October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

How is going ladies ?
We were finally discharged yesterday evening . My hb was high and they did my bloods and runned some tests ending up with almost 4 days in hospital. First night at home and did not get much sleep, I formula fed him all night because he doesn 't want to take the breast:( I am waiting for the midwife visit today for some help, I am so dishearted and crying a lot which isn't helping him. My milk came in , just ordered an automatic pump in case he will still be fussy with the breast.

Hope everyone is fine
Pleased to hear you are home allysa. Hopefully now you're back in your own place everything will be much more relaxed, which will definitely help breast feeding. What pump did you go for? I was given a single medela swing which is good and bought a laninshol (?) double one when I realised Isabelle just wasn't taking the boob. Just got one of those hands free bras with it so need to try that out. Think I'll end up feeling like a 1950's milking machine!
But we're doing well with it. She's taking between 80-90ml about 7 times a day and I'm sure her jaundice is now gone. I have found the milk storage bags are ace. I now need to use next week to get into a routine for pumping, storing and feeding so I feel a little bit ready when hubby goes back to work.

Got the inlaws over this weekend. Fortunately they are staying in a hotel bit we are seeing them loads in the day and evening. FIL is excellent. You can tell he is so in love with Izzy and wants to help, but is a little scared of how small she is. MIL is a complete pain. Keeps saying what we should do (but after hubby and I have already discussed and decided) and all she wants to do in the evenings is get pissed. I wouldn't trust her to hold her, let alone look after her. Cant wait for them to go tomorrow. I sound so grumpy but I just want it to be me, hubby, Izzy and the cat.

Hope things are going ok for Flick and the jaundice has been resolved. And that jordans little boy is better and hasn't passed the bugs on to them x
I have gone for medela swing and shoud be here in the next hour. I used medela in the hospital too and was ok with it .
Had the midwife visit earlier , Luca lost 5% of his birth weight and she said it is absolutely fine .probably she saw how stressed I am regarding feeding , we tried an assisted feed and apparently my boobs are way too full and I need to express until they are soft and try to breastfeed him again. I thought birth was hard but I am not so sure anymore haha .

Amy very good that at least your FIL is getting well with Izzy and I do understand your need to be only with hubby and her . I could't do with someone visiting atm , my parents are coming for a week on the day my hubby is going back to work which is good as I need some help .

Olivia how are you getting on ?
Digital, tealady , any signs of the other October babies ?
I will update the front page when I ll get on my laptop as I am just quickly checking on my phone.

Hey everyone, it looks like Callum is finally over his bug! Thank goodness, although i think i might have a slight touch of it, nowhere near to the same extent as the wee man though!
Isla has 100% turned night into day and im feeling really tired and emotional due to the lack of sleep. Callum also ended up in beside us because he wasnt feeling well so it meant Isla would end up waking him up and i had the two of them to contend with. Its been a fun few days!
I totally salute you ladies who are breast feeding, it seems like its a tough road but you guys are doing great so try not to get disheartened and stick with it.
Hope all the babies are doing well and all the ones still to come are getting ready for their big entrance, i cant believe my girl will be two weeks old on Wednesday already! Need time to just slow down a wee bit and let me enjoy her at this newborn stage.
Hopefully now your son is feeling better you'll be able to get a little sleep, I remember being so exhausted when my son was born that I hallucinated spiders running up and down the walls ugh.

Those of you breastfeeding would you suggest getting a breast pump in now? I was going to order one eventually but I keep reading that in some cases you can be over full so should pump a bit too?

No signs here from me but I'm content, my iron levels are up over the minimum requirement for a homebirth so that's the plan again :) Trying to enjoy these last few weeks of calm before the baby makes an appearance. Xx
Ladies! I'm sorry I've been so quiet!!!!

Just wanted to literally post to say all is well! I will post in more detail later on tonight when my brother visits....gives me a chance to read through all the posts I've missed!!! Xx
I,know, I'm struggling to find the time to post too!
Little lady is now 18 days old and is becoming much more alert. She now is awake for a period of a few hours each day in between feeds, so she is keeping me busy.
I saw a pregnant friend today and realised I missed my bump, lol!
Enjoy these last few days pregnant ladies!
Hey ladies just catching up whilst feeding! Good to see all are well, we got weighed yesterday and he has gained 3oz so is 6lb 14oz and 18 days old, had to buy extra newborn outfits as I have loads of 0-3month but nothing fits him!! Poor little thing!! He is catching up now though after the tongue tie was snipped and feeding every 2-3 hours so am exhausted but resting when he is, have managed to put my back out which doesn't help and am bored of being house bound now my partner is back at work, but it isn't forever x

For an 'October mummies' group we sure rushed things didn't we, did anyone get near their due date? Is there just digital and tea lady left now?

