October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

1 month till due date!!!!!! Eeeeek

Just been focusing on my hypnosis and eating loads ;) 30 days left of constant heartburn ladies.....and I saw some pâté in Sainsbury's and got a little bit too excited because I know it's not long and I can eat it! Husband thinks I'm mad.

Got woken up by a sharp stitch type pain in my left side :( I naturally sleep on my left side but it feels like now it's too much weight or pressure as I always wake up with pains on the side of my bump.
1 month, arrgghh, so exciting.

OMG- a rare steak, pate and some good cheese. I cannot wait. I am so excited about all of that.

Baby decided to kick me awake at 0300 and then couldn't get back to sleep until 0500. Hubby has been awake for a while but I've been snoozing. He's just left the bathroom door open which has flooded upstairs with light and properly woken me up. Don't want to tell him off though as I can hear him in the kitchen doing the washing up. I'll lie here a bit longer and pretend I'm still asleep.

Really wanted Christmas cake at 0400- even googled the recipe. Seems like a massive pain, but might buy or make a normal fruit cake.

Oh, has anyone else booked a flu shot? I just remembered my MW told me I could now have one if I wanted one. Will phone and book tomorrow. Will try and book it in so I get another later start/early finish at work, haha!
1 month for me too!
And, I've officially finished work! I'm on leave for the rest of September and then start my maternity leave the day before my due date. It feels weird, especially not really knowing when I'm going g back, as depends on finances. I walked out feeling like I was really going to miss everyone, the job we do, it makes us quite a tight-knit group.

I have literally the busiest week next week to keep me going though....I'm going to wish I was back at work! But it's defo time now, my body is screaming at me to take it easy!

Ha, so looking forward to Xmas this year - the food, the drink, the cute baby outfits, the fact I don't have to work - amazing!
Finally relaxing in bed...As much as I wanted to relax this weekend we ended as usual doing a lot of shopping and being more tired than I was!

Wow ladies one month left, it can happen anytime now! 35 days for me, still sounds unreal, being my first is still like a dream until I will hold him in my arms

I remember about the flu shot being offered to me Amy but I do not think I will get it. When I read your boobs are leaking I checked mine as well haha, but no changes for me

Oh, if there is something I am looking forward is a nice glass of anything alcoholic , can't wait for the holidays yey
Yeah, I forgot about the flu jab. Hmm, I'm not sure I'm going to bother having it. It's difficult to decide what's truly necessary and what isn't!
Ladies, I am sooooooo excited for food. Obviously, I'm still suffering from pregnancy sickness so once the baby is here it will be the first hot meal I have had in 8 months!!! Literally cannot wait :D
Yes Allysa, a celebratory Malibu is on the cards haha.
I'm going to get a jab, I'm in the 'might as well' mindset. I never get flu, but sods law if its going to happen it will be this year. I don't want the heat of the hosp, knackeringness (new word) of labour to knock me out. Would be hell with a newborn.

I've had a really lazy day but even being in the kitchen for a short while really hurt my back. Fortunately one paracetamol makes me feel ok again. Relaxing in the bath now and baby Dave has hiccups, bless her. Got Sunday night blues already as I'm supposed to be working a full week this week, well apart from a slightly earlier finish Wednesday for the hospital visit. This is another reason to book a flu shot!

Allysa and tealady- when the MW was asking what important things we thought we needed to pack for after labour my husband and I both looked at each other and mouthed 'Gin'. Ha x
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Morning all :)

How was everyones weekend? I have been catching up on messages and am now starving and thinking about cheese and pate, rare steak, an ice cold bottle of white wine with a straw all just for me....................... Oh man am dribbling lol

1 month to go for me today, but still hoping for Sept!! I am thinking about talking to the midwife about if I can book in for an induction, am so worried if I go into October I will lose this baby too, I have a real fear of the month October now, irrational I know, but am so scared!

Been up since 01:29 as I am on call for work and of course I received a call, so am going to go back to bed soon, but wanted to say hi, 10 days of work left, bring on no more work for 10 months! xx
Morning :D 14 days left at work for me (without today) ! Then I can relax a bit until baby arrival.

Flick sorry you feel like that, please try to think positive, your baby will deffo be born safe and sound even if will happen in September or October! Speak to the midwives about your worries and see what they will say. I hope as well to have a September baby( after 22 as this will me my last day at work ), I am running out of patience now and just want the baby here :)

On Saturday I bought from Mothercare a cot mobile with relaxing lullabies song and some toys for travel ( pram or car seat) and I have already put them on :) Of course more nappies and wipes from Aldi as well. I bought 2 packs of waterwipes as they were £2 one pack, however they are bloody expensive..Not planning to buy more of them .

