Hi I'm a July Mommy!
LO name:- Drake Xander
LO DoB:- 22 July 12
LO due date:- 15 August 12
LO weight:- 7 lb 4 oz
He was nearly 4 weeks early. He's not crawling or rolling yet (thankfully). He stands really well tho holding my hands. He has started sitting on his own, but is still wobbly. He's really finding his voice and the noises coming out of his mouth are awesome.
LO name:- Drake Xander
LO DoB:- 22 July 12
LO due date:- 15 August 12
LO weight:- 7 lb 4 oz
He was nearly 4 weeks early. He's not crawling or rolling yet (thankfully). He stands really well tho holding my hands. He has started sitting on his own, but is still wobbly. He's really finding his voice and the noises coming out of his mouth are awesome.