! Can't wait for our turn ladies :D

Ok ladies, worried!!

Had my midwife this morning, baby hasn't changed measurement since 3 weeks ago so have to have an emergency scan to check within the next couple of days, plus he is already head down, I feel like this pregnancy is just going to be none stop worry!

I am hoping to get to 15th Sept for finishing for maternity but am now worried anything could happen, urgh it just feels like one thing after another at the moment x
I'm sure you will be fine flick, I got sent fir a growth scan on my last and it was because she had decided to lie transverse so my bump had shrunk!
And I feel this one is head down too - from my manic research when people were telling me my bump had dropped, it seems it's no indicator as to when you are going to go into labour. They are literally just in position earlier than others.

I've got my mw appt in 2 days, I've got loads of stuff to chew her ear off about!
I'm starting to prepare now - feel mental, but makes me feel as prepared as I can be, over a situation I have no control over! X
Keep us updated x

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