October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Officially October ! Not too many babies left to be born from our group though .
I made it to 39 weeks today and I so hope my baby will come soon too ..
I believe everyone is busy with the little ones now ! Amy hope Isabelle is feeling better and back in the ward with you .
Lea well done for establishing a feeding routine already and ladies with todlers ... All respect , I do not know how you can manage but I might find out too in a few years .
How is everyone still waiting for babies ?

Morning ladies.
Happy Oct. Cant wait to see the true 'Oct babies'!
I'm feeling a bit better today- had some lovely MWs who now have me on paracetamol and ibuprofen, which seems to be helping with the pain (either starting to heal or preventing me from feeling!) Got about 6hrs sleep even with waking to express. Just up now and taking my drugs, then I will waddle over to see Isabelle. I am really hoping that when the Drs there do their rounds they will send her over to the ward with me. I want to be with her all the time but have also been told by my MWs that I need to relax and rest to let myself heal- would be so much easier to do that with her here.

Congrats on the 39w Allysa, you are so nearly there. Make the most of any sleep and comfortable sitting that you get!xx
How long will you be in for Amy?

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I'm feeling very uncomfortable. Constant back pains and contractions. Due date on Tuesday and my 40 week appointment for my sweep but I'm unsure if I'll accept it.....

How you feeling Allysa?
I was actualy thinking how are you feeling Olivia . I am good, Having tightenings - to be honest I am not sure if they are contractions or BH, a bit painful also . Today I have started to feel a lot down there , pressure and pains and generally uncomfortable . However , I managed to spend the day shopping for curtains in John Lewis so I believe I am not that bad ?
I was really hoping to be early , but just one week left till due date .
Almost there Olivia , I don't know what to say about sweep .. I do want to go naturally but on the other hand I just want the baby out . Just see how you feel until Tuesday x

I am also having random tightenings, unbelievable amounts of pressure in my back ( hope it's not a sign that I'll experience back labour!!!) And achey period type pains that come and go. I have no idea if these are irregular contractions or just BH. I found myself timing the cramps last night and they were every 8 and a half minutes for a couple of hours, I fell asleep and everything stopped.
I even found myself googling what contractions feel like. I know everyone says "You'll know when they begin" but I also read things from women who don't actually feel contractions until much further on in labour (5cm onwards etc) I feel so confused!!!!!! Doesn't help that there have been so many early babies in the Facebook group. I am the most pregnant in the group now!

Its also made me wonder if it could be possible that a woman couldn't naturally go into labour? I know I'm not late and will most probably go into labour within the next week but I am curious. 12 days overdue is the most they'll let me go (2 weeks from today)

Digital, how's things going?
Not sure how long we'll be in. Isabelle managed a really big breast feed at 1700 so that's great, but then her 2000 one was via the tube as she was so tired. I'm booked in to try and feed her at 0000, 0300 & 0600 so we'll see if she will take it. They've done a test for jaundice so I'm hoping the results for that and the other ones from Friday will be back tomorrow. Fingers crossed all is good and she can come over to the ward with me. I'm hoping if that's the case we will only be in for another day on the ward to check all is ok with us being left to our own devices. But who knows.

The fluid in my feet is terrible. They are so swollen and painful. Even more painful then my stitches at the mo! Having to go back and forth to the baby ward is agony on my feet and lady bits. I just want to be able to sit in bed or on a sofa with Isabelle and look after her in one place.

Olivia- sounds like it could be promising. Would you go for an epidural if the pain was really bad, or are you hoping to not? I've heard sweeps can be really painful, esp if your body isn't ready. Although being induced would be exactly the same, so it depends on whether you want to wait or try sooner. You can always ask them to try and then tell them to stop if its too uncomfortable. I was the same as you- wondered how I would know I was in labour if my waters didn't break, cos you reach a point where everything hurts. Sorry I cant help x
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Olivia I've been having the same with the tightenings and then it stopping when I go to sleep. I'm only 37+3 so I'm expecting this could go on for weeks, finding it extremely frustrating! I timed my tightenings for an hour before and they where 3 minutes apart but then eased off argh. I also lost some of or most of my plug 2 days ago but again I've heard this can replenish itself. I keep googling what the difference is between contractions and braxton hicks and I'm still none the wiser haha. I've also become really anti social, barely want to leave the house and will avoid it if I can :/

Amy I hope you have your girl back with you on the ward soon, it must be really draining and difficult being in there but you're doing amazing. You'll be home before you know it x

Thanks for all the lovely messages. Been to see Isabelle loads and she's been fine since. Hoping she'll be back on the ward with me tomorrow. Managed to express some milk and just been trying to breast feed- just need to work on the latch.

