**********November 2015 mummies***********

21st October purplecloud
I'm convinced itll be the latest possible he will make an appearance
Im impatient so its sods law lol
My money is on being 2 weeks late, getting induced at 40w+14 and having him the next day! (guy fawkes)
Hope everyones ok. Got another growth scan tomorrow getting really fed up of going up the hospital its so expensive to park up there.
Got a uti so on antibiotics again, hope they start working soon feel like ive been kicked between the legs with a spiked boot.
Ouch! Hope you feel better soon. Yes derriford is ridiculous for parking isn't it! X
Yeah its awfull and it takes ages to find a space even with the new multi story carpark.
awww I can feel your pain with the uti :( I have my consultant appointment at 10.30 today. today is the last day of my antibiotics from my stay in hospital last week because of another uti, consultant will probs tell me to remain on antibiotics for the remainder of the pregnancy (she had done this before I ended up in hosp). think my consultant is planning to book me some growth scans too for remainder of pregnancy, then there was talk when I was in hosp last week of scanning my kidneys because I am having so much bother with the uti's, but unsure if they are wanting to do that before or after baby is here. but I have that constant bruised feeling inbetween my legs all day every day, its as if someone has booted me inbetween the legs. it went away for a day or two in hosp must of been with the strong pain killers but its back again. but we are on the last stretch ladies, cant wait to meet this wee baby, just want him or her here now x
Its awful i really hope your pain goes away weeyin.

Been shopping with babys parents today as they still hadnt bought anything for the baby. They ordered a special edition icandy and a pebble car seat. Took hours for them to pick what they wanted and we only went to mothercare dont think i've ever spent that long in one shop before. My feet are killing me.

we only just made it in time for the scan aswell we also spoke to a senior midwife about our birth plan and aftercare. She advised them to be here from 37 weeks as if i did go early baby would come quick with it being my 5th time so i think she finally got the message.
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How's everyone doing? I feel like I'm going from appointment to appointment at the moment. All for the greater good though! And it's official, I'm down to two items of clothing that fit over my bump! 😂 Quite a nice problem to have. Never thought I'd be so easy going about looking like I swallowed a beach ball! Xx
The same! So many appointments in the calendar! Whooping cough injection tomorrow :( being consultant led makes it seem busier too!

I still have loads that fits - I haven't got too much of a balloon belly yet haha everyone can't believe Im not bigger by now!

Been a bit sick lately which sucks but worth it for my littl one :)
I'm the same with appts - i have midwife tomorrow morning, growth scan tomorrow afternoon, dietician 29th, consultant 6th oct, growth scan 7th oct, diabetic doctor 13th oct aswell as my ante-natal classes starting in 2 weeks! Phew x
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I have a pair of maternity jeans, 3 maternity tops and a dress that fit.
I only have 1 pair of shoes that fit my swollen feet!

Been getting alot of heartburn but other than that been feeling ok although im tired all the time.
I have a choice of flip flops or emu sheepskin boots, anything else I can't be bothered to bend over to put on. Means I have to make quite a choice in the morning or having boiling/freezing feet for the whole day!
I'm feeling pretty good overall. I was lucky that my friend gave me a load of her old maternity clothes when she found out I was pregnant so have got plenty to keep me going. The appointments are definitely getting more frequent. Have my midwife appointments on a Friday, got my 31 week appt this week and then working my way through the jabs too. Need to book in for the flu jab which I think I can do when I'm at the docs on Friday. Antenatal classes have started and I'm working my way through the hospital bag list again so I can make sure I have all the essentials. Got a hospital bag list for me, baby and hubby and an additional extras bag for keeping in the car! Only a few months to go now ladies and our babies will be here!! Eeek!! xx
I've had my whooping cough & flu jab this morning - nurse said I might feel a bit crappy afterwards - but I'm not going into work so just going to chill and do some housework! Seriously neglecting my house at the minute - there are piles of washing everywhere that either need ironing or put into the washing machine!! Xx
I felt crappy for a good few days after mine hutchy x
ahhh im booked in for the whooping cough jab at the end of this month and I am dreading it :( Im not good with needles etc but needs must eh! xx
I feel ok at the moment but my arms feel really sore! Xx
ahhh im booked in for the whooping cough jab at the end of this month and I am dreading it :( Im not good with needles etc but needs must eh! xx

The actual needle bit was fine for me - hardly felt it at all - just the part where I bruised like a peach after that I wasn't happy with, lol xx
Awww Okies lol I've heard a few folk saying there arm was achy for a few days after cx
My arm felt like it was made of lead for ages after! And the day after was a complete write off, I felt lousy. But it's all for a good cause! I'm meant to have my 31 week appointment this week but there isn't a midwife available for it so I have to have it next week instead. Xx
Hi ladies!
I haven't been on here for so long I thought I'd check in and say hello, I'm still here, still drumming.
My SPD has thankfully subsided a lot recently. Had 6 rounds of physio and I no longer need crutches to walk. I get the odd nerve pain shooting down my right leg and my pubic bone is pretty creaky these days, especially when getting up from laying on my side, but it's all manageable and tolerable which is good, given my active 19 month old!!

In other news I had a bit of a scare last Friday. Went to the loo and there was my mucous plug sat in my knickers! Cue my panicking given I was only 32 weeks. I went and got checked and basically my cervix has already started to efface and little girls head it pressing right on down there. They did an ultrasound of my cervix to see and said that its ok but that I really need to put my feet up and avoid all strenuous activity. I really had to laugh - I've been housebound and on crutches for the past 5 weeks, I asked how I was supposed to rest MORE than I already have been!! Anyway, the little lady needs to stay in there for just over four weeks and then it's ok. So, rest for me, which is obviously tricky given my little fireball of a toddler. We have some family coming at various points over the next few weeks so there'll be people to help out which is good.

Ok, what an essay, sorry! I hope you're all doing well. Not long now hey?!

Take care all xxx

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