My Name... Danielle
My Lo's name... Roman
Due date... 7th june
born on... 30th may (@ 38+6)
Weight... 8lbs 12oz
Another june mummy with a may baby x
Was a shock me going early x
These babies are so scrummyMax can now sit unaided really well although like Tilly he'll suddenly throw himself forward and face plant the floor. We have an inflatable half ring thing (link below) that really helped with his sitting as he had to sit up straight to play with the toys on the front bit.
Max also loves his walker and goes whizzing round the house in it, he's learnt to back up and turn himself around when he hits a wall. His favourite thing is to sit in his walker and watch the washing machine when it's on, keeps him fascinated for agesHowever he hates being on his tummy and I think he might skip crawling and go straight to walking as he loves being on his feet.
It's great to hear all about the babies that are around his age xxx
I just sat B up with toys surrounding him and was there if he needed me. Slouching forward is great as they will learn to sit up from that position easier than laying down.
Also B hates being laid flat now and prefers sitting or standing so I suspect a walker rather than a crawler.
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Just worked out how to upload photos! This is my little guy x
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Just worked out how to upload photos! This is my little guy x
I'm guessing he is a tongue poker outer lol, so cute! Harry has just found his tongue and pokes it out all the time! We even see it poke out underneath his dummyxx
Aww wow that video is so cute! Harry doesn't say on his back long enough to do this lol. Les my Harry had a tongue tie too, which was cut at 6 weeks, I thought that was a long enough wait! 9 weeks is just awful! xx
hey girls! im yvonne
my bubba is Dexter Saul
he was born on the 7th of july
weighing 8lb3oz
but now weighs a wopping 21lb2oz
hes been weaning for a couple of months now and is doing great!
and is sitting all by himself.
his new favourite thing to do is giggle at himself in the mirror.
unfortunately he is a terrible sleeper and as im breast feeding this is always an issue for me! haha.
but over all he is a little joy!
p.s love the ville valo picxxx