October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Morning all,

Got a doc appointment at 9.40 so am hoping to get this infection sorted, currently look like a lopsided Katie Price lol, my boob is huge and has to be the left one so that I can't sleep, was such a fun night :( Had to call work to WFH think they are close to saying start maternity which I really don't want to do as it messes up my whole plan and leaves me with less time off with the baby unless he arrives soon!

I am so so frightened of going over, I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea, it isn't meant to start labour but is meant to soften the cervix so that labour is easier? So I have read anyway. I am also using the ball all the time, but that is more because I am so uncomfy when I get up and get down from the couch, so I lean on it or roll on it and bounce, it actually helps with back ache too x
Update - Doc has said it is mastitis, so am on anti-biotics for 7 days :( got to rest, thankfully work have said I can work from home today and tomorrow, am already working from home mon, tue and thur so only 2 days in the office left :) x
Glad the docs have given you something flick, what a nightmare.

Well, I've had my 36 week appt - at home, so been cleaning all morning, she commented on how clean the house smelt, and I thought it's not always like this, lol!
Done the birth plan, which didn't take too long, I'm open to most things.
Only problem is my blood pressure has gone up - the first time in the entire pregnancy, hmm...she done it 3 times to get an average and considering I was lying on my recliner sofa at home, it probably should have been a bit lower than usual at the doctors. So, I'm off to the hospital on Saturday to get checked over. My urine was fine, hence the need to not get me checked over now, but will see what happens Saturday.
This is exactly how it happened with my first, and pre eclampsia, albeit, it was more urgent.
The growth has slightly slowed down, still following the curve, and measuring 34cm, she didn't seem too worried about that though.
Still 3/5 engaged, and says she is bobbing in and out so some days are going to feel more painful than others!

I now defo need to pop to boots and finish the last of my hospital bad, lol!
Sorry to hear about the mastitis flick, but at least they've diagnosed it and given you antibiotics. Hopefully they kick in quickly and you start feeling better soon. And great news on the working from home. I'm on the countdown too- only 11 working days left.

I hope the blood pressure has calmed by Saturday lea and that it was only a blip. I'll have my finger crossed for good news on Saturday.

I am definitely on the work count down as I really cant be bothered. I'm so pleased I work flexi time as I've realised that I only need to do 6hr days from now on to cover my hours- seems a bit more manageable. After a couple of slightly quieter days this baby has decided to get much more active today, which is a relief. She clearly just gets lazy every now and then! After my almost mini strop to my hubby last night, and getting stressed about things being tidy, he's had a really busy day and done loads of sorting and tidying, I am so happy.
Sorry about the mastitis flick :( Good think you are getting treated now and hope you will feel better soon x

11 more days into work too ! On last week I am not planning to do full days, probably I will do like half days though.

Glad hospital visit went well Amy! We will have it on Monday when I will have my 36 weeks appt too at the hospital. A bit scared about it as I tent to get a higher bp when in hospitals.

Lea maybe your bp went up because you been busy cleaning and stuff, fact that urine was clear is a good thing .Fingers crossed all will be fine on Sat.

Been slightly energized today , do not know from what really. Getting Braxton hicks on and off but nothing major
Tomorrow we'll go shopping for groceries and I will get some raspberry leaf tea, any recommendations in terms of brands? I have seen Clipper has it and it is buy one get one free in Holland and Barrett rather than buying it from tescos.
Glad I could help with the antibiotics Flick :)
Has everybody else experienced Braxton Hicks at this point? I haven't experienced any as far as I am aware?!
I know 26 days scary scary but exciting :) Kumber had her baby in the Sept mummies thread :) us next ladies!!

I think I have had them/am having them, have very strong tense hard pains that tighten across my stomach, they last about 40 minutes ish then go... x
I start having Braxton Hicks more noticeable after 33 -ish weeks I believe..

