Morning everyone,
I have put this in both threads as I noticed you were asking x thank you
I kept meaning to respond over the weekend but it has been a bit of a manic one! I ended up calling the midwife at about 1.30 on Friday as I had a sugar drink and nothing was working. They told me to lie down for an hour and see, if nothing then ring back, so I rushed home and went straight up to bed and lay down, nothing happened so I rang them again and they told me to go straight down. Did the norm of urine, blood pressure etc then hooked me up to a monitoring machine and his heart beat was nice and strong, phew, she could hear him kicking but I wasn't feeling anything so we think the placenta has moved. Was in for an hour while they checked that the rhythm was ok and that there was no other issues, told me I am still low risk and that if am ever concerned again just go straight down, don't wait or wonder, just go, so that made me feel better as I was so worried about time wasting etc but I just couldn't relax and was crying in work etc... so I am glad I went. Have had some movement but it is mainly inside movement like it feels like it is in my pelvis? Then the odd kind of elbow poking out my side but nothing at the front anymore so odd that he has gone from being a bruiser to a butterfly but I will take anything for reassurance!
I hope you are all ok, am just about to catch up on the July thread now am also watching the Aug and Sept thread, can't believe there is only 86 days to go, feels so scary when I start to think about it! We collected the car seat, steriliser, monitor and then some other bits and bobs (bottle brush, nipple cream lol etc) so I spent all day Saturday sorting the whole room out and sorting out a big box of stuff from the kids bedrooms for car boot etc so feeling a bit more accomplished at the moment, and I have slept, Friday night I was in bed by 9, my face hurt from crying and stressing so much so I slept like a log!
I am so far 18lb heavier, am not sure if that is baby or me, everyone tells me am all bump and they can't tell I have put on any weight etc but I feel huge! Will wait and see! It does say online that between 15 and 24lb or something at this point is normal so am ok with the weight gain just hope it comes off as easy as it is going on! x