October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Amy how have you found the pessary overall? I've heard it's rather uncomfortable :(
I found the insertion really uncomfortable. I've always been fine with smear tests, coil insertion, etc but this was really uncomfortable. The pessary was uncomfortable for a bit and it made my lady bits swell loads. But once it was removed the swelling went down and the contractions calmed down quickly.

For other exams I had to have gas and air, but the pessary could have aggravated it. I'm still waiting to hopefully get moved to the delivery suite this evening and have my waters broken.

They said the same for me- no sweeps til 41w, but then allysa and I are in the same county x
Ohhh. Sounds uncomfortable :( I hope you will be moved soon and things can progress for you. If not, try to use the time to sleep - if possible!

I'm still getting period pain type dull aches and if it's even possible it feels like baby has dropped even more. There's so much more pressure down below. Feel like baby is going to drop out any minute Now!
Morning x
Sounds very uncomfortable Amy , hope you got moved to delivery suite or at least had a bit of rest.
Glad things starts for you too Olivia , I got a lot a pain in my right side and inside on top of my bottom(sorry tmi), so uncomfortable .. It is probably nothing but all these pains ..
Hope to hear baby news today x
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Allysa mine is nothing too! I am getting these period type aches and tightenings but baby is waaaaaay to comfortable in there haha

We are going for a walk today. Wanted to walk to my opticians appointments, walk to post office then around the park but I know this is very ambitious of me! I struggle to even get out of bed :lol: also want to pop into a photographer print place as they have a £50 newborn photo shoot for 2 hours and 1 free picture! Seemed very cheap compared to others! I got quoted £800 for someone to come to our home and take pictures....woupd cost more if we actually wanted the photos printed!!!! Am I the only one who thinks that waaaaay too expensive!?

I wonder how Jordan is......
Wrote a long message earlier but looks like it wasn't sent
Hope this quiet time here means that something is happening, I will be waiting for updates .

Still nothing going on here. Olivia, I walked a lot for the past 2 days but nothing yet, people on the streets were looking very strange at me like 'lady you are just about to pop what are you doing shopping ' loll.
800 quids is waaay to expensive for a newborn photo shoot if you ask me, 50 seems much more reasonable, quite cheap actually. I have been looking too into booking some photo shoot but decided to do it when baby is a few month
Feeling very emotional these days as we soon step into October..last October we got married and this October were waiting our little one, trying to have patience..
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Hey everyone sorry to not have posted sooner, the past few days have been an absolute whirlwind! Not had a chance to read through the previous posts but hopefully get caught up tonight with a wee glass of wine in hand....woohooo!

My gorgeous girl Isla was born on wednesday at 1756, it was mega quick, had my waters broken at 1655 and the contractions came fast and furious, even the midwifes were a bit shocked at how quick everything happened haha! Shes here and shes perfect weighing 7lb 9oz. Had an overnight in hospital on wed and got home yesterday afternoon, my house has been full since with all the family coming to see her!

Hope everyone else is keeping well, look forward to catching up later on.

Amy hope all went well and your ok!!
Huge congratulations Jordan!!! Another 'October' baby hehe, love the name Isla !
Glad everything went well and quick and you can finally hold your little one and drink wine .Hope your recovery will go smoothly and you are not in much pain after birth x
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Congratulations Jordan! So happy that you have your baby. I can't believe some of the October babies have come September babies :) How are you feeling physically?
Isabelle Elizabeth was born at 1404, weighing 6lb 15.5oz
From waters breaking to full dilation was pretty quick and fine. Had lovely MWs and a great epidural where I could still feel my legs and move them to move around. Pushed for a while but she wouldn't come so ended up in theatre for cut and forceps. But that was all absolutely fine and by that point I wanted it so much.

Lay for a while having skin to skin and trying to feed. Then she had an episode and it all went a bit wrong. She's in the special care baby unit at the mo but should be out in a few days. They are checking for infections but think it was just tiredness for her after the labour. I'm not surprised, I'm knackered. But obvs I was/am distraught and blaming myself. Back on labour ward but without her. Visited her twice though so a bit happier. And apparently she's been shouting her head off too so she seems fine.

Congratulations Jordan. That sounds amazing for you and I love the name. Hope you're enjoying your beautiful girl x
Congratulations Amy !! I am so happy for you ! What a beautiful name u have choosen also .You both need a good rest now , hope she will be with you soon x
Thank you allysa. She is so beautiful with her own personality shining through. I miss her already.
You're baby will be with you soon and you will love it.

My advice after it all- make sure you or OH are forceful with what you want. If you are in too much pain make sure they know and offer you more stuff or get dr. While you wont want to be demanding as they are busy, sometimes you have to be.
And after the birth if you or little one are knackered make sure someone watches you. And trust your instincts. If you're concerned pull that big alarm or scream for help. You might just save their life (and then spend the next 3 hrs inconsolable but so pleased you did). xx
Congratulations ladies on your arrivals :) I hope you're all recovering well. Lovely names you have picked!! Xx
Massive congrats Jordan! Beautiful name and enjoy that glass of wine, it's the best feeling! How are you all settling in at home?

Wow, amythomas, well done, you sound like you done brilliantly! She will be fine, she is in the right place, and you should be proud of yourself for realising something was not right.
You are right about being more demanding. I went through the worst pain imaginable, all in my back, and I really wish I had asked for an epidural. I was never even offered one, the word was never even mentioned....and now I feel like I could have saved myself a lot of distress, and that pain being the lasting memory of the birth.

Allysa, don't worry, you will be soon! One of these October babies has to come out in October, lol!
Congratulations both, another 2 'October babies' too eager to meet their mummy's! Noah is 1 week 1 day old, where has that week gone!!!

Can't wait for more baby news xx
Wow congratulations Amy and Jordan! Wishing you both a quick recovery, Amy I can't imagine going through that but you where in the right place, she'll be fine - I hope she's back with you soon xx

How are those of you with one week olds finding the routine? I'm nervous about having a newborn and doing the school run with my 3 year old every morning! X

Wow congratulations Amy and Jordan! Wishing you both a quick recovery, Amy I can't imagine going through that but you where in the right place, she'll be fine - I hope she's back with you soon xx

How are those of you with one week olds finding the routine? I'm nervous about having a newborn and doing the school run with my 3 year old every morning! X

We are doing a divide and conqor routine! Hubby will sort one out, and I sort the other. But I managed to take both on the school run - everything just takes a lot longer so leave plenty of time, lol!
I'm trying to get her into a routine at the mo, and it's going ok. We aim for feeds at 10am, 2pm, 6pm and 10pm. Then she will feed once in the night normally around 2-3. Then again in the morning, am trying to aim for 7, but was 0530 this morning! But that means we go back to sleep afterwards...
Thanks for all the lovely messages. Been to see Isabelle loads and she's been fine since. Hoping she'll be back on the ward with me tomorrow. Managed to express some milk and just been trying to breast feed- just need to work on the latch.

To the girls who have previously had to have an episiotomy- how long (roughly) did it take to heal/feel comfortable? I know its all different but a rough idea would be nice. I'm up and about and had a shower, but its pretty rough. Thanks x

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