my story

just to let you all know in case you are wondering, I got the paternity test results this morning. The result...I AM NOT THE FATHER. Thanks for enduring my rants and i will now move on with my life a hell of a lot wiser.
What strikes me as most fishy about this whole saga is why a, and I'm paraphrasing from what you've said, handsome, caring, affluent catch is doing trawling the internet to hook up with obese scumbags for sex :S

But yeah as you and everyone else has said, although it sounds highly unlikely you are the pappy, all you can do is wait until it's born and have the test, no point torturing yourself with the whats and hows.

I guess I did not realise it at the time but I was a sex addict simple as that and I am disgusted at myself, something like this is what it has took to make me realise.
Pleased that u got a paternity test done and that u can now move forward with ur life. Just remember to learn from ur mistakes xxx
Glad you got the response you wanted x def learn from this :-)
Just read this whole thread. Its shocking what she put you through. Glad to hear you're not the father but still feel bad for this baby who has a mother who can make up stories like this. Most women would contact you to say that there is a 'possibility' that you could be the father rather than you definatly are. Glad this saga is over for you now anyway :)
Wow, I've just read all of this. Gosh, I'm sure you're relieved that you can put it all behind you and move on in life. And I must say that I actually admire how honest you've been in your posts about your feelings.

I wish you all the best. x
i have also just read through all of this, and i really feel for what she put you through! though i do not fully agree with some of the things you wrote on here, i fully understand what made you say them!!!
i also told my OH bits as i was reading it and he said he hopes its not your :) which it has turned out to be! i do also hope that you do learn from this, but also that you learn to trust women again.
best of luck for the future,
from both me and my OH
I was wondering what happened to you! Glad it turned out the way you wanted!!!! X
yh i was wondering how it all ended up. Glad you got the result you wanted and just try to learn from this! x
Glad you know the result now.

TBH I thought the chances of you being the father were incredibly slim.

I wonder if the mother is any the wiser about who the father if her child is? It's very sad that this poor little one is being exposed to such a life, makes me so very mad that there are some wonderful people out there so desperately trying for a baby who could provide that child with a secure and happy life. It sucks if you ask me!
Wonderful news for you. You're right go put it behind you and move on and in the immortal words of Jeremy Kyle "next time remember to put something on the end of it".
I really feel for you, there are some strange psycho women out there !
oh i've just read you are not the father. congrats! and what a bitch!!!
Wonderful news for you. You're right go put it behind you and move on and in the immortal words of Jeremy Kyle "next time remember to put something on the end of it".

:lol: that was the problem - He DID!

What a nutter women! poor child too :(

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