To the girls who have previously had to have an episiotomy- how long (roughly) did it take to heal/feel comfortable? I know its all different but a rough idea would be nice. I'm up and about and had a shower, but its pretty rough. Thanks x

Hey amy, it took me about a week to feel like I could stand up without tearing in two, am a week and 3 days down and although I have some pains it's nothing now, I am up and about, doing what I did before just get tired quicker, so it does get easier xx
Thanks for the info flick. Fortunately I haven't been feeling that bad, although it is starting to smart a bit now. I think that's due to the healing and the swelling around it reducing a bit. Makes it tighten a bit.

Had a bit of an up and down day yesterday. Started well. Isabelle was looking good and fed from me. All tests came back so the consultant discharged her from special care and sent her to us. Had a difficult day where she wouldn't feed right and ended up missing a full feed. They think she's a tiny bit jaundice so the lack of food is exacerbating that and making her too sleep to feed. So a vicious circle. And they think she might be a bit tongue tied. So last night they put her feeding tube back in. I was distraught. Hubby stayed overnight with us as she got to stay in my room and I've been expressing so we can feed her every three hrs. Managed one breastfeed partial feed.

Seeing a Dr today so we'll see what they say about it all. Was so hoping to go home today. Been in a week and really want to be out of here. Feels like we're one step forwards and two back at the mo. And we're all so tired. On the plus side my milk is increasing steadily.

Any news from Olivia and digital? I'm interested to know how a natural labour can start and what it feels like. Sending love to all mums, babies and mums-to-be today x
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It's my due date!!!!!!! 40 weeks today :) feels like a massive achievement to have got this far without intervention. I'm booked in for a sweep today and although I've been in a lot of pain for the past 2 weeks Due to how big I am and strain on my body.....im going to decline the sweep as I want to do this naturally, seen as I've come this far by myself!

Amy, I hope your little one gets well soon....it must be difficult to watch :( how are you recovering? How are you finding the hospital stay?

Hope you're doing ok Jordan

How's things Allysa and Digital???
Morning ladies and happy due date Olivia ! I think you are the first from us to get there :D
Oh Amy , I do hope Isabelle will feed better so you all could go home . Fingers crossed for good news from doctor today .You must be also exhausted for staying so long in the hospital .

I had period pains like and a back ache all night , woke up a couple of times and couldn 't go back to sleep because of the pain . It seems to ease off until the morning but I do get lots of pains .. and oh , the weight that strains on my body.. Wish he would come as soon as possible but also want him to be ready .
Good that you have decided about the sweep , as much as I want the baby after reading the procedure I am not very keen either on having a sweep .

I think it is just me , Olivia , Digital and Tealady still waiting haha . Anyway hpe that the girls from the beggining will also update as least to know how they are x

Have a great day xxx
Amy is she staying in your room with you now? Hope the doctors give you a treatment plan for the jaundice and tongue tie and then she'll perk up a bit. How are you finding expressing?

Woo Olivia! I think I feel the same about a sweep, I'm booked in for one at 40+3 but I think I'd like to give my body a little more time, the thought of it makes me cringe.

All braxton hicks etc have stopped with me but now I've caught the flu and been stuck in bed with a high temp and painful sinuses for the last two days. The last thing I want to do right now is go into labour!

Hope you're all well xx

Happy due date Olivia! It's meant to be mine too - instead I have an 11 day old, madness!!

We decided to get her officially registered today, to mark the occasion of her due date - so she now has a birth certificate and is all official.

First health visitor visit and we have tongue tie here too - can thank hubby for that, he has it quite badly and never had it looked at. She she put a referral in, and we should hear from the hospital directly. It's a simple snip, but younger they are the better.