I don't know how you ladies can't eat much now, when I wake up I have the worst stomach pain and unless I eat something quick pain is unbearable ! Then I keep on eating /snacking every hour or so as it takes the pain of.
Prince William and Kate are having another baby! Felt like I had to repeat the news haha

Flick, I hope the midwife can offer you some support and options to help you with your anxiety.

Allysa, I bought 1 pack of water wipes for hospital bag. I spoke to midwife and showed her a pacl of the morrisons alternatives (priced at 67p!!!) and she said using the Morrisons version will be fine after a couple of weeks. She advised buying a few packs of waterwipes for first couple of weeks then switch to Morrisons brand as waterwipes themselves are so expensive. I picked up a multipack of waterwipes for £10 from boots, worked out to be best as I used my points card and double points coupon :)
Just need to buy some Morrisons wipes now. I have only got around 150 size 1 nappies and 1 box of formula...Think I'll wait and see how we get on as I don't want to spend money then baby is allergic!

I'm so tired today!!! I no longer sleep at night. I sleep from 6am instead :( baby wriggling everywhere and I had some painful BH yesterday. Also my boobs are officially leaking. I woke up this morning to a wet patch on my left side and a patch on the bed!!! Will wear breast pads from now on.
Aw, nice to see the October mummies of 2017 reach 3rd Trimester.

Good luck for the rest of the pregnancy and good luck for labour - hope babas dont keep you all waiting too long!

I was due 03/10/2016, arriving a little tardy on 09/10/2016 9m pregnant exactly.

Good luck all!

Yes the Duchess is pregnant with their 3rd! Sounds funny when I read I thought oh, I want 3 children as well haha, will see how it goes after one .

Is everyone's boobs leaking? Mine are dry every time I check them , no changes at all, not sore or tender.

Oh, bought as well 2 Aptamil ready made formula in case I wouldn't be able to breastfeed from the beginning .

And one more thought, did anyone else not get any scan from the 20 weeks one or it is just me? Start feeling a bit anxious because if something is wrong on the inside we wouldn't know , just can't stop worrying ..
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Thanks Russellmuscle :)

Boobs aren't leaking loads! Just a tiny bit but enough to leave wet patches haha

I'm unsure who's had scans and who hasn't :(

So I'm feeling like absolute crap!! Extremely tired, light headed/dizzy, feeling nauseaous and weak and getting period type pains :( in bed for the rest of the day I think. Does anyone else feel this way?
Thanks Russellmuscle , hopefully October 2017 babies will come on time and won't be naughty to let us wait too long :D

I don't feel great either, I am at work and been having some BH in the morning, walking to toilet seems to get worse, my left hips is killing me .. and I get hot flushes which make me feel like I will faint. I am sure if I will ask anyone will say yet it is all normal in pregnancy, blah...
I also feel hot. I can feel it's coming to the end now.....body under a lot of strain now. I have BH all throughout day :( having one now as I type this. Uncomfortable to say the least!!

I can't imagine how we will feel after....forgotten what it feels like to feel normal
Is anyone taking a hot water bottle to hospital....ive heard it can be good if you're having back labour and for after pains???
I am not taking but as you said I see many ladies do.
Just remembered baby is back to back and I see him everyday kicking and pushing so he did not moved yet :(
I'm feeling a lot hotter than I normally do. I'm usually always cold. I've not gone for waterwipes as they are so expensive, but the Johnsons ones say they are fine for newborns and were about 65p a pack. My MW hasn't mentioned anything about baby wipes.

Allysa- we had a private scan at 22w so my OH could see her and then an NHS one at about 32w, but that was due to reduced movements. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't have had others. I'm sure everything is absolutely fine. If anything seemed off they would get you in straight away.

My boobs haven't leaked much, just a tiny bit really. Not enough for a pad yet. I have to say I did feel ok today, well a lot better than the weekend anyway. I'm not sure if being at work distracted me. But I have realised that getting up and into work early is a good idea as I can leave before I get really uncomfortable. Although being awake from 0400 is not the best! Meant I had to have 2 breakfasts this morning!

Not sure on the hot water bottle thing. I don't have one as I use a microwaveable thing. Do you think there will be a microwave I could use? There must be, even if its in their crew room
Pregnancy Insomnia sucks. Been awake since 4.00 AM isn after tossing and turning most of the night grr!!!!! Will we ever have sleep again between pregnancy and having a newborn baby?!?

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