****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi I'm a July Mommy!

LO name:- Drake Xander
LO DoB:- 22 July 12
LO due date:- 15 August 12
LO weight:- 7 lb 4 oz

He was nearly 4 weeks early. He's not crawling or rolling yet (thankfully). He stands really well tho holding my hands. He has started sitting on his own, but is still wobbly. He's really finding his voice and the noises coming out of his mouth are awesome.
Hi Violet!

Spammy - that's so funny! She's such a cutie. Let's have lots of gratuitous pics of our LO's being cute... Here's T trying on her new hat.


oh, and Sebbie'smum, Tilly hates tummy time too and doesn't even roll, even though she tries sometimes! xx
I'm another July mummy :)

Lo- Sebastian George
Born- 25th July
Due date- 17th July
Weight- 7lb 15oz

Sebastian isn't doing a great deal compared lol.
He rolled from back to front from 16 weeks and does it constantly but can't go back yet lol.
He also squeals.........alot!!

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I'm July too : -)

Me: Lesley
LO: Harry Robert John
Due Date: 18th July
DOB: 18th July
Weight: 8lb 10oz
Spammy I'm a July mummy!

Can I join as well then?

Me: Lynz
Baby: Billy
Born: 14th July
Weight: 8lb 2oz

I'm loving this stage as well, B is going through a huge development leap and wow! He can now sit unaided, stand holding onto the table without help, walk backwards in his walker and walk holding our hands as well as roll back to front!
This has all happened in the last 2 weeks!

Would love to hear what everyone's else's lo are doing and what we've got to look forward to x

Hi how did you encourage your LO to practise sitting up unaided?! My little boy is 4 days younger than yours and he can sit but he slouches so far forward! x
These babies are so scrummy :) Max can now sit unaided really well although like Tilly he'll suddenly throw himself forward and face plant the floor. We have an inflatable half ring thing (link below) that really helped with his sitting as he had to sit up straight to play with the toys on the front bit.


Max also loves his walker and goes whizzing round the house in it, he's learnt to back up and turn himself around when he hits a wall. His favourite thing is to sit in his walker and watch the washing machine when it's on, keeps him fascinated for ages :) However he hates being on his tummy and I think he might skip crawling and go straight to walking as he loves being on his feet.

It's great to hear all about the babies that are around his age xxx
I just sat B up with toys surrounding him and was there if he needed me. Slouching forward is great as they will learn to sit up from that position easier than laying down.
Also B hates being laid flat now and prefers sitting or standing so I suspect a walker rather than a crawler.
I'm another July mummy :)

Lo- Sebastian George
Born- 25th July
Due date- 17th July
Weight- 7lb 15oz

Sebastian isn't doing a great deal compared lol.
He rolled from back to front from 16 weeks and does it constantly but can't go back yet lol.
He also squeals.........alot!!

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Sebastian is gorgeous hun xx
I'm another July mummy :)

Lo- Sebastian George
Born- 25th July
Due date- 17th July
Weight- 7lb 15oz

Sebastian isn't doing a great deal compared lol.
He rolled from back to front from 16 weeks and does it constantly but can't go back yet lol.
He also squeals.........alot!!

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Sebastian is gorgeous hun xx

Aww Thankyou:)

I think I might have to get one of those little circle play nests to help get him sitting up!

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We found it really good, I'm also finding his sitting up has really improved since he's been sitting in his highchair for meal times xx
I think Meri spends most of her time figuring out how she is going to get various things in her mouth!

This is her in her activity station. Just after this I View attachment 29986 Turned my back for 2 seconds and heard a continuous mooooo moooo moooo. Turned out she had her face on the cow button trying to eat it. Sooo funny.

Haha she cracks me up. She's so cute I just want to squish her :) xxx
Drake spark out after a boobie feed with Mouse cuddled up to him on my lap. :lol:


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I'm July too : -)

Me: Lesley
LO: Harry Robert John
Due Date: 18th July
DOB: 18th July
Weight: 8lb 10oz

Updated to here:wave:

Its great to see another Sebastian in this thread too!:lol:..Its a lovely name but im Biased:roll: hehe :P

Welcome all you new Julybugs =]:wave:
Hey June/July mummies :) I don't get on much any more with my lil man demanding all my attention lol But I currently can't sleep and came across this thread. Harry was 6 months old yesterday and is doing amazingly well! He can sit unaided until he gets over excited and either topples forwards or backwards so can't leave him, but he can now roll front to back both ways and back to front only to the left! He is also starting to make efforts with crawling and head shuffles across the floor, very funny to watch :) but he gets very frustrated when he can't get to a toy he wants. He also quite often just spins on the spot, so I find him facing the opposite direction to where I left him. I wish I could say he was sleeping through, but we get at least 1 or 2 wake ups for feeding, plus odd ones for his dummy.

Anyway, I best try and get some sleep before LO wakes, but it is great to read how everyone's LO's are getting on xx

Me: Claire
LO: Harry Michael
Due Date: 25th June
DOB: 6th July
Weight: 7lbs 1oz
(Sorry for the pic overload :))

Ah lovely pics Kanga :)

Love his cheeks in the last pic!
My Name... Danielle
My Lo's name... Roman
Due date... 7th june
born on... 30th may (@ 38+6)
Weight... 8lbs 12oz

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