My diet diary!

im naughty! ....i caved and had a bag of crisps! they are my weaknesses

LOL! Are you gonna keep going with it? X

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the diet?? yhh tbh we have 1/3 of the recommended minimum calories so it wont b a big harm.... n i ended up sharing them with the floor as dylan grabbed the packet and then crawled over them :cry:
im naughty! ....i caved and had a bag of crisps! they are my weaknesses

LOL! Are you gonna keep going with it? X

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the diet?? yhh tbh we have 1/3 of the recommended minimum calories so it wont b a big harm.... n i ended up sharing them with the floor as dylan grabbed the packet and then crawled over them :cry:

Lol! I'm feeling fine tonight :-). Day 4 tomorrow for you :-)
I know! :) I'm quite proud actually. Half way through tomorrow

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day 3

breakfast: grapefruit and 1 boiled egg (just had 1/2 grapefruit)
lunch: chicken and tomato
dinner: grilled lamb chop with celery and cucumber.... sounds yummy!:fib:

Dinner was switched for tuna salad. :)

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Have you weighed in yet Sophie? I was naughty and done it this morning.....

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No i havebt but just saw u lost 5! Wow well done...I'm gunna go do it now.

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Wooo I've lost 5 too! :dance:

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Thank you :)

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Day 4

Breakfast: glass of grapefruit juice 2 slices of dry toast n 2 poached eggs! Nom nom I love poached eggs! Think I might make my salad tonight poached instead if hard boiled!

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How's it going today Erin? I've not had lunch....I just don't feel hungry n bow lookin at the tone its dinner in hour n half :O x

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I'm going well, sick of eggs though!! I had a plain rivita for lunch instead. I'm gonna have chicken salad tonight, I figure as long as your still eating the things on the diet, it doesn't matter too much???

Hubby has offered to take me out on Saturday night (he's organised a babysitter, bless him) so tomorrow might be my last day.
Yh I'm always switching it ment to be going out for drinks with flexi and ippa tomorrow night so I think todays ny last day too.

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You finished now? How much did you lose all together? I'm gonna weigh in the morning x

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Yh. Last weigh in was the last 1 I posted. Which was 5lb. But Goo g back on it on Monday again

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Yep, I'm back on monday too. Have a fab night xx

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cool so we will all be in sink then? im gunna do mon-thurs/fri on diet n the other days healthy eating as i need some carbs! i missed potato too much!
Yesterday was day 1 again. As I'm doing 4days on 3 off I reworked the menu so that it was all stuff I liked so that I would look forward to eating it.

Day 1
2 poached eggs on 2 dry toast
Chicken salad

Nom nom

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Yesterday we t pretty much downhill! I felt so rough didn't eat all day n then really didn't want salad so o/h went out n git ne a battered sausage and chips :( prob just added all the weight bk on! :wall2:

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Hey Sophie. Been meaning to post on here for ages. Last weekend when I had my break from this diet, I was really really careful with what I eat...and I put on 4lbs!!!! Not happy. So I don't think it's the kind of diet that the weight will stay off :-(

How's you? Xx

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