****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Thanks Les! :) x

I have started weaning and make my own.
Ive got the beaba babycook and it's brilliant! Makes preparing his food so much easier.
I've done a few different purees but a typical one contains carrot, broccoli, Brussels, parsnip and sweet potato....he loves it! I've tried not to make the pureed super smooth so that he is used to texture from the start.
I got a cookbook with the beaba so will post some ideas.
If I'm going out I just use an ellas kitchen pouch and a spoon x

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Im starting my lo on wat i eat.. the other day she had a korma n loved it blended a lil.
Ive also given her shepherds pie blended xx
Sorry, I only have BLW recipes here...

Just want some sympathy this morning. I'm KNACKERED and trying to work at the same time. OK, I'm an illustrator/animator so I just draw pictures for a living but T was up 12am, 3.30am and then up for the day at 4.45am. Wouldn't go back to sleep until I fed her to sleep at 8am. Woke up at 10am and hasn't slept again despite all efforts. She won't even feed to sleep like normal. She is whingey, teething, generally grumpy and isn't even meant to be in a wonder week or anything. DH is looking after her while I work but I still get stressed out by her being unhappy. She isn't terribly interested in trying to eat, she is BFing poorly and keeps giving us the shit eye. GAH! I know others have worse sleep problems, but I just wanted to moan!!!

Anyone else got a moody bugger on their hands lately? She is always tired, always grumpy. Those smiley pics I post sometimes are few and far between. Careful curation of my photo collection makes her seem like a cheerful baby when she's just miserable most of the time.

Sorry for the moan. Rant over.
Hope you are all well today xxx
Seb is moody a lot if the time...he seems to have a nasty temper at times too. Little monsters!

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Oh Karen I can relate! Up at 11, 2 and up for the day at 5.30 am then had to work all day!

On the advise of the health visitor we are upping his calories so that way we can reduce milk in the night as we know he's eaten enough during the day. Difficult with blw but its an idea. I'm thinking of getting rid of his dummy completely tomorrow night as well as that's one less night distraction.

On the plus side the health visitor said he's ticking nearly all the boxes of the 10 month development check! So my baby may not sleep but he is super intelligent and advanced for his age lol!

Oh and hubby has brought me my yummy mummy bag - I explained it would help with the sleep deprivation lol!
Oh dear Karen! Not surprised your shattered! I'm exhausted with Meri his waking up once!

She is definitely more moody too. It's teething that's doing it! Her cheeks are red roar and hot and she's really winey. Poor things. She's having a nap at the minute so having a sit down and a much needed cuppa!

Hugs. Hope your day has improved!
Oh Karen I can relate! Up at 11, 2 and up for the day at 5.30 am then had to work all day!

On the advise of the health visitor we are upping his calories so that way we can reduce milk in the night as we know he's eaten enough during the day. Difficult with blw but its an idea. I'm thinking of getting rid of his dummy completely tomorrow night as well as that's one less night distraction.

On the plus side the health visitor said he's ticking nearly all the boxes of the 10 month development check! So my baby may not sleep but he is super intelligent and advanced for his age lol!

Oh and hubby has brought me my yummy mummy bag - I explained it would help with the sleep deprivation lol!

Oh, that's brilliant. What a clever boy! It sounds like he's really advanced for his age from what you've said before. You must be chuffed to bits. You definitely deserve that Yummy Mummy bag :)

Yeah, it's going to be hard to up T's calories cos we're BLW too. This evening I'm going to try cluster feeding her from 5pm until she goes to bed at 7. We keep missing out on giving her any solid dinner before bed time because she has been asleep at 5pm quite a lot lately, and any later than that she's in the witching hour and has no patience nor enough concentration to try to eat then. It's not as if she's eating a lot anyway, so it will have to be milk.

These babies are sent to try us, aren't they? My OH is losing the plot at the moment because he can't sleep through her night wakings and then can't get back to sleep again, whereas I can. Deary me.
Oh dear Karen! Not surprised your shattered! I'm exhausted with Meri his waking up once!

She is definitely more moody too. It's teething that's doing it! Her cheeks are red roar and hot and she's really winey. Poor things. She's having a nap at the minute so having a sit down and a much needed cuppa!

Hugs. Hope your day has improved!

Thanks, hun. Hopefully the two wakings per night thing is a passing thing. We were on once a night until yesterday and suddenly she's gone mad. Totally barmy - she'll be smiling and laughing one moment, then whining the next, then shouting loudly... and half the time she just ignores us, point blank.

She's currently asleep - finally got her down at 2.45 and she's still asleep although I think it won't last much longer. She's so tired, poor chicken.

Poor Meri. Give her a cuddle from me when she wakes. Now I'm off for a cuppa too.

