**********November 2015 mummies***********

It must be so tough for you toots. I take my hat off to you for battling through the pain. Can't imagine how hard it must be for you. Keep us posted on how you're getting on. Xx

That's one of my worries Jill, certain family members getting over the top. I know they're excited too but I don't want it to turn into a competition between the grandparents. Xx

Yeah it's not fun. Both me and my sister are pregnant and due 10 days apart so I have all the stress I need there haha
First post has been updated for anyone not on our fb group.

My morning sickness has returned over the last 3 days. Hope its not a sign that baby is on it way as i know some ladies do have a 'clear out' before going into labour. Baby needs to stay put till his mummy and daddy arrive here on the 20th.
Glad to here baby is ok toots sorry to hear your in so much pain though.
We picked our pram up today :) had a moment when saw my oh carrying the car seat , I thought next time he takes it out of the car and into the house it will have our little girl in it! :')
I wasn't going to collect it until really late on because people say it's bad luck but I wanted it at home so I can get used to it... Now I'm worried that I've got it too early and it might actually be bad luck oh dear!
I've only just unpacked mine
I wanted the car set up with it. Just incase!
We picked our pram up today :) had a moment when saw my oh carrying the car seat , I thought next time he takes it out of the car and into the house it will have our little girl in it! :')
I wasn't going to collect it until really late on because people say it's bad luck but I wanted it at home so I can get used to it... Now I'm worried that I've got it too early and it might actually be bad luck oh dear!

If you think about it, superstitions like that are actually pretty insulting to women who lose babies or have stillborn babies. Not saying that YOU are insulting them, just that rubbish like that - people convincing you it's bad luck kinda suggests that women can somehow control whether or not they lose their child. We've had our pram for ages and I'm 100% confident that it will have no impact whatsoever on the health of our baby. Picking up the pram is exciting and don't let anyone or anything tell you otherwise!! xxx
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I agree mylullaby! We have had our Pram and car seat since before I was 20 weeks and I'm pretty sure it's not going to have an impact on my child's health. I'm not in anyway superstitious though. Ironically it would be bad luck if you went into early labour and didn't have a car seat! 😁 It's exciting to think in a few weeks all the things we have bought will be getting used! Eeek!
I have to ring the shop about our pram, when we ordered it we had to say when we wanted to pick it up and we said early-mid october. Not sure if they were gonna ring me when its there? I best check!
Not superstitous at all just one less thing to store since we ordered it in June x
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Admittedly it's in the way a bit right in the middle of the spare room, but we haven't had anyone staying over so not the end of the world! Ours is set up too - with the rain cover on to stop it getting dusty, lol. Too excited once it was up to take it down again!! (Plus I like to have a cheeky little push now and again!) xx
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Having a pram in the house wont make anyyhing happen to baby. I never listen to old wives tales.

Wonder who will be our 2nd november baby?
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I have had the pram since June, I haven't unboxed it though as the BF wouldn't allow it! However super glad now that I didn't as we are going to change the colour to a lovely blue instead of the plain black :)

Had a growth scan yesterday, baby has started packing on weight, put on albs exactly in 4 weeks! He was slightly below the 50th centile line before but is now just creeping over! And somehow his legs have gone right up to the top of the chart almost into 90th centile - rest is sort of just over the middle line! Im thinking he won't fit in newborn long with those legs haha!

They also checked my fluid levels and blood flow in the cord and all seems good, although on my chart it is below the middle line so got myself a little worried its not as good as it should be!

Got another scan in 4 weeks time then the count down to him arriving begins!!! Im so excited to meet him :)
glad your growth scan went well! ive got mine tomorrow, hoping they can tell me roughly how much baby weighs because im so curious haha! and see how they are lying, because even when I can feel something I can't figure out what part of the body it is! last scan a few weeks ago baby was already head down so shall see if the same or if moved around xx
Mine was breech at 20 weeks and head down along the left from the 28 week till now. I can pretty much tell where he is as my left side pokes a bit more and I always feel most movements on the right. I feel feet pushing up top and hands dragging along the bottom it's weird!
Mine was breech at 20 weeks and head down along the left from the 28 week till now. I can pretty much tell where he is as my left side pokes a bit more and I always feel most movements on the right. I feel feet pushing up top and hands dragging along the bottom it's weird!

Mine moves from one side to the other. It feels really strange and sometimes my bump goes a funny shape. :)
Hi ladies

Most of u are on the Facebook group and know my baby arrived on Sunday 5 weeks early!! I had a wee girl, Leah Elizabeth Quinn who is 4lbs and 7oz of absolute perfection :-)

Have posted an update just there it's a little short sorry I will get time to expand later! Xxxx
OMG!!! Congratulations Quinn I'm not on Facebook so hadn't heard your news. Hope you're all doing well. Can't believe she's here already. xxx
How are you doing toots? Hope you aren't too bored!

Got a poorly toddler, think he's got the stinky cold I had last week. It's hard work looking after him and feeling like crud. I know I'm only 35 weeks and so lucky to be pregnant but I'm really starting to feel fed up now :(
I'm ok Ams, thanks for asking :)
37 weeks on Saturday so that'll be a relief but I seem to have a new pain each day, bloody pelvis! Right now it's my left groin, who knew taking boots off would make that hurt? Apparently it does. Ha! Looking now to start being more active given having a preemie is soon to be a worry no more. Want to get things moving as much as I can. I'd rather not be in pain for another 3.5 weeks if I can help it!!!

Having a little one already really does make you fed up sooner, doesn't it?!
It really is so much harder being pregnant when you have little ones already.
My 4 year old is cuddled up in bed with me and he wont let me get up as he missed me since so much being in hospital.

For anyone not on the fb group. Its confirmed im in slow labour getting regular contractions and im 2cm dialated. Baby isn't engaged so theres a risk that if my waters go the cord could prolapse. I have to go up to day assesment everyday to be checked.

Need baby to stay in till the 20th as thats when the parents arrive but its getting painfull now and paracetamol isnt helping.
Just caught up - congratulations on the arrival of Leah, Quinn! How exciting! She obviously couldn't wait until November.

Toots, putting boots on & taking them off is a nightmare, I can't even attempt it unless I'm sitting down! Agree on the so much tougher with little ones front, I have had to bring forward when I finish work as I am just so exhausted with working & looking after my 18 month old.

Keeping my fingers crossed baby stays in emerald, and that it doesn't get too painful for you :-(
Ams, poorly toddlers are the worst - I literally just had to sit & hug my little girl all day last Tuesday as she was feeling so miserable. I'm really struggling to keep on top of the housework these days!

Saw midwife today & all good with baby bubs, still following in between 10th & 50th centile so fingers crossed she'll be petite like her big sis! Had my baby shower at the weekend too, didn't have one last pregnancy but thought it would be nice & we had a lovely time. Can't wait to see whose arrival prediction will be closest haha! Xx

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