October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Take it you are still hanging on in there digital? One of the few in his group to actually make it to your due date!
We should set up a parenting thread once your little one is here....
Not sure what happened to my previous replies, they didn't send properly sorry! Feel free to go ahead and set it up now, I don't mind haha.
I feel like this bubs is quite happy inside for now, he's gonna be huge at this rate.

Hope you're all enjoying the sleepless nights and snuggles x
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DID anyone look at how we can set up a Facebook groups?! Xx
Hi ladies, sorry I've been absent for a few days. Flick- how did the jaundice clinic go? And happy due date for yesterday Digital. I cant believe one of us made it to their due date. I haven't looked into the FB thing, sorry. But i would be really keen to join if someone does and sends out the details, or a parenting group. Just keen to continue chatting and sharing experiences.

Hubby went back to work on Wednesday so we've had the last three days on our own. Its been ok. I cant work out where the days go but I don't feel like I do anything. Battling with tiredness. She feeds around every 3-4 hours and at night time it can be a struggle. I usually express for the next feed while hubby feeds and does the nappy. Then he goes back to sleep while I try and get her to sleep. Sometimes its ok but sometimes it can take ages just cos she's restless. I can cope in the day after having little sleep but during the night it feels so much worse. And I'm so worried about falling asleep in bed with her. Sometimes I wake up panicked as to where she is and then remember she's in her Moses basket. I cant wait til we know we can sleep longer. Even midnight til 0500-0600 would be a luxury.

Hows everyone else finding things? Any worries? Good hints or tips? We've ordered a baby sling that I am excited to use. I don't want to use it too much in the house as I don't want her to be clingy, but to enable me to get somethings done and get her to sleep while doing it should be good. Hubby is keen for it for more walks xx
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Hi everyone, sorry for lack of activity. I had a little boy, 6lb 40z called Sebastian. I love him a lot even though I have never been so sleep deprived. How is everyone finding feeding? I am breastfeeding and expressing? How much are you able to express per pumping session? I can pump about 50 ml in 20 minutes? How about you?
At 4 weeks we have only just managed a night of 2 feeds, 11pm till 4 am and the 4am till 8, was amazing but I did keep waking to check! Express wise I can only manage either 40ml or 60ml, it's nothing fantastic! Noah managed to piss in my face this morning, that was lovely!!!!

Congrats tealady!!!! Gorgeous name xx

Ok will have a look how I set something on here and Facebook over next few days and figure it out x google wil have to be kind to me lol xx
Congratulations tealady. I love the name. How was the birth?
We are usually on about 2/3 feeds during the night part of night. We usually go 3-4hrs between every 120ml (roughly) feed, but today she's been demanding some smaller feeds in between. We had a feed at 2200 and then got to bed at 2300. We then had a feed at 0200 (but that's been going on for 30mins as we've had wake up time and nappy changes) and I've set the next alarm for 0630.

Expressing wise I usually do between 10-15mins each side and get anywhere between 150-240ml between them. I do have to express regularly though or boobs get really sore. I try and do it every 3 hrs but depends if I'm out. I have to do it in the night too. Are you guys regularly doing an expressing session between 0000-0300? My MWs all said a session between those times sets up your milk production for the next day. xx
The real killer is how long it can take for her to fall back to sleep after a night feed. She's still grizzling and kicking around after finishing her feed at 0230. She just seems so busy after a feed and her hands and arms are so busy and frantic. Sometimes swaddling works but sometimes it just frustrates her. I just wish she would go back to sleep quicker. A 'dream feed' would be amazing. I'm soooooooo tired x
Hi ladies.

Again....i apologise for being away for so long! I too am finding it difficult to get anything done. This is my 4 hour window when my little guy sleeps perfectly. At the moment I am using this 4 hours to sleep!!! So I've not posted in ages!

I hope you're all well and babies are doing good!

I'll post again in more detail later. My bed is calling! Xx
Hi everyone! Congratulations Tealady! Lovely name! Hope you guys a settling well.

How are you getting on digital city?

Im pretty much in the same boat as all you guys, sleep deprived to the max and feel like i struggle to get anything done at all. My partner is a bit of a nightmare and not so much help at the moment, he doesnt seem to do the whole newborn phase very well so i feel like im left to deal with just about everything. Hes great with them as they get bigger so defo not knocking him just sometimes it would be nice to have some extra help. Were also trying to get Callum wearing his big boy pants at night time aswell which is adding to the sleep deprivation, sounds daft to be doing it now but he is great with them during the day and was asking to wear them at night so we have taken his lead, hopefully we will have some dry nights soon.

