**********November 2015 mummies***********

Hope she stays in a bit longer toots. I'm ment to be on bed rest but its not possible when you already have children.
4 weeks will fly by.
Oh stay put baby!! I have no idea how they expect you to rest either, Haydn is 17 months and its like trying to keep a hurricane in a paper bag!
Hi ladies!
I haven't been on here for so long I thought I'd check in and say hello, I'm still here, still drumming.
My SPD has thankfully subsided a lot recently. Had 6 rounds of physio and I no longer need crutches to walk. I get the odd nerve pain shooting down my right leg and my pubic bone is pretty creaky these days, especially when getting up from laying on my side, but it's all manageable and tolerable which is good, given my active 19 month old!!

In other news I had a bit of a scare last Friday. Went to the loo and there was my mucous plug sat in my knickers! Cue my panicking given I was only 32 weeks. I went and got checked and basically my cervix has already started to efface and little girls head it pressing right on down there. They did an ultrasound of my cervix to see and said that its ok but that I really need to put my feet up and avoid all strenuous activity. I really had to laugh - I've been housebound and on crutches for the past 5 weeks, I asked how I was supposed to rest MORE than I already have been!! Anyway, the little lady needs to stay in there for just over four weeks and then it's ok. So, rest for me, which is obviously tricky given my little fireball of a toddler. We have some family coming at various points over the next few weeks so there'll be people to help out which is good.

Ok, what an essay, sorry! I hope you're all doing well. Not long now hey?!

Take care all xxx

How are you getting on hun? Xx
Hope everyone is ok.

Is anyone finding the baby movements are getting painfull?
Not painful yet but I'm getting more "rolls" as opposed to kicks. Definitely feels like baby has less room to move around than it used to now it's getting bigger!! Leg cramps are still excruciating. Tried everything I can think of - bananas for potassium, plenty of water, etc but nothing seems to help. Ouch! Feels exciting now I've started counting how many weeks left instead of how many weeks pregnant I am!! xxx
Had a few painful ones the other day actually - definitely getting more that make me take a breath! Although he isn't kicking my ribs yet thankfully haha!

Getting a bit real and close now - 2 months yesterday was my due date! 27th November! Eeeeeek
im definitely finding the movements uncomfortable now, I do still enjoy watching them but they sometimes catch me off guard xx
Yea! Just laying on my side in the sofa at he moment and if I move in a certain way it's murder where the baby is lying. Jut having a few sips of Coke to see if that will get him/her to move a bit!

No leg cramps here yet but I have got a randomly twitchy thumb which drives me mad.
I'm getting uncomfortable now. Going to be a long 7 weeks, or possibly more! I have loved being pregnant but I'm finding these last few weeks the toughest. I know how lucky I've been up until now so I can't complain. 😊 Xx
Hi all,

The last weeks are definitely the toughest physically and totally zap your energy levels.

I'm ok, still on bed rest and my mum has been here this past week helping. A frien of ours is doing the nursery drop offs and pick ups (mostly). Still can't walk more than 300m so I'm being sensible and staying housebound although it's boring as hell.

I've been having period cramps in the night - it was the same the week running up to the birth of my daughter so I'm a bit worried. I have an appointment this afternoon where they'll do an examination and check I'm not dilated or anything crazy (I was last time, walking round 2cm dilated for a week) - fingers crossed. I'm still only 34 weeks, granted that's better than being 24 weeks and in this situation, but still, 34 weeks is not 37 weeks so here's hoping she stays put for the next 3 weeks! Please!

Not long to go now ladies, we're all on the home stretch, bouncing baby in sight :)
Glad she staying put for now toots.

Got stuck in the bath last night and there was no one home to help me get out. Will be showering from now on.
Oh toots I hope you get to at least 37 weeks, sorry you're so bored but resting sounds like the best option. Xx
Have you all got names picked now? If it's a girl we are sorted from when I was team yellow last time. We really struggled for a boys name for my son but in the end I really love his name and it suits him so well! Trouble is he's named after our grandads but I don't have any more family names in the bag to use so have zero inspiration! Just know I'll have another boy too!!!
Thanks ladies! And sorry you got stuck in the bath emerald!!!

