October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Sounds good Jordan, and great news on you already starting to dilate. Hopefully they get to you soon. When I was in a few days ago I found it took so long for them to get to me. Must be so frustrating as you're waiting for something as important as them breaking your waters.

I was not dilated so have a pessary in. I have to say that I found the examination and insertion soooooo uncomfortable. Mostly because I couldn't relax. I've had internals before and always been fine but this was agony. I was trying to relax but just couldn't. Not looking forward to the examination tomorrow and the next stages of gels and/or breaking my water. They don't even know if they managed to get the pessary fully in the right place. I was so annoyed with myself afterwards x
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Oh dear Amy :( that's a shame. I hope they managed to place it correctly so you can move onto the next stage. How are you feeling afterwards? Are you allowed home now? Or do you stay in? I don't know a lot about inductions!!!

Can't believe you're already 2-3cm Jordan! But I read somewhere that if you've had a baby before, your cervix never really closes? I don't know how true that is!!!
I have to stay in as it was a planned induction for reduced movements. If it was an overdue induction with no issues you can go home in between

Now I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable, just from being interfered with! Got a backache- not sure if its related or just a pregnancy ache. Bump has been going hard and uncomfortable. Not sure if its her sticking her bum out or BH's, or due to uncomfortable cervix x
Ohh I see. Maybe it's due to the pessary? Having sweeps and things make me feel a bit anxious!!
I'm booked in for a sweep on Tuesday the 3rd (due date) I'm unsure if I'll go for it or not.....ideally I'd like it to be natural! But I know we have no real say in how labour goes!

I am also getting tightenings and lots of pressure. I feel like baby has doubled in size over the past few days. Can feel every movement now and it's super uncomfortable!! I even started to Google can I be in labour and not know it haha - wishful thinking I guess!
I hope you've been seen to by now Jordan? Must be frustrating but hopefully since you're already dilated it won't be too long once things get going.

Eep Amy sounds like things are going in the right direction, when I was induced with my first my cervix was fully closed and not favourable but I dilated to 4cm in like 5 hours and that was with mild cramps that I thought where due to the insertion and stuff! Try and get some rest when you can, easier said than done I know x

I had my 37 week midwife appointment today, baby is 2/5 palpable which explains the pressure. She took more blood too and will hopefully get the results by Monday. She's booked me in for a stretch and sweep too in October but really hoping I won't go over 40 weeks!

Olivia I've found myself googling whether I can be in silent labour haha, I've had loads of tightenings and some period pains. I'm scared they're dilating me slowly and then the baby will just fall out lol! X

There's definitely things going on. I've been contracting since about 1530. Walking is agony but ok. The bottom reading on the ctg monitor has gone from 20 normally up to 120+ with contractions. I think they will give it a few hours to see how it goes and then examine me, but have told me if its agony to get them to look sooner. Eek x
Eekk, so glad things are going in the right direction for you Amy!Let's hope they keep on going.
Jordan very good you were dilating, maybe it had progressed even further until now .

I have been in a crappy mood really. I tried to do things and not focus on every little signs which will lead to nothing. My baby had been very active today, like you Olivia I think I am feeling every movements , had some tightening s too but no pain or pressure down there.
Will have my mw appt tomorrow, very curious if they will offer me a sweep too? However I am a bit afraid of these things, wish everything will come naturally but you never know do you :D

Hi ladies.
Great news you are dilating Jordan, hopefully it won't be long.
Glad things are starting to progress for you Amy, how are you feeling now pain wise?
I had my 37 week app today. Measuring 33 cm which is a little behind what it should be. What are you measuring digital city?? Also, had ketones in my urine. The baby was a big lump behind my side and the midwife was so shocked at how palpable and big the lump was she called in two other midwives to feel it. It just shows why I have had such unexplainable pain and extreme tenderness snaking behind my right side only and up to the back. It woke me up at 3.30 this morning. Really hope I can sleep tonight.
Hope it's all going ok ladies.
Jordan, I was in exactly the same position as you! I didn't progress so ended up on the drip, but hopefully you are progressing naturally.
Exciting, there may be some news by morning!
Tealady I'm measuring 34 weeks however she did say that once babies head is down there it becomes hard to measure. 4 week difference in dates is quite big I would have thought they'd send you for a growth scan? I'm not worried about measuring behind coz I've already had a scan and baby is on the 75th percentile - I just carry very compactly lol. Your babies position sounds really uncomfy! Hopefully bubs shifts a bit soon so you can get some rest x

