New Year and January Testing!

Hey my lovelies,

AF got me today :( Think I'll be missing this month as cycle over 30 days so should be in the Feb thread.

Sorry she got you Laura but you could be in for a very wonderful valentines day
Witch got me today very early....................crappy start to the year !!!
Sorry she got you LauraAnne and Mushy :hugs: x x

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Sorry mushy and laura xxx im due today 1 BFN so far!
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Aw Sorry Laura and Mushy :( hope you're ok - what will you do differently/more of this cycle? If I get my AF I'm getting preseed and opks.

Spinney - hang in there :)

sounds obvious but....... going to do lots more babydancing than we usually do.............. going to go for every other day !!! wish us luck xx
That's what we've done this time. I looked at my calendar for the last few months and there's not much BD going on. Huge groups of days with none! Think I can see why I didn't fall preg lol! Eg last cycle we BD right over when an app said i was ov and then sort of left it. What was I thinking!! An app ruled my life. I can be such a berk at times. So this time we shook hands on BD every day of Dec and we've almost done that. Biggest gap was 2 days off.

We shall see :)
Sounds like a good plan ladies, goodluck and lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x

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im due on 21st. good luck everyone ive got my fingers crossed!!!!
Just wanted to say sorry to the girls that the :witch: got you,bring on your coming cycle :)

Well done sylvie on your BDing during dec,thats fab work!! Did you find it more of a chore thou having it so much??

I too am going to get some opts if af shows up and have a try with them,not sure which type to go with though as I see all you girls are having a hard time with some of them.

Juat waiting now for the :witch: to show (I no I should be more positive) but not sure we got it this month as im not completely sure when im ov,saying that tho my boobs are sooooooo heavy and are killing me!!! ouch!!

good luck to every1 :dust:
Hehe Kelly no not a chore - it made us feel so close apart from anything else. And I'm competitive so any challenge is met with gusto lol!!

Fx hun you're getting bfp not AF :dust: xxx
Awww thats sweet hun.
The reason I said that was only because we've never really planned ttc before and basically always BDd when we felt the need,lol and now I've kinda worked out my cycle,this month I found myself throwing myself at the OH and having little thoughts of the little spermies and if they'll get to where they should be,lmao!!!

I sure hope so hun,although I recorded all the programs of one born at xmas and was sat there the other day thinking omg I'm gonna have to go through that again soon if I get my :bfp:
Amazing and beautiful as it is,still hurts!! lol
Thread is all updated girls, sorry to hear AF has already been on her broomstick and doing her rounds, hope you're both ok LauraAnne and Mushy1. :hug: :hug: x x

I've added you to the list Scandicmum85 - all the best! :D x x

Kelly - Positive mental attitude! :p Think positive girl! I'm cheering for ya! :) x x
Hey MissJ,

stupid witch got me this morning BOO,

perfect 28 day cycle, pretty shocked about that, wasnt prepared and hadnt BD at right times :(

I will kick her butt this month tho :)

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