*NOVEMBER 2019 - Testing Thread*

Here’s the test dried out! Really hope the frer is dark lined! Pray for me for a good hold today ladies! Xxx

Here’s the test dried out! Really hope the frer is dark lined! Pray for me for a good hold today ladies! Xxx

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Awwww that is a great line esp when only implanted 2 days ago..... My normal tests would be darker when I got that amount of colour. Frer would be darker as those tests don't get dark until later xxx <3 :cheer: :pray:
I’d sooooo love for AF to stay away for you char! How you feeling??? Xxx
I feel ok.
I can't say i am feeling any symptoms at all that would persuade me to think AF or pregnancy. But my mind is definitely convincing me that of course AF is round the corner.
It's absolutely fine if it does arrive, because IVF can be started. x
I feel ok.
I can't say i am feeling any symptoms at all that would persuade me to think AF or pregnancy. But my mind is definitely convincing me that of course AF is round the corner.
It's absolutely fine if it does arrive, because IVF can be started. x

Do you have a date for it now? :)
Do you have a date for it now? :)
Nope :(
The lab lost my last blood samples that i did so i have had to wait for CD2-5 to come around again so i can go for more bloods. To say i was peed off is an understatement. x
Nope :(
The lab lost my last blood samples that i did so i have had to wait for CD2-5 to come around again so i can go for more bloods. To say i was peed off is an understatement. x
What?! When did they tell you this?? How can you lose blood samples? I'd be so furious!
I really hope AF stays away hun! Keeping everything crossed for you!x
What?! When did they tell you this?? How can you lose blood samples? I'd be so furious!
I really hope AF stays away hun! Keeping everything crossed for you!x
I know right.
I received a letter in the post bout 2 weeks after i had my bloods saying they were still waiting on me to book in for the bloods. When i called them and explained i went for them 2 weeks before they came back with the excuse that the lab misplaced them. I was absolutely furious @Kitana because it meant having to wait another whole cycle/month to get them redone. xx
I could cry! 4 hour hold on a frer and it’s lighter than my test this morning! Could it just be the hold wasn’t good enough or is this a chemical?! I’ve got another and some cheap tests from bodycare! Xx

I wouldn’t panic to much hun. Try again with a FRER in the morning with FMU XX
Thanks char! I feel so down! I’m scared I’m
Going to cry when I see my OH and spoil the surprise if I am pregnant! Will be doing a hold and using a one step before bed and then use the frer in the morning xxx
I could cry! 4 hour hold on a frer and it’s lighter than my test this morning! Could it just be the hold wasn’t good enough or is this a chemical?! I’ve got another and some cheap tests from bodycare! Xx

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Awww huni. Don't panic I still see the line and if drank cups of tea or water my lines were lighter if not fmu and still before af due. Try keep positive xxx
Awww huni. Don't panic I still see the line and if drank cups of tea or water my lines were lighter if not fmu and still before af due. Try keep positive xxx
Thanks jac! Honestly don’t know what I’d do without this forum! Feel like I’m
Going mad!
my son was a complete unplanned surprise so I’ve never had to go through this process! So much admiration for women! Xxx
Thanks char! I feel so down! I’m scared I’m
Going to cry when I see my OH and spoil the surprise if I am pregnant! Will be doing a hold and using a one step before bed and then use the frer in the morning xxx
Arrrr don’t be down hun. Your not out. There is still a line there and it’s the 1st FRER you have used so you can’t really compare it to a cheapie. Only compare tests when your using the same ones.
Your still a few days away from AF so you have time for it to get darker. Stay positive and try not to ruin the surprise you have in store for OH xx
Arrrr don’t be down hun. Your not out. There is still a line there and it’s the 1st FRER you have used so you can’t really compare it to a cheapie. Only compare tests when your using the same ones.
Your still a few days away from AF so you have time for it to get darker. Stay positive and try not to ruin the surprise you have in store for OH xx
Thanks char! I will do my best! I really want this to be a positive thing for him! This would be his first ever experience with this and he deserves it to be a happy moment xxx
Thanks jac! Honestly don’t know what I’d do without this forum! Feel like I’m
Going mad!
my son was a complete unplanned surprise so I’ve never had to go through this process! So much admiration for women! Xxx
I know the ttc is terrible and worrying time isn't it... I felt crazy quite a few times over last year. There is still a positive line there... Was your wee light in colour as if so then would be lighter as more diluted even if held for hours. That's how mine were felt I was dehydrating myself to try test if not fmu xxx

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