Flick, how are you finding recovery from the c-section pain wise? How much mobility do you have and how painful is it?

Hey. Pain is bearable with the meds, I have to inject in my tummy I think for encouraging the tummy to contract back and fight infection but honestly I can't remember everything I have been told! We went to get his heel prick test today so got to wait for results but he was so good! He is feeding like a demon, draining both boobs on feed and he gained weight today so am doing something right! Still struggling emotionally, feel a let down for my other son that I can't do the school run but thankfully my mum is here to help with that and homework, just wish I was able to do everything I want to? Hate relying on people as am very independent! But Noah is doing great they are really pleased with him and I am venturing to my first baby sensory class tomorrow, everyone keeps reminding me I had major surgery only 5 days ago, my boy is a week old in two days and I am doing well!!! I need to keep reminding myself of this, I look at him though and can't imagine how he fit? So am feeling for you all in the whole end part as he just doesn't look small enough to have fitted in my tummy so no wonder I was in agony! A week ago I was complaining, 24hours from now it all started, so just remember ladies this time tomorrow it could be you, you never know xxxx
Really hope everyone is ok and hopefully we have some more babies now :D
I think you're going to be waiting a long time for me. 24hr pessary has just come out and I'm waiting on one of my favourite things........a cervix check. Had some gas and air for other internals and on the oramorphine now due to pain and me being a massive wimp. I just want to sleep and get to a point where I am drugged up enough to relax x
Flick don't be hard on yourself, like you said you had major surgery not even a week ago so you're doing amazing to be getting out to groups already! Awesome job with the breastfeeding, I'm more worried about that than the labour and birth. Last time I didn't manage to breastfeed my son and I think if the same happens this time I'm gonna feel really disappointed in myself :/ x

I hope the ladies having their inductions are progressing okay or maybe even having snuggles by now, I keep checking for updates! Xx

Oops sorry Amy I didn't refresh the page before posting that, did they say whether there was any progress with other internals? How long do they leave it before popping the other pessary in? A gel one is it? X

Just had another internal and I am proud to say that I did loads better with it. The gas and air helped, as did having my hubby beside me, and the MW was lovely. I'm almost 2cm, she said she could break waters now but would prefer to wait a little bit. I think due to the amount of pain I'm having, and how tired I am, they are keen to progress it further when I can get stronger drugs.

But I am feeling a lot happier with it all and with myself and while I wait things will hopefully progress. x
They've changed their minds and decided that once there is a space on the delivery suite they will get me over there and break my waters. They said why bother with the gel when I'm dilated enough and they can do that. Probably won't be till though x
Well done Amy with the second pessary and beggining to dilate , hope it won't take long until they move you to delivery suite and break your waters . Eek depends on how long the process goes tou might be able to hold your little one today .x
Jordan how are you getting on ? x

Had my 38 weeks appt today , bp fine , urine clear , bump measuring 40 weeks ��. She measured me 4 times to make sure she is doing it correctly ! I will be offered a sweep after 41 weeks :( I do hope I won't be that long or I am going to have a little monster
Hey ladies. Sorry if my responses seem very short. My concentration levels have gone out the window!!!

Wow Amy, hope you're doing well! You too Jordan.

I've been getting more pains today in my back and cervix so something is happening. I'm preparing myself for it to hAppen this weekend. Will be shocked if I make it to my 40 week appointment on Tuesday.

Why won't they give you a sweep until 41 weeks Allysa? Mine are offering me one at 40 weeks (on Tuesday)

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