Hi ladies!
I haven't been on here for so long I thought I'd check in and say hello, I'm still here, still drumming.
My SPD has thankfully subsided a lot recently. Had 6 rounds of physio and I no longer need crutches to walk. I get the odd nerve pain shooting down my right leg and my pubic bone is pretty creaky these days, especially when getting up from laying on my side, but it's all manageable and tolerable which is good, given my active 19 month old!!
In other news I had a bit of a scare last Friday. Went to the loo and there was my mucous plug sat in my knickers! Cue my panicking given I was only 32 weeks. I went and got checked and basically my cervix has already started to efface and little girls head it pressing right on down there. They did an ultrasound of my cervix to see and said that its ok but that I really need to put my feet up and avoid all strenuous activity. I really had to laugh - I've been housebound and on crutches for the past 5 weeks, I asked how I was supposed to rest MORE than I already have been!! Anyway, the little lady needs to stay in there for just over four weeks and then it's ok. So, rest for me, which is obviously tricky given my little fireball of a toddler. We have some family coming at various points over the next few weeks so there'll be people to help out which is good.
Ok, what an essay, sorry! I hope you're all doing well. Not long now hey?!
Take care all xxx