October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Hi ladies. Sorry for going quiet, but its been a busy day. Finally we are home, yay! Got discharged at about 1900. It feels so good to be home. We are automatically more relaxed. As we hit day 5 they did the heel prick tests there and finally took the tube out as we had had 24hrs of not needing to use it. We're now pretty set on me expressing and then us bottle feeding. It takes a bit longer but means she's feeding and we got to cone home. I've got an electric breast pump and have ordered a double one to turn up tomorrow. Already got bottles and milk bags as was planning on expressing if I wanted to go out/away. Means I need to get organised at the start but once we get a stock it will be good. I just feel so much less stressed now.

Flick- sorry to hear you are back in hosp but please don't blame yourself for the jaundice. Isabelle is jaundice as well and we fought so hard to get her home. They said that 50% of breastfed babies get jaundice and its not the mothers fault. The problem we found is that it made Isabelle tired so she wouldn't feed, so the jaundice got worse. Its one of the reasons I was so keen to express, just to get the milk in her.

Exciting stuff Olivia and Allysa. I cant wait to hear the next babies are here. I must put a pic of Isabelle on here. I couldn't in hosp as internet was hit and miss. Too tired at the moment but will try and do today after some sleep (got about 2.5hrs Las night) x

How did you get the milk in her? I have expressed today and have been trying the feeding spoon but it just goes everywhere and makes me feel even less convinced he is getting anything? It's such a vicious circle as I want to breast feed but his tongue tie was prohibiting that but that added to jaundice which made him sleepy, I just want my baby well 😣 Xx


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Hiya flick, (and the other ladies)
Sorry to intrude...
Flick can't you ask for a syringe and use that they have tiny 1ml ones in the hospital and just slowly drip that onto his lips and in his mouth?
My sister had a premi and they did this for him as he was getting older and ready for the bottle.
I know how stressful it is but I promise you it is not your fault and your doing an amazing job! X
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Hey ladies!

Just a quick one to say that those 10 minute apart pains I was having were the start of labour and yesterday at 2:21 we welcomed a lovely baby boy into the world!!

I had back labour which caused my hypnosis to go out of the window as it was fast and intense!!!! I got admitted at 11:30 and baby was born less than 3 hours later. I used gas and air and I did get a pethadine (spelling?) Injection....although it had no effect on me and has just made baby drowsy!!! Within 4 pushes he was here! No stitches or tearing. Been in our own private recovery room since 4pm yesterday. But he hasn't been feeding! Doing tests this morning.

Hope everyone is well xx
Flick- I'm on bottle feeding with my breast milk. Took a few days of pumping for milk to come in but now I have loads. While I wanted to feed from the breast I have to say I'm not fussed now. Her getting my breast milk was the most important thing for me and if its through a bottle I don't care. Means others can feed her (hubby took 0300 feed this morning which was bliss) and I would have done it in the future if out etc. Its a bit of a FAFF with sterilising but just means I need to get organised. But you can keep it in the fridge or freezer so we'll get there with a stock.

I hope things work soon for you. Its just a matter of finding out what works best for you and baby. Try to not get stressed, but I know that's easier said than done xx
Congratulations Olivia, amazing news. Sounds like a painful labour but hopefully not too much of a painful recovery. Hopefully the feeding starts soon. Yay, an Oct baby!x
Oh wow Olivia congratulations! Our first October baby yay. I wonder if all the on and off contractions had been dilating you and made it quick? What did he weigh? :)

Flick I hope your little one is doing better now and doesn't have to be under the light too long, how worrying for you but it is completely not your fault! X

He weighed 8lbs exactly :) sorry I haven't been responding but life is hectic as you can imagine!! Xx
Yay, congrats Olivia! I had a back labour too, that combined with the drip made it so painful! Once I was home, I had to take painkillers for my back as it felt so bruised.

Oh flick, look at your little man, it must be scary, but all that stuff is there to help him xx
Finally, a couple of pictures of Isabelle


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Oh she is gorgeous amythomas!