Callum is taking to the whole big brother thing pretty well although if im holding Isla for too long he starts to get really whiney and asks me to put her down so he can get cuddles. Im really conscious that i dont want him to feel left out and try to focus my attention on him while she naps. Any advice from others in the same boat would be much appreciated!

Isla is getting better sleepwise once shes sleeping its just getting her down that is the problem, she seems to get over tired very easily and then takes forever to settle. Im trying really hard to get her into a routine of bath and baby massage then up to my bedroom for a bottle in a nice quiet chilled environment so thay she hopefully starts to differentiate day from night.

Will try and check in again soon but until then i hope you are all well xx
40+4 today, my Midwife is coming at 11 and has offered me a stretch and sweep if I want it. I'm unsure though, on one hand I'm completely fed up and want bubs out but on the other I'm worried it won't work and she'll tell me i'm not even favorable for a sweep, I'd be so disheartened.

Jordan i'm so glad your son is adapting well to the new baby - it's one of my biggest worries! Family keep asking my son if he's looking forward to the baby coming and I think sometimes he gets a bit overwhelmed by it being mentioned all the time.

I've been getting at least 10 messages daily now asking if baby is here or 'any signs..?' ITS SO ANNOYING! I even had the audacity to go to sleep at 8pm last night and had a load of messages this morning saying things like 'you've been inactive for a while, you in labour?' ARGH. x
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Haha, that sounds like a nightmare digital. I'm pleased I missed that part of it.
I'll be interested to hear if you go for the stretch and sweep or not. Have you decided yet or waiting to see how you feel? I'm not sure what I'd decide to do in that situation.

We had a fairly good night last night. A feed at 2200, 0100, 0400 and then 0745. Hubby and I are getting better at going straight to sleep once she's asleep. She seemed to fall asleep easier last night too so that was excellent. I'm hoping to et a nap in today as well, I missed them over the weekend as we had visitors x
Ah, come on digital, you are the last one - bringing up the rear, lol!

Same here Jordan with the over tiredness. She is leaving the newborn stage and can now be awake and alert for up to 3 hours now. But she then gets properly over tired, and really grumpy bless her. I sit and watch her fight the sleep!

We are trying anti reflux milk from sma as she has started to bring quite a bit of milk up after feeds. But then I had to change the teats coz the milk is so thick - it's all very confusing!
Hey all! How we all coping!! I am exhausted, Noah is getting less tanned by the day lol, but we have a real colic tummy, he tries to poop but they have slowed down and not having the 6-8 dirty nappies a day and only 1-2 which seems to infuriate him, but he is so alert for lonnnnnng periods!! I have managed to lose my pregnancy weight, so happy, got the health visitor tommorow with a list of questions!! Can’t believe my little man is nearly 5 weeks old, time is flying! How is everyone??

Hi ladies xx Sorry for being so quiet, I have my parents visiting until Friday, been hectic last week. I barely get some sleep, Luca is waking up to feed every 2 hrs and stays awake long time in the night. I bought nipple shields but he wouldn't latch, I am so broken but feeding him with formula and what I pump from breast which is nearly nothing 50 ml maximum ...
My husband started work and I am trying to cope atm..

Digital tell us how the sweep goes x
My sweep was unsuccessful, my cervix was tucked up under babies head so she couldn’t reach it. Oh well, 41 weeks today, I’m at the hospital tomorrow for monitoring and to book an induction date - I’m sooo uncomfortable but trying to keep active. Not holding out much hope for spontaneous labour, I wonder how big this baby is gonna be! X
Hey ladies.
Sorry to hear they couldn't do a sweep digital, but we had to have one Oct baby who wanted to stay put! Exciting to hear there will be an induction date though.
I'm sorry your finding the feeding times a d expressing difficult Allysa. Feeding every 2 hrs sounds really hard. I'm lucky we're at every 3-4hrs. Usually 3 in the day and 4 at night, and it doesn't take her too long yo fall back to sleep (although feels like it at the time!) How much are yours drinking at a time? We were on 120ml a time but the last few days its gone up to 150mls. I'm fortunate I am able to express that much, but I do feel like a milking machine sometimes!

Izzy was pooping at every feed (usually during), but its calmed down a bit the last few days. However these ones have been epic and she has exploded out of her nappy and clothes a few times. I try and tell her its not lady like but she doesn't care!

I feel like I should be doing more with her, but its difficult as all she really does is eat, poop and sleep. She is starting to be awake more and more, but she just seems to get frustrated by her flailing limbs x
40+10 today! I have an induction booked at 10am today, really hope they have beds available when we head up there, feeling rather calm and I’m totally ready for it now.

Aw Amy there’s not much you can do with them at that age is there, I love their little crazy arms and legs :) Has anybody had their first smiles yet? X

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