****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

They are all so cute! Just love this age.

Karen love Tilly's hat.

Kanga - good to hear how your getting on. We miss you! Harry is super cute. Love the pic of him asleep in his walker. Bless.
Just never expected it as nw said that day had a way tp go x
Hows your wee girl now Loula? i remember we spoke soon after the births of our babies.
These babies are so scrummy :) Max can now sit unaided really well although like Tilly he'll suddenly throw himself forward and face plant the floor. We have an inflatable half ring thing (link below) that really helped with his sitting as he had to sit up straight to play with the toys on the front bit.


Max also loves his walker and goes whizzing round the house in it, he's learnt to back up and turn himself around when he hits a wall. His favourite thing is to sit in his walker and watch the washing machine when it's on, keeps him fascinated for ages :) However he hates being on his tummy and I think he might skip crawling and go straight to walking as he loves being on his feet.

It's great to hear all about the babies that are around his age xxx

Thank you so much, I've just ordered on of these! X
I just sat B up with toys surrounding him and was there if he needed me. Slouching forward is great as they will learn to sit up from that position easier than laying down.
Also B hates being laid flat now and prefers sitting or standing so I suspect a walker rather than a crawler.

Thanks for your advice, he's currently sitting on the floor surrounded by cushions and toys! I really should be more patient! He still enjoys lying on his back kicking his legs around! X

Just worked out how to upload photos! This is my little guy x
Yeah shes fab thankyou. Doesnt do tummy time or crawling. sits and plays lovely on the floor.
Eats extremely well theres nithing she refuses as yet and starts nursery this week. hows your boy xx
Aww! Such gorgeous babies!

Les - I wouldn't worry too much about Harry not sitting up unaided at 5 and a half months. Tilly wasn't doing it at his age and is still very unpredictable at 6 and a half months old. She keeps damaging herself lurching about like a drunk. Today she banged her head on the bedside table trying to leap off the bed, silly monkey.

She likes to sit up on the sofa or just lie on her back. I sit her up between my legs on the floor a lot too and just catch her when she falls. I don't think we'll have any crawling or standing for ages yet. She attempted a bum shuffle the other day and is getting more mobile on her back. I have a feeling she might end up being a 'back crawler'. Have you seen videos of babies doing this? Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRbK97C5_go

Kanga, Tilly was sticking her tongue out a lot recently and trying to talk with it sticking out. It was really funny but she's stopped now and is working hard on her consonants :-)
Aww wow that video is so cute! Harry doesn't say on his back long enough to do this lol. Les my Harry had a tongue tie too, which was cut at 6 weeks, I thought that was a long enough wait! 9 weeks is just awful! xx
hey girls! im yvonne :)
my bubba is Dexter Saul
he was born on the 7th of july
weighing 8lb3oz
but now weighs a wopping 21lb2oz
hes been weaning for a couple of months now and is doing great!
and is sitting all by himself.
his new favourite thing to do is giggle at himself in the mirror.
unfortunately he is a terrible sleeper and as im breast feeding this is always an issue for me! haha.
but over all he is a little joy! :)

p.s love the ville valo pic ;) xxx
ooops... heres dexter, chillin in a washing basket! lol x


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Aww wow that video is so cute! Harry doesn't say on his back long enough to do this lol. Les my Harry had a tongue tie too, which was cut at 6 weeks, I thought that was a long enough wait! 9 weeks is just awful! xx

It was horrendous really, the HV basically told me there was nothing wrong with him even though I had failed to BF him and was struggling with a bottle! He was finally diagnosed with a thick tongue tie by our fantastic GP but the local hospital refused to cut it as he wasn't BF and was putting on plenty of weight! Luckily my GP fought for him and they eventually agreed! X
hey girls! im yvonne :)
my bubba is Dexter Saul
he was born on the 7th of july
weighing 8lb3oz
but now weighs a wopping 21lb2oz
hes been weaning for a couple of months now and is doing great!
and is sitting all by himself.
his new favourite thing to do is giggle at himself in the mirror.
unfortunately he is a terrible sleeper and as im breast feeding this is always an issue for me! haha.
but over all he is a little joy! :)

p.s love the ville valo pic ;) xxx

Hi my LO is a similar weight to Dexter, people keep telling me he's huge! X
Loving all this pictures of yummy babies!

We are going through sleep problems at the moment - what happened to my baby that slept through!!! It's actually worse than being a new born. We are also going through a massive leap and in the fussy period which I can't wait to be over!

We also got B his first dressing gown today ImageUploadedByTapatalk1357582585.654398.jpg

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