I had my appointment yesterday and I'm not in slow labour or anything. Cervix is more effaced but not entirely. My midwife said the main concern that makes her think little lady will come early is that she's engaged, sat there ready to go so to speak so she told me that I really need to do nothing because if I were to start carrying things etc I would likely trigger labour. 2.5 weeks and then I'll have reached 37 weeks and it's ok. So a bit more boredom, but it's doable. Sadly they couldn't do the scan to see how big she is as the doctors were in c-sections so I'm going again tomorrow for a scan and a scan of my cervix at 9:30.

We have chosen a name! Thea :) it's my husbands great grandma's name. DD has a name from my side of the family so this next little munchkin has one from his :)
I tried to talk to the BF today about names again, we had a convo back on holiday in July after we found out it was a boy, we found one name that we like.
We tried thinking of others today and we just can't find any others that we both like, plus he keeps making stupid suggestions!

I think we will end up having him and then deciding if we like the name we do have, if we decide we don't we will just have to think of something, everyone can wait for us to tell them a name! I just don't want to choose one for definite before hand!
Good news about not being in labour toots, as dull as it is take things easy. How are you managing with your little one? Haydns 17 months and just a total wrecking ball. I have no idea how is cope if i couldn't get out with him we'd drive each other mad!

Glad you guys are doing better than us with names. Keep hoping for inspiration to just smack me in the face!

Last day of holiday today, the weather down here in Cornwall has been incredible but I'm absolutely wiped out today. Every day we've been out As much as we could with the little man. Today we walked so far and most of it on the sand so my feet and calves are murder! Don't want to leave, we've all had so much fun and Haydns slept the best he has for nearly 8 months since we've been down here. Clearly we need to move to the sea side!
Lovely name toots! 😊 Think we have a name sorted now. Well 2 so it'll be one of them. Keeping them a secret though.

I've just spent a couple of hours asleep on the sofa. Finding it more and more uncomfortable at night. Everything aches! I know I shouldn't complain because I've had it so easy but I just want to get to the end of work for my maternity leave before my sleeping pattern deteriorates completely. Hope everyone is ok? Xx
I know what you mean purplecloud, at night you're supposed to be sleeping a all snuggled in bed. In reality, not moving for that many hours makes you so stiff you can hardly get up to go to the loo. My pubic bone kills most at night because I can't roll from one side to the other without extreme pain, so laying down is a bit of a double edged sword.

Finding everything a bit tough at the moment if I'm honest. We live far from family and don't have lots of friend here, those who do either have kids or work. My DD goes to nursery in the mornings but in the afternoons it's just me to entertain her and I'm supposed to be on bed rest as I can hardly move. It's so hard. Can't take her out obviously because of me and she doesn't want to stay in, she can see that it's a lovely sunny day and she also knows I'm in pain and gets very upset. In 3 weeks my MIL is coming to stay for a week when I'll be38 weeks and it can't come soon enough, seriously. Id happily go into labour the day she arrives. It would mean having a little control back over my body again, the cure to all the pain I've been in since August is actually not being pregnant anymore, ha!

I know 3 weeks is not the world, but right now it sure feels like it ��
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We have 3 great names we love and 3 we don't like as much but still made the list. One of them I hate but I know for sure I will not be naming my daughter it even if my husband begs... Haha!! My MIL is doing my nut in. I am pretty sorted for baby stuff and agreed they could get us our cot. She now has 9 bin bags of clothes for us and I already have loads. I wouldn't mind a few outfits but some of it I really don't like. I know it sounds like I'm s spoiled brat but this baby is going to have 3 sets of grandparents and 2 aunts that want to spoil her too but his mum keeps buying more and more and more. Xx
It must be so tough for you toots. I take my hat off to you for battling through the pain. Can't imagine how hard it must be for you. Keep us posted on how you're getting on. Xx

That's one of my worries Jill, certain family members getting over the top. I know they're excited too but I don't want it to turn into a competition between the grandparents. Xx

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