Oh f***. On cue, she wakes up :wall2::wall2::wall2:I'm not even kidding.
Ha ha!!! Meri woke up just as I sent that message too! They have a 6th sense don't they!!!
Karen we've just started a routine with B to ensure he gets enough to eat in the day:

7am wake up
7.30 bottle
9am nap
10 breakfast
11.30 nap
12.30 lunch
3.00 bottle
3.15 nap
5pm dinner
6.30 bottle
7pm bed

Obviously this is just rough but our aim is to leave 2 1/2 hours between food and 2 ish hours between naps. B only naps for a max 1 hour.

Been doing it 3 days and its working really well. Hubby did it on his own today and other than a late bottle due to swimming he actually stuck to it!
Sorry to hear that Karen. Max can be a moody monster too and seems to switch from happy and content to whingey and miserable, to the point where at times I put him to bed in the hope a nap will cheer him up a bit. Like Spammy I blame teething and I am praying to god once he cuts his first ones it'll get easier - I can hope anyway. Fingers crossed Tilly goes back to sleeping better xxx
Thank you for the recommendation TaffyRose! It arrived today and Harry really likes it! xImageUploadedByTapatalk1357762611.063489.jpg

Harry has been sleeping through the night since 12 weeks but the past few nights he has wanted a feed at around 3am! It isn't so bad for me as I'm not back at work yet, I just hope it passes! X
Ah Harry looks very cute sat up playing, glad he likes it :) xxx
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Thanks, TaffyRose - I hope she starts sleeping better soon too. Last night was unusual - it's usually just once a night and I can cope with that. I would kill small mammals if she could sleep until 7am, but she is always up for the day by 6am. Just one extra hour would make a difference. If I put her down for a nap in the day when she's grumpy she will rarely settle down enough to sleep - she just gets angrier and angrier. Sometimes she'll self soothe, but there are days when she just fights sleep all day!

Thanks for writing up your routine, MrsT. I'm amazed that B only has three bottles a day now. T is breastfed and still feeds about 6-7 times a day, including night feeds. She's not taking enough solids to make her go longer between milk feeds yet. I should try and write my own routine down and see if I can stick to it. It's chaos some days here :-)
Awww look at Harry's chubby chops..you could just squeeze them all day!..Arrghh broody spell :|

Getting Seb to sleep early is pretty much a no go zone!!, everytime we try and put him to bed early he just screams, whines and cries until one of us goes in to sort him!, at the moment Seb's fallen asleep on his play mat in the living room in the middle of the floor, he fell asleep at around 11pm..He hardly naps during the day..Today he's only had one 1 hour nap..He's too alert!! :\, I remember when he was a few weeks old we had to pull the blanket right up over his eyes to make him go to sleep (we took it away once he fell asleep)..But my god this kid drains us!!

But on the upside of him sleeping late, he sleeps really late into the morning..Today he was up at 11am, when he went to sleep at 10:30/11pm..So thats pretty much 12 hours! :D
Harry was 2lb 5oz at baby clinic yesterday and the HV told me I have to start gradually reducing his bottles next week,
dropping one every three days until he's down to just 3! Poor thing loves his milk! X
Harry was 2lb 5oz at baby clinic yesterday and the HV told me I have to start gradually reducing his bottles next week,
dropping one every three days until he's down to just 3! Poor thing loves his milk! X

I was told this too and tbh the 2 i had to cut i have just reduced.
I thought sod em its their guidelines. it worked reducing thenlm her weight has levelled out xxx
B has dropped his feeds as we've increased his food. To be honest he never really took to formula so being able to introduce food into his diet is a godsend.

He does have a bottle during the night but I'm hoping he will drop this once he gets enough calories during the day.
I think it's really strange how HVs feel like they can tell you what to do with such certainty. Every baby is different. I've heard of some babies who hardly eat any solids right up to the age of 1 and even later, and their main source of nutrition should be milk up to the age of one. Tilly is breastfed on demand and still has booby lots of times a day. She is following the 75th centile line perfectly and is a chubster but nobody has said anything to me about how often she feeds. She swallows so little food that I don't think it has started to affect how much milk she drinks yet. I have no idea how much she takes per feed, so I'll just go with what she asks for... would be nice if she fed less frequently, though. That said, she refused boob this morning until after she'd had her solid breakfast, the monkey...
I think it's really strange how HVs feel like they can tell you what to do with such certainty. Every baby is different. I've heard of some babies who hardly eat any solids right up to the age of 1 and even later, and their main source of nutrition should be milk up to the age of one. Tilly is breastfed on demand and still has booby lots of times a day. She is following the 75th centile line perfectly and is a chubster but nobody has said anything to me about how often she feeds. She swallows so little food that I don't think it has started to affect how much milk she drinks yet. I have no idea how much she takes per feed, so I'll just go with what she asks for... would be nice if she fed less frequently, though. That said, she refused boob this morning until after she'd had her solid breakfast, the monkey...

I totally agree, for lunch today he had apple and cucumber slices which he sucked but most of it ended up on the floor! Apart from the purée I give him he really isn't getting many calories from 'proper' food at the moment so I can't reduce him milk yet! She also told me to stop feeding him if he wakes up during the night! X

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