October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Allysa what is a back to back baby exactly? And how can you tell your baby is that?
So ladies had my midwife appointment and have a sweep booked in for 39 weeks. They won't induce me until 40+10 which is the anniversary of the baby I lost and I broke down when she said that, it is my biggest fear :(

I am going to try all I can to get this baby out sooner rather than later so today I am investigating all ways to induce labour lol!

I have also been contacted by the health visitor to arrange a visit, she is coming Monday 18th so will be a house blitz on the weekend before lol anyone had one, know what I should expect?

Got my 'surprise' baby shower this weekend, my partner is the worst at keeping secrets so have been practising my surprised face lol x
Tealady, back to back position of the baby or posterior means the baby spine is against mine , facing out towards my belly when they should usually be the other way round . Hope that makes any sense .. Midwife checked and that was his position at my 33 weeks appt , but I feel him in the same position as I can see limbs pushing everywhere in the front and nothing on the inside. I am scared as I read is rhe worst position to give birth and I do hope he will move around .

Wow , exciting to have some birth plans and dates already Flick ! I know it is not what you wanted but you never know and he might come earlier . Regarding babyshower , my husband will be exactly the same , he can' t keep anything away from me so ai am never surprised haha
I had the health visitor like a week ago and was not that bad . She was also pregnant two weeks behind me and she said next time I will see another one . It was like an introduction of who they actually are and what they do and will give you lots of leaflets regarding breastfeeding , safe sleeping positions of the baby and some other one . Other than that she asked me how my pregnancy have been so far , if I had any major issues , how I am feelig and if I will have enough support once the baby is here . Someone will came again between 10-14 days after baby is here to check our wellbeing . The visit took like an hour or so
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Flick, I think it is awful that they are choosing to induce you on that date. It seems highly insensitive; what would have been the harm in inducing you merely one day sooner?!

Allysa- can you give birth naturally to a back to back baby? My baby is breech and obviously they don't promote vaginal births for breech babies but what about back to back? What does a back to back baby feel like? Is it painful or a weird sensation..?

Will we all have a health visitor appointment before the baby comes? There hasn't been any mention of one to me yet.
Also, does anyone else have really sore boobs? Thought painful boobs were at the start of pregnancy?!
Hi ladies,

I was back to back when I was born. My mum said it took a bit more effort to get me out but was ok. My sister was in the 'normal' position and she had a massive bleed after her but was fine with me, so who knows.
I don't get a health visitor come before but I then get one around day 5. Where I am they wont do a sweep before 40w and usually don't until 41w. Then depending on days they can try a few before they induce at 40+12.

I haven't got painful boobs at the mo, but who knows what could happen.

Flick- it seems odd that they cant do it a day before or after, and quite insensitive. Hopefully baby will come of their own account before x
Got sent a box from Johnsons and Emma's Diary today. Has a full packet of newborn baby wipes, sample bottles of baby oil and baby bath and vouchers for money off. I didn't ask for it but guess I must have signed up with something to have got it. Good freebies
My first was back to back, I felt all the pain in my back which was sore but I managed with only gas and air. I was in established labour with him for 20 hours and 2 of those hours where pushing. Painful but I have nothing to compare it to. I did have bruises on my back afterwards because I had my OH rub my back as hard as he could!

I'm sorry you aren't too pleased with the induction date Flick :( But a sweep at 39 weeks sounds good, here they are very reluctant to offer sweeps before 40 weeks. I've heard clary sage oil is supposed to be good for starting things off and nipple stimulation!

I've got the health visitor coming next week too, I was gonna decline their services but she sounds nice on the phone so I'll meet her for the antenatal visit.

So 5/8 rooms are painted and I'm exhausted with all the cleaning and shifting furniture. Aiming by 38 weeks to be done with the house. Baby is back up in my ribs now and I can feel a lot more movement....beginning to wonder if baby has changed position. Next midwife appointment is next Tuesday so will find out then.

Wow I can't believe we are all so far on and are talking about inductions!? Where has the time gone???? Can't believe we are going to have a little person at the end of this.....so surreal
Finally Morning after a crappy night! Baby was up a lot during last night and obviously kept me awake too . He is angry ai think when he has hiccups and kick a lot in the same time ..

