my story

Also the dates I was going off for me being spot on as the father were dates she had posted on msn, dates she knew I may be able to see even though I had blocked her, they were not from her actual scan pics.
hey i just had a thought.... You said the condom was yours....riight??
and only certain condoms dont have spermicide... right...?

Well doesnt that narrow down the cances of her finding a guy with the right the right time....and then had time to put in to herself! :/

I think there is a high chance it isn't yours...

Thanks setdse, the condom I used was durex extra safe brand, they do not contain spermicide :( I checked this out so it would still be possable.

I agree it must narrow the odds significantly though than if I ejaculated directly in her.
it must be minimal to none. I'd say check the dates on scan pics.
You poor thing! Ive just read this whole thread and Im really shocked!
You must be going through hell. Unfortunately I cant really give you any advice that the other girls havent already given you but I wanted to let you know Im thinking of you.
Any woman who tricks a man in to a pregnancy is just scum in my books, sorry but thats just my opinion!
I wish I could be of more help hun and I think you're incredibly brave for coming on to a womens forum and putting your story out there! If I can be of any help, let me know!
Also when I was feeling devastated/angry I said that she has planned the whole thing and guess I was feeling sorry for myself. I said you arranged to meet on a day you were ovulating etc and she said 'no i didn't' then angrily showed me her maternity record and pointed at something that said her last period was in february. Again that seems suspect last period in february?

I had my last period in Jan and am due Nov 8th. How could she have had last period in Feb and due Jan? Surely she would be due Dec?? Sounds bit suspect to me. Def say go for paternity test.

Her last period was in Feb, and you had sex in May, and she is having a section in January.. That is all a bit mumbo jumbo isn't it? I really feel for you, what a horrible situation to be in, if you could get proper dates and scan dates and measurements etc we could help you a lot more :hug: I doubt very much the child is yours like the girls have said.. So much has to be in place before a baby can be made.. Ovulation etc.. x
Also when I was feeling devastated/angry I said that she has planned the whole thing and guess I was feeling sorry for myself. I said you arranged to meet on a day you were ovulating etc and she said 'no i didn't' then angrily showed me her maternity record and pointed at something that said her last period was in february. Again that seems suspect last period in february?

I had my last period in Jan and am due Nov 8th. How could she have had last period in Feb and due Jan? Surely she would be due Dec?? Sounds bit suspect to me. Def say go for paternity test.


My last period was in march and i'm due in Dec??? :shock:
Was thinking that myself Munchkin, if she has regular cycles that's way out x
Thanks for the responses everyone. I am so so so so scared about this, I have been crying myself to sleep and almost vomiting constantly it is consuming my life. I have thought I will just wait until the child is born and then when the time comes demand a paternity test but it is a living hell and agonising. I cannot forget about it and just get on with my life because it is always there in the forefront of my thoughts.

I can't live like this though, it is all I can think about. I try to block it out but I have a deep feeling of depression hanging over me.

You guys are encouraging me in that you think there are cracks to her story. I do as well but whenever I research deep enough there seems to be an valid explanation for everything. Like women can miss periods and that would explain how her last one was in feb, women can deliver early and that could be why she says she is going to have it in January.

I am considering asking if I can go to the scan but I have a strange fear of meeting her again, like I guess subconcieousley I guess I am worried of it being confirmed for definate that the child is mine. I do not know what effect that would have on me mentally. I am bareley holding things together now knowing that it might be mine.

The thing is though I cannot carry on like this not knowing, I desperatley dont want a child I cannot stress that enough. The thought of telling my friends and family I have gotten this woman pregnant turns my stomach and makes me realistically want to commit suicide.

Also do scan pics say how many weeks they are from on them?, when I briefly glanced at them I checked the dates but dates by themself mean nothing if I cant match them to when they are from in terms of the pregnancy. It was just a picture with a date on otherwise.

I agree things don't seem to add up. She seemed desperate for me to believe it is mine though without really showing me concrete proof. Like when I was shown the scan pics I was just given them briefly before she took them back. I never got to look at her maternity record either she held it and just showed me odd bits, like the ten miscarriages and then when I said she had planned the whole thing she pointed at the last period in february bit. She never showed me the 'due date' or anything like that which you think she would have done if she had nothing to hide.
Sorry to add to the confusion WG but I had my last period the end of April and am due 4th Feb that why asked about the dates hun. Doesn't seem to quite add up sorry xxx
i agree something not adding up with the dates, i had my last period in febuary and am due dec 6th, also about the section i've had three boys before this pregnancy and was only told at 22weeks that i might have to have a section due to what happened with my youngest not growing, i won't know for definate until 34 weeks plus.

feel for you though hun, hope it all turns out alright and i would definately ask for a paternity test just to be sure xx
Sorry to add to the confusion WG but I had my last period the end of April and am due 4th Feb that why asked about the dates hun. Doesn't seem to quite add up sorry xxx

Thanks Sol, yeah people pointing things out like this has been very helpful. Being a guy I guess I don't know about this stuff I just go off what I have read. It is useful hearing it from yourself and the others, because I find it very relevant and useful as you all know what you are talking about. I hope you do not find this question too personal SOL but what date did you conceive?
i agree something not adding up with the dates, i had my last period in febuary and am due dec 6th, also about the section i've had three boys before this pregnancy and was only told at 22weeks that i might have to have a section due to what happened with my youngest not growing, i won't know for definate until 34 weeks plus.

feel for you though hun, hope it all turns out alright and i would definately ask for a paternity test just to be sure xx

Thankyou wirenth
I'm so sorry this has happened to you, and if it's making you feel this bad then i suggest you see you doctor, especially in relation to feeling suicidal.

There is no way of knowing 100% whether or not this child is yours until it's born, and you can do a DNA test.
Even if her last period was in February, there are a lot of things that can cause them to stop, not just being pregnant - a friend of mine hadn't had a period for 4 months before she got pregnant.

I hope you can see someone about how this issue is effecting you until you can get it resolved.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you, and if it's making you feel this bad then i suggest you see you doctor, especially in relation to feeling suicidal.

There is no way of knowing 100% whether or not this child is yours until it's born, and you can do a DNA test.
Even if her last period was in February, there are a lot of things that can cause them to stop, not just being pregnant - a friend of mine hadn't had a period for 4 months before she got pregnant.

I hope you can see someone about how this issue is effecting you until you can get it resolved.


Thats what I feared, see there is always a reason for everything that means I can never truley relax. One moment I am calm thinking it cant be mine the next I seem to be convinced it is. My head is all over the place. Also obese people are more likely to need a c-section apparantly, and guess what she is obeses so that fits. I am convinced she used the condom to get pregnant and it is so so awful that this has happened. All my spare time seems to be devoted to trawling through the internet trying to find information however nothing makes me feel better. I am in a living hell right now.
Also obese people are more likely to need a c-section apparantly, and guess what she is obeses so that fits.

I don't like this comment - i'm sorry... I am a size 16-18 and thanks to the crap BMI system that the NHS has in place, I am classified as MORBIDLY OBESE!!! And yet if you look at pics of me or if you knew me, then you wouldnt think it!

Who told you that obese women are more likely to need a C-section? I've not been told this?

I think you'll find many an overweight/obese woman can give birth perfectly naturally.

Correct me if i'm wrong girls??? :shock:
I think we should go easy on him.. He's getting his information from the internet and as we all know there are a lot of wrong info out there.. He is here for help, I think it was very brave to come onto all us girls for support :flower:
oh i agree febmum2be but at the same time one needs to be careful how things are said... :-( x
I understand hun :hug: Maybe he will word things a little better next time xx

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