New Year and January Testing!

Sorry she got you BabyTreasure!

Wow.. Witch is early for a change!

Sorry the :witch: got you babytreasure :hugs:

She's being a right old cowbag this month

Cowbag is right Kezza

Who the heck does she think she is??? totally fed up of her rubbish
9 days early?? Bloody witch!!
Here's to new cycle honey :dust:
I know December was Christmas etc but come on, surely can't be once a year we get :bfp: boom

Most defo sunny, I really hope the 2nd half of the month is better then the 1st
Fx for lots of BFPs for all of you testing in the next few weeks!
Could the boom start sharpish? Sorry to all you girls who got the witch this month. I caved in this afternoon. When I was home at xmas I got a BOGOF offer in Boots on their OPKs and there was a free FR 'early' pregnancy test which I did this afternoon. It said you could do it up to 6 days before your due on. I'm not due on till Friday but couldn't resist. Got a bloody BFN though. Typical. Not much hope now,is there, no symptoms and 13 bloody months of trying. Was really hoping for a BFP at long last but seems rather distant now, sigh.
Sorry she got you Etee and Babytreasure, the witch has certainly been doing her rounds this month. :( Hope you're ok girls. :hug: x x

Binzy - You're not out hun, loads of ladies get late BFPs with no symptoms, I have my fingers and toes crossed that you'll also be one of them. Keep positive my lovely. :hug: x x
oooh can i be added for the 26th of january? xx :) x few days after af due i think? Ive lost count...:S xx
I put myself down in the Feb one for the 1st but thinking I will be testing around 29th Jan now if the witch hasn't got me by then and my birthdays 28th so wouldn't want to feel disapointed that day if i got a BFN
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Sorry to all the lady she's got so far xxx
Did a test this morning and :bfn: as well, although I do think I've tested too early so fx I'm still in xxx
Good Luck everybody

Sorry to the girls who the witch attacked this month :(
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aww sorry cosmicgirl. Cant believe how crap that evil cow is being this month

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