I still hope he will turn somehow until before labour as From what I read too there were couple of worst scenarios which made me very scared . Monday I have the appt in the hospital sa we will discuss then .

Sounds surreal to me too knowing that we will end up with a little person soon ... So amazing
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Morning all,

Had an awful nights sleep, bad dreams but also I seem to have an infection in my nipple, it is agony and have had to come to the office today so have to wear a bra and every movement makes me want to cry! I have rang midwife and there is nothing I can do as I can't have anti biotics just have to keep an eye on the swelling and if it doesn't go down in 24 hours ring doc to see if they can drain it, brings back the horrible memories of masstitus when I had Jackson, urgh!

Feeling pretty down and deflated at the moment, need to pick myself back up but is so hard when my hormones are rife!!!! xx
Oh no Flick :( I hope you start to feel better soon. Does a warm compress help? I know it's not the same burn had an excruciating cyst under my arm a few years back and heat was the only thing that provided some kind of relief. And I do hear women use warm compressed with breast related issues and feeding?

Allysa, I hope baby turns for you. There is still more than enough time. I think there's things you can do to encourage baby to move? Using a birthing ball and doing certain exercises. I wish there was a way we could just know what position they are in. I am so convinced baby has moved as I now have constant aching pains high in my ribs and can feel and see every movement.

Just read a Facebook post in a group that a lady had her baby last night and she was only 36 weeks. Then lots of ladies commenting saying they had babies at 36 weeks.....scary!
Flick why can't you have antibiotics? I had an infected milk duct a few weeks ago and i got given fusidic acid antibiotic cream to apply 4 times a day for 2-3 weeks and it made a big difference. It's gone down 95%!
I am willing to try anything so will try warm stuff when I get home, someone told me cabbage?! Apparently savoy cabbage leaf in the bra helps, apparently that also helps with breast feeding as helps the nipples to relax in between feeds, maybe an old housewife tale but who knows!

My partner has said anytime from Sunday for me but that is only because he is on nights next week lol x

Just had a really rude and quite frankly large lady tell me how huge I am, I tried so hard not to look her up and down with disgust, why do people think it is ok to make comments on your appearance when pregnant?! x
Flick why can't you have antibiotics? I had an infected milk duct a few weeks ago and i got given fusidic acid antibiotic cream to apply 4 times a day for 2-3 weeks and it made a big difference. It's gone down 95%!

Oh really ok, will ring the doc then, my midwife said I wouldn't get antibiotics unless it was an extreme case so to keep an eye on it but will ring doc and see if I can get a cream one then, thank you x
Oh no flick, call the doc as tealady suggested and see if they might be able to help you more than the midwives did.x

Is anyone drinking raspberries leaf tea ? I think i have read some time ago about it and was thinking to give it a go. Not sure how much is helps. Will be buying a ball too this weekend, I have to say I feel a little terrified of the thought that I might go overdue..
Sorry to hear of the trouble you are having flick. I've heard about the cabbage leaves for breastfeeding pains/issues. I also saw that Lansinoh do some 3-in-1 hot/cold breast therapy pads that you can either put in freezer or heat to help nipples. They're currently about £10 on amazon. I've just ordered some ready.

Olivia- great news on the decorating. It will be amazing when its all done, and so great for you knowing that everything is ready.

Allysa- I read that leaning on a birthing ball, or sitting backwards on a chair and leaning forwards can help. I think the leaning forward encourages baby to get in the best position.

Had my hospital visit this evening. Was really nice to see the environment and get more useful information. Think it highlighted to hubby that this will happen soon as he's talking about getting lists ready so he knows what we need to take in with us, and he's talking about what he can have ready for me at home once I come home. Feeling absolutely knackered tonight- I think its due to all the standing in the hosp and working later. Nearly had a moment earlier when I almost spilt food over myself and threw a strop. Think hubby knows I'm tired and uncomfortable as he didn't laugh. He's now doing all the washing up and has said he'll make my lunch for tomorrow so I can just sit with my feet up. Bless him.
Up downstairs on my laptop at 3.30 due to pregnancy insomnia striking again. Feel drained and rotten.
Allysa, I'm definitely doing the raspberry leaf tea. I cannot cope with pregnancy for much longer and the thought of going overdue devastates me. I've already queried having a sweep at 40 wks with my midwife.

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