I'm struggling with the lack of sleep - tho she only feeds once, she is unsettled a lot in between the feeds, and doesn't like being put down or held! Ordered a babymoov cosy dream pillow, so she feels a bit more snug in her Moses basket - will let you know how it goes....
Digital, I had regular BH and pains which all went away when I caught some cold virus almost 2 weeks ago. I think the body naturally puts labour on hold if you're sick. I feel much better now and the last few days I've had tightenings, pains and aches!

Allysa, I am also finding myself waking up due to period type aches throughout the night :( but they ease off by the morning.

Had my 40 week appointment! I declined the sweep and thought I've come this far without intervention....lets see what my body does! I have been told they'll let me go 12 days over (15th Oct) then they'll induce me - unless I decline ofcourse. Then it's daily monitoring!! If I don't go into labour naturally by then, then I'll accept the induction (I think)

Had to go food shopping after the appointment and I started to get pains and pressure (the pressure is immense!!!!) I've been timing them and they seem to be coming every 10 mins and lasting for a minute or so. If these are contractions....they don't feel how I thought they Would!!!!
I haven 't been sleeping all night , I am having such big pains which tend to became regular . Also started to pass out something which looks like the plug , it is almost pinkish but not a lot . I Hope they will not stop in the morning ..
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Oh gosh, exciting stuff Alyssa. Anything progress since then?

I've been a bit worried about movements, baby is deffo still moving but it seems like sometimes I have to really prod and poke him. I haven't had any really spontaneous active periods from him in a couple days. Everytime I go to text my midwife he moves a bit though so I don't know!

Olivia now when people ask you when baby is due you can tell them 'yesterday' and see the horrified look on their faces as if you're going to give birth in front of them haha. X

So on my due date we have been readmitted for jaundice :( came in for hearing test, which he passed, then had an appointment with the breast feeding team and they've cut his tongue tie but did a jaundice test and he is above the line so readmitted, feel so awful as his weight loss and jaundice are down to me and breast feeding so feeling so guilty :( x
Oh flick, please don't blame yourself. You have done everything you can for him, it's just some babies need some extra help. Your his mummy who bought him into this world, and no one is going to blame you for trying breastfeeding.
It's something that can be easily rectified, and you have given him the best start.
Poor you, having to go back to hospital though...but at least you can sort it out whilst you are in there. When I was on the ward, there was a lady in for something similar, baby was a good few days old and they had been re admitted, and she literally had someone supporting her breastfeeding the entire time - maybe a bit intrusive for some, but I bet it worked!
That's exciting Allysa, hopefully it means things are starting to happen for you! :D
Sorry to hear you feel so low Flick. This might be obvious but why would it be your fault that he had jaundice? Wishing him a speedy recovery bless.
What's everyone's engagement levels? I'm 3/5 (at 38 weeks now) but have been this figure for the past two weeks so it's as if the baby is stagnating and won't progress any further?
Hi ladies. Sorry for going quiet, but its been a busy day. Finally we are home, yay! Got discharged at about 1900. It feels so good to be home. We are automatically more relaxed. As we hit day 5 they did the heel prick tests there and finally took the tube out as we had had 24hrs of not needing to use it. We're now pretty set on me expressing and then us bottle feeding. It takes a bit longer but means she's feeding and we got to cone home. I've got an electric breast pump and have ordered a double one to turn up tomorrow. Already got bottles and milk bags as was planning on expressing if I wanted to go out/away. Means I need to get organised at the start but once we get a stock it will be good. I just feel so much less stressed now.

Flick- sorry to hear you are back in hosp but please don't blame yourself for the jaundice. Isabelle is jaundice as well and we fought so hard to get her home. They said that 50% of breastfed babies get jaundice and its not the mothers fault. The problem we found is that it made Isabelle tired so she wouldn't feed, so the jaundice got worse. Its one of the reasons I was so keen to express, just to get the milk in her.

Exciting stuff Olivia and Allysa. I cant wait to hear the next babies are here. I must put a pic of Isabelle on here. I couldn't in hosp as internet was hit and miss. Too tired at the moment but will try and do today after some sleep (got about 2.5hrs Las night) x
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