From 2 days I am experiencing something else! I almost freaked out last night and checked online what could be. So, it is like a rhythmic pulsation in the middle of my bump lasting for couple of minutes, can't be hiccups because they feel different and had them before that , so absolutely different feeling. I googled it and seems to be the baby practicing breathing? It really scared me, ,so rhythmic and so much faster than hiccups, I even touched it and did not stopped. Baby moved fine after those episodes and also today so thought I will mention it on Monday on my midwife appt if nothing else happens

Anyone experienced that?
Yeah I have had similar and sen it as well it is like their heartbeat? Thats how it felt to me?
I haven't experienced that Allysa, but last night I experienced something new!!! I was laying down and all of a sudden got strong stitch like pains in my left side. Which then turned into sharp stabbing pains all over bump. I couldn't move! I quickly played my hypnosis track and waited until it took effect. Then I got up and moved to sit on the ball and wait until it passed. But OUCH! That hurt!

25 days to go!
31 days for me then, argh!

I think I might have had the same thing Allysa. I usually see it around my belly button. Looks like its someone breathing in and out but I know its not me. I hadn't realised what it actually was though. Olivia- I've been getting stitches the last few days, but think its when I try and walk too quickly. Not when I'm just relaxing.
I have been getting really bad back aches and pains at the top of my bum, usually just one side at a time. I think its from walking/standing/etc too much. Sometimes I have to take a paracetamol and sometimes it goes if I sit for a bit.

I'm not sure on the BH. I think I might have but then I'm not sure if its just her pushing her bum out. x
This baby has a massive bum!!! And loves to show it off. Always sticking it out and wriggling it around. So uncomfortable. We are off to Ikea now....then Tesco!
You have way more energy than me Olivia. If I walk/stand for too long it can get really painful.
My baby is the same- well, I'm guessing its her bum she's sticking out. I get that coming out by my belly button, its like a great big hard lump and can be painful. Then something else pokes out on my right hand side. Not sure if its feet/hands/elbows but when she does both things together it can really hurt. It makes my tummy stretch in a really weird way.

Got my mates and their kids round this afternoon for a get together, will be good but I also cant be bothered. Was wake between 0100-0330 so hoping I don't get too tired out
Hehe all these babies like to stick their bum's out I see! Mine too and same painful / weird stretches.

We will go later on for some shopping but at the moment I am planning to take a nap cause even if I am not working I woke up as usual at 6 am ...

Planning on washing babies clothes this weekend , we are nearly there !

Have a fun day out Amy ,I can t be bothered to do anything at the moment, my energy is gone already .
I really want to see a foot or something but no clear shapes yet on my bump

Just got back from the hospital. I hadn't felt a single foetal movement since waking up and had sharp lower abdominal/groin pain so I had to go into hospital and have a non-stress test/continual foetal movement. Luckily, everything is okay. Baby is lying on a nerve causing the pain and his movements have picked up and I've been discharged now.
At the end of my tether with this pregnancy, just cannot wait for it to be over.
Oh no tealady, sorry you've had such a rubbish day but glad everything is okay with baby. Has the nerve pain eased up?

The days are dragging for me now, I think it's because everything seems like a huge effort! I got a ball to try and ease some of the aches but it's currently being used as a foot rest lol.

I keep feeling baby rummaging around really low down which is so uncomfortable, like he's turning his head in my pelvis and having a good look around!

Ahh Alyssa thanks for reminding me about washing clothes, I need to wash the ones I have for the birth bag atleast. X

Oh no tealady, if it's any consolation I've been at the hospital today too.
My bp was raised earlier in the week and due to previous pre eclampsia, they asked to see me today. It had gone down so slightly today, and this midwife didn't seem worried (despite it being exactly the same for the last 20 weeks and now all of a sudden, a jump upwards).
I also have ketones in my urine...my body is burning off energy too quickly before it can be used efficiently, and is normally found in people on extreme diets. Essentially, I have to eat and drink more!
I'm now a bit concerned I'm measuring 2 weeks behind, and hoping that she is getting everything she needs in there.
I need to make an appt to see normal midwife again next week, but whether there are any appts available is another story!
I would be perfectly happy if she came now - may get bouncing on the ball later, whilst eating, lol!
Hey ladies

I am tired. Super tired.

Hope you're feeling better now Tealady

Lea, I hope you're able to get a midwife appointment next week.

So I woke up with quite bad pain in my back today...it eased off slightly but I managed to dig out my hot water bottle and I'm now leaning back on it which feels amazing!!! Can't believe I hadn't done this sooner. I definitely have to slow down now!!! My body can't take it anymore.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend.....on another note, we only have a few weekends left before babies start arriving!!!!

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