**********November 2015 mummies***********

I'm ok Ams, thanks for asking :)
37 weeks on Saturday so that'll be a relief but I seem to have a new pain each day, bloody pelvis! Right now it's my left groin, who knew taking boots off would make that hurt? Apparently it does. Ha! Looking now to start being more active given having a preemie is soon to be a worry no more. Want to get things moving as much as I can. I'd rather not be in pain for another 3.5 weeks if I can help it!!!

Having a little one already really does make you fed up sooner, doesn't it?!

I don't have another little one but I'm with you Toots. I'm 37 weeks on Monday and totally fed up. I'm still walking up to 4 miles a day and gonna start bouncing on my ball. Really hoping not to go over. Xx
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I found the last few weeks with my first really dragged. You have all the baby stuff ready and no baby yet. Having a little one already distracts you from that Probably coz your too tired.
I found the last few weeks with my first really dragged. You have all the baby stuff ready and no baby yet. Having a little one already distracts you from that Probably coz your too tired.

That's how I feel. All the stuff, all the info and no baby. Literally cannot wait. :):):)
Any room for a late comer? Always thought I might be a Nov mummy but was told today c section will be week commencing 9th Nov (I'll be 36+3 on the Monday). I'm stressed, panicked and worried as I'm not organised and he'll be a premmie :-/ xxx
Welcome Becky! How come you're having your little one so early?
He'll be fine i'm sure - one of the Nov mummies (Quinn) has already had her baby girl 5 weeks early and all is fine x
It was a twin pregnancy with complications in that one didn't form properly, I had laser treatment at 14 weeks and they would just rather he was out than in. I hoped to hang on until 38 weeks but 36 it is. He's estimated to be 5lb 9oz now. x
He's a really good size already then, mine was 5lb 10oz at growth scan 9 days ago. I have gd so more than likely wont be going past 38 weeks, so close now! X
Also Becky we have a private fb group for the Nov mummies if u are on fb and want to join us?
Incase u are wondering why there arent that many updates on here we tend to use the fb group instead x
Hey Becky and welcome!
If it makes you feel any better, my first was born one day before her due date and weighed 5.9!! She was little but fine and so will yours be :)
Rebecca Walton - it's a black and white picture of me and my husband.

Thanks :-)

My ds was 10lb so I obviously grow big babies :-) xxx
I cant find u searching ur name. Try and add me as a friend then i will accept and add u to the group.
Name is Carla Matthews and profile pic is my dog (white german shepherd) x
Fab, I've found you and sent the friend request X
Hope everyones doing ok.
The parents are now here so im on operation evict baby.
2 hour walk with the dog yesterday.
Bouncing on my ball and ate a whole pineapple today and drinking disgusting raspberry leaf tea.
I also scrubbed my kitchen floor.
Good luck ER - will have my phone on standby ready for the news!!
So far all i've done is tired the dog out she only just had the energy to get up and eat her dinner. 2 hours chasing a ball has done her in.
And the pineapple has given me heartburn.
Glad they are here! Get that baby out :P

Got my midwife appointment today to write my birth plan! God I hope I remember all the things I want or don't want! Bit scary thinking about writing it! I am 35 weeks tomorrow - getting closer and closer!!!

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