I think I have the opposite problem to everyone else, mine is feeding like a machine, is literally hungry all the time. I've tried bigger feeds, but she sicks some of it up and is then hungry again, I'm now trying to stagger the feeds out, so give her a little bit, then another bit an hour later - but that's not working either.
I'm contemplating hungry baby milk but not sure....
Wow, I believe we have the babies born on the same day Olivia :D congratulations !!x
Yesterday went to hospital and was in early labour dilated 4 cm so they kept me in. Broke the waters as I had 2 episodes of reduced movements but wasn,t progressing very well and because I had meconium in waters been put on the drip . At 11 pm I was 10 cm but because baby was disstressed and with high hb they wanted him immediately so ended with a forceps delivery . Epidural all the way through. Little Luca was born at 1 am this morning weighting 8 lb and we are so in love with him ! Still in hospital for some checks and tomorrow we are going home xx

Isabelle is gorgeous , Amy ! X
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Yay, another baby. Congratulations Allysa. These Oct babies are in a hurry. How did you find the forceps? I found by the time they suggested it I was like 'yep, I don't care, do whatever, just get this baby out'. Definitely keep up on the paracetamol and ibuprofen cycle if you find it painful. I have found it helps so much. Hopefully you get home tomorrow, that would be great. xx
Aw it's so good to here more babies are here safe and well!! How many more are we waiting on now xx

Congratulations ladies xxx
Congratulations Alyssa! Luca is a gorgeous name, wishing you a speedy recovery :)

I'm still waiting, I think tealady is too, can't wait to have my snuggles!

Hey ladies, just some words of advice that the MW gave me. If you know you have a MW or HV visiting you that day do not dress your baby in yellow or green. If they have even a touch of jaundice (and 50% do) it makes it look so much worse. We had Izzy in yellow yesterday and the MW laughed about it and said how extra yellow it made her look.
Apart from that it was all good. Seeing the MW again on Monday and then hopefully she'll discharge me from her care. Booked to get Izzy registered on the 16th, very exciting.

Hope everyone is doing well. xx
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We are still in hospital , I was hoping to be discharged today but I do not have any milk yet and they want to keep an eue on his feeding . I feel so tired already , didn ' t get much sleep . Trying to express is a nightmare already and I am praying for some milk to come out at least as it makes me very stressed. Luca is like an angel , so sweet and calm , even when hungry , but the mw told me to enjoy now as he won' t be so quiet anymore haha .
Amy , I hoped I could do it naturally as I was dilated but they just didn't wanted to wait to push anymore as they were concerned about the baby which is fair enough . I feel very unconfortable now , I had many doses of epidural while the procedure and did not felt a thing . I am afraid to see what is down there ...it is painful to sit and walk but bearable , I wasn't offered to many drugs and paracetamol doesn 't make much difference to the pain . Well, most important is that the baby is healthy and happy .

Hope everyone is doing well xx
Allysa- I know what you mean. I was pushing for 2hrs and then the drip ran out so I didn't know when to push. When I felt down there it was very swollen. But a week on and it is almost back to normal. Take paracetamol every 4 hrs and ibuprofen every 6/8. You are allowed both. The paracetamol will sort the pain but the ibuprofen is key for the inflammation. I really noticed when I forgot to take them.
Milk might take a few days. If you can, try expressing with hospital grade pumps to get it going, I recommend. They can be painful initially but they get the job done. My boobs are so big and painful if I don't express regularly now. x
Thanks for advice Amy, I am trying with the automatic medela pumps on both breasts but just few drops of colostrum so far and very painful . I do feel so useless, seeing him so tiny and I can 't feed him .

I went few steps to the canteen and was horrendous , they might discharge us tonight
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Congratulations Allysa and Olivia!

Sorry i havent been on this week, were struggling to try and get a routine going at the moment, Isla has some good nights and bad feeds wise but my OH is a nighrmare and cant wake up so im left to make sure everything is covered at night time, come 5pm im exhausted. Callum has had a tummy bug aswell so he was up all night being sick on Wed into Thurs which meant even less sleep for me and then the worry he might pass something to Isla. So far we seem to be ok, thank goodness.

Hope all you guys are ok.
I was the same when I started Allysa. First day I got 30ml and was amazed and then it dropped to 5 to 10 ml and I was so disheartened. Now,a week post birth and about 5 days post expressing, I'm pumping about 120-150ml every session. So it will get better and rapidly increase. And then you'll be moaning that your boobs are massive and sore and you need to express to calm them down.

I'm with you on trying to find a routine Jordan. I find I am so busy but I don't actually do anything. I cant imagine how you cope with another kid. You are definitely amazing. I am constantly worried that I'm not going to wake up when Isabelle needs me. It takes me forever to get to bed, and then I wake concerned as to what time it is and what I have missed. x
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