**********November 2015 mummies***********

I didn't realise I needed to do mine at my appointment yesterday. I am so unprepared this time around!
at my consultant appointment this morning, the consultant has decided to book me in for an induction a week on Tuesday (3rd November) I will be 36+6 weeks pregnant. all because of this obstetric cholestasis. and I think its really just hit me today that all of this is real and its actually really happening lol quite nervous now x
I have no phone reception in the hospital and the wifi has blocked Facebook! Baby sharp arrived safely by c-section yesterday at 11.59am. He doesn't have a name yet but he was a whopping 8lbs 8.5oz at 2 weeks early! We are both doing well and trying to get feeding etc established and hoping to be home tomorrow!
Congratulations Emma. Hes so cute.

I am sick of pineapple now i've had 3 in 2 days (whole fresh ones) safe to say pineapple doesn't work.
Oh wow!! Congratulations - beautiful boy. Glad you're both doing well. Enjoy snuggles with your little one. Such exciting times!! xxx
Yeah it bloody kills. I am never eating another pineapple ever again.
Oh gosh I love pineapple but it destroys my mouth if I eat too much!!!! I will still have to start eating it daily :)
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well. Writing this from hospital because Thea is here! Born on Tuesday 27th after induction on Monday! We're both doing fine though she's being a bit stubborn where feeding is concerned!

So I guess we jumped the queue a little!!

Congratulations Hun! Glad you're both doing ok. 😊 How long do you have to stay in? Xx
Congratulations toots!! Wonderful news. Hope you manage to work things out feeding-wise. Pleased to hear that things are going well in general. Congrats again!! Excited that these babies have started arriving!! Eeek!! xx
Thanks ladies! We came home today. I'm in Germany and it's very normal to stay in for two to three nights as standard. She is SO adorable, and so soft like a tiny little mole. ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, I'm so jealous! Can't wait to join you. Enjoy and keep us updated with how you are getting on. Xx
Baby Zac was born yesterday at 21.21 weighing 7lb 12oz.
All happened so quick baby pooed inside but hes had no bad effects from that.
Just waiting to be discharged. Will do my surrogate birth story in the next few days.
Mummy and Daddy are over the moon.
Massive, massive well done Emerald. You have done such an amazing thing for the proud new parents. They must be absolutely thrilled. I'm in awe of you, I really am. Congratulations to the whole family xxx
These November babies are coming thick and fast!
Well done Emerald, you're amazing. Xx
Well done Emerald, hope it was an 'easy' birth for you! Welcome to the world little Zac x
Thank you.
Been reading my discharge notes i was in established labour for 3 hours 10 mins and pushing lasted 3 mins. Felt longer than that at the time.
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