Love to you all xxx
Hi ladies, pleased to hear we're all doing well, if a little sleep deprived! We're doing OK here. Izzy is 12 days old today and definitely more alert in between feeds and has been demanding some feeds and wanting more milk. I was worried the other day that my milk supply was slowing down, but its picked up again. We got discharged from the MW on Monday and have the HV round on Thursday. She was weighed again and after going down to 6lb 9 on day 5 at day 10 she was up to 6lb 12.

Digital- I found I got overfull in the Hosp and couldn't even pump. Had to put a warm flannel on my boobs for a few minutes before I could express. If you want to use one I would recommend having one ready, it can help getting your milk in. I really recommend the medela ones. They are expensive but I have found it to be better than the other one I got.

I had to go and get some more newborn sleepsuits as well Flick. I have loads of 0-3 month stuff but its a bit too big for her. We got given so many clothes but all those babies have been bigger. We're getting another massive bag of clothes from my cousin today. Once Izzy gets bigger we won't have to buy clothes for ages. Which is good.

I've got one more week of hubby being home as he took some extra leave. I know we will be fine when he goes back, but I'm not looking forward to it. He's doing so much at the moment and I rely on him so heavily. I think he's done about 95% of the nappy changes and gives me time out to try and nap. Although as he says, I'm doing all the 'udder work' (terrible dad jokes already coming out!)

Hope everyone has a good day xx
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Congratulations tealady!! Is a he or a she and how much was the birth weight? x
Hope you are doing both fine xx

I am going to a breastfeeding group support later, I want to teach him to latch again...if I can. At the moment I am bottle feeding with expressed breastmilk and formula( half half) as I can't express enough for a feed. However, I am completely exhausted, don't get more than 2-3 hrs per night . How are you getting on Amy? Do you usually get enough to pump in advance?

Hope everyone is well xx
Congratulations tealady!!!!

Breast feeding question... can I mix my expressed milk? I have two bottles expressed at different times of the day but can I put them both in one bottle?? Xx
Congratulations tealady. So excited for another baby.

I tried to get Isabelle back on the breast but she just wont latch so I've given up. I wanted to moved to bottles when out and about so I'm not too fussed. I've fortunately got a good expressing cycle on a the mo, helped massively by hubby feeding while I express at night. Not sure how I will fair when he's back at work. My milk levels fluctuate massively. At night I get a lot less- maybe 60ml but then in the day I can get loads. Just pumping now and got 170ml off one side! But that's the most I've ever got so I'm pretty amazed myself.

Flick. In the hosp they said not to mix. But since I've been home we have been. Provided its the same day and its not a fresh with a fridge/frozen I cant see the issue. Izzy has been absolutely fine with it. We had her HV round today for the third weighing and she's now up to 7lb so is above birth weight x
Congratulations tealady!

Is it just digitalcity left now? Or have I got that completely wrong? Lol!
Congratulations tealady, I hope you're both doing well x

Just little old me left I think, there's a few on the front page that I haven't seen post in forever though, hopefully they're all doing okay :)

I really thought my bubs would be here by now but no signs of anything happening really! X

Hey ladies, hows it going?
I'm feeling pretty knackered at the mo. Trying to nap when Izzy does, but I never seem to manage it. Still sore from healing, cant wait til that's done. Allysa- how the bf going? Have you sorted out the latch?

Digital- how are you doing? Any twinges or signs of labour coming? x
Unfortunately couldn't get him to latch . I keep on trying though.. You are so lucky to get so much milk , I get 50 ml maximum from both breast and topping up with formula. My life is now pumping and feeding :) I am still sore but managed first walk with the baby yesterday. Still sleep deprived , now I miss the long sleeps I used to take before

How ' s everyone else going ? We are mid October and one more baby left to come
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That's a shame. I tried Izzy with the latch again and it just didn't work so I've definitely given up now. I'm in the pumping/feeding/nappy changing cycle now. Just trying to build up a little stock for when hubby goes back to work/we go out, etc. Its difficult remembering timings for milk being just expressed and waiting, out from the fridge, and out from the freezer.
I find it really odd that the amount I express in the middle of the night is usually half what I get in the day, but I need to do that session to keep the milk flowing the next day. Annoying- if I'm going to be awake I want to get loads.

We went for a little walk by the river yesterday and ended up in a local pub having a quick drink. Was nice to get out and do something normal. Managed to time it in between feeds. Made me feel like we can do this. Yay! Also managed my first afternoon nap today while she was sleeping. I feel this will have a massive effect on how I feel tonight. Hoping these good times continue x
Hey ladies how is everyone doing? Got the jaundice clinic soon hoping for good results! We are now above birth weight, he put on 7.5 ounces in 6 days so am really proud of him!! We have a bit of a colic tummy where he struggles to pump but is doing really well, can't believe he is a month old this Sunday!!!! Xx

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