October mummies dont want to jinx themselves into being november mummies and having to wear it as its guaranteed theyll be going overdue if worn on hallows eve haha
Jeezo 31 weeks today! Still don't feel like my bump is that big due to my big roll of belly fat underneath!! but my other symptoms have ramped up. Mainly the heartburn it is absolutely terrible, plus the peeing and it seems like my bladder is restricted as hardly anything comes out, and I just feel quite uncomfortable!
Plus my kicks are getting stronger now, although I still can't feel baby very often on the top with my hand, kicks seem way inside me?
Hope u guys are all ok!!! 9 weeks to go can u believe it? Can't wait to meet this wee face x
I always find i have to have a wiggle on the loo to get some out or stand up and sit down again. So much fun at 2am.
My heartburn is awful got a prescrition from the docs last week but havn't been to pharmacy to put it in yet.
Finding it mental to think I am in the final trip now - I still can't believe in like 3 months I will have a tiny baby here to look after, I cannot wait to meet him but can't help but think I will do nothing but worry for the next few months!
Talking to my nail lady today about labour and after birth and it just seems so scary! Her contractions started before waters broke so I can only hope mine is that way around too! I am so worried about how it will all start but the birth part I am not scared of! Just the pre birth and after birth bits!
Still have so many little bits to buy but all major things are purchased
I'm at the point now that I have bought everything I can think of but I'm sure there is something important I've forgot! 😂 All this time preparing and planning and we're nearly there. I hope I'm a good Mum! Ahhh! Xx
Time is just going too fast!! I've have scans every 2 weeks and I only have 3 left after tomorrow before the girls are due to be delivered - I need to pull my finger out & get organised lol xx
I must confess that I'm over it. I hope the next 9 weeks flies by. Can't eat without indigestion and finding food I want reduces me to tears., can't sleep without pain and discomfort and weeing! even walking (the thing I love!) is becoming hard. I don't wish her early but I want her on my arms. Hurry up November 9th.
I know we are all in the same boat but I wanted a whinge. :-/ xxx
I haven't reached that stage yet. I'm loving the fact that my bump is an obvious baby and not just flab and in general I'm just really enjoying being pregnant. Can't wait to meet our baby but really can't complain about how it's been so far. I'm sure that will all change if I go overdue, lol
Afraid to say it - I am enjoying being pregnant. I might be uncomfortable at times but I am so happy with what my body is doing and am so excited to meet my little one growing inside me! I know I am behind a lot of you because I am right at the end of November and I may feel different in a few weeks but I can't wait to get bigger as I still feel bump is quite small for my size!
I have loads of bits to get, main thing being nappies and bedding - I have no bedding what so ever for either the cot bed or the moses! No bath bits really either. I still feel like it is ages away - I think this stage is weird as I was say 26 weeks so people ask how many months you are and that equals to 6.5 months so makes it seem like less than 3 months to go when reality is it doesn't work out like that by weeks! and I have only just actually hit 12 weeks to go and 3 months properly!
Honestly felt like I have 3 months to go for ages haha!
Yeah I do the same. It's easier to say how many weeks you have left. What's your due date MrsS? Isn't it in October but you think you're more likely to be November? Xx
I have had moments in all my pregnancies where ive either loved it or wanted it to be over already.
This one is no exception.
Today im enjoying the pregnancy apart from not being able to pick things up when i drop them. I am at the stage now where if i drop it then it stays there and i seem to be very clumsy atm so alot gets dropped.
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