****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

I totally agree, for lunch today he had apple and cucumber slices which he sucked but most of it ended up on the floor! Apart from the purée I give him he really isn't getting many calories from 'proper' food at the moment so I can't reduce him milk yet! She also told me to stop feeding him if he wakes up during the night! X

You're absolutely right. The calorific content of fruit and veg is very low, so most of your LO's calories will come from milk. If he wants it, I think he should have it. And night times... I have been feeding her once a night for the last few weeks. She sometimes wakes and goes back to sleep, but other times she wakes up and then she roots so crazily at me that I have no option but to feed her. They are still so small that there is no reason why they shouldn't be hungry at night. Dammit, even I wake up hungry at night sometimes and wouldn't mind a little something to eat! :):)

If LO is only taking a very small amount at his night feed, then perhaps he's started using it as a 'prop' to go back to sleep, but I think you'll know instinctively when he doesn't really 'need' it. I am a fan of following baby's lead and not letting HVs or other well-meaning people tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing.

Rant over :roll:
I agree with you both, if lo is only having fruit and veg then they should still have milk at night.
One of the reasons we are upping Bs calories is we don't know if he is drinking milk at night because he's hungry or as Karen put it a "prop".
Sebastian is so grumpy tonight :(, poor mites got a cold..Its only his 3rd one in 7 months so i think he's not doing too bad!..Anyone elses LO's getting colds recently? :(
Hey hun yep max is all bunged up, but I think it's because he's teething and seems to teethe on a cold. It's meaning he's waking up a couple of times a night as he can't breathe the poor mite. I've been putting saline solution up his nose and has a cloth with olbas oil on tied to his cot. Am just hoping these teeth cut soon xxx
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We have a teething sniffle too i put baby vapour rub on some olbas oil hung over her cot and all is ok xx
Think it's going to be a bad night :-(
Bs front tooth has nearly cut through and I've decided no more dummy as he is 6 months tomorrow.
Oh well I don't seem to get much sleep at the moment anyway lol!
We have a first tooth too! It's just about through now. She had been sooo grumpy for the last few days and a nightmare to get to sleep. Right with you on the bad night ahead.
The weird thing is Spammy is B hasn't been grumpy at all, a little dribbly but you would never know he had a tooth almost through other than when he bites my finger!
Obviously he will make up for his lack of whining at approx 11pm,12,1,2,3 and so on!!!
Wow that's lucky! Meri has been really grouchy. Although no one believes me because whenever we see anyone she's all cute and smiley! Then they leave and she's grumpy again! Ha ha. Maybe it's me!
It's not you hun, they like to save their best and worse moods for their mummy's :) xxx
Tell me about it! Have I had more than one smile from Madam today? Uh... Grumpy little so and so. Not a tooth in sight here, but she's chewing everything she can get her hands on and napping/sleeping poorly. I'm exhausted! Fingers crossed for you girls tonight! x
No teeth here yet but he's grumpy and dribbling like mad. I keep getting spat on as he's learnt to blow raspberries with a mouth loaded with dribble as ammunition!

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Grouchy babies are no fun..Sebastian's learned to growl :lol:. Seb nearly has his 4th tooth over here!..You can see a little bit of white sticking through his gum!...I cant believe he has 4 teeth almost!..Theres a few babies on my Facebook that are older than Seb' and they have no teeth at all..Haha 1-0 to me :P
No teeth here yet. Not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing lol.
No teeth here either! I hope the ladies with teething LOs got some sleep though x
Well we actually had a good night! He only woke once to have a bottle then straight back to bed and got up at 6 but fell asleep on daddy till 7am!
Coupled with the fact I got a hour long bath last night I feel like a new women!
Well we actually had a good night! He only woke once to have a bottle then straight back to bed and got up at 6 but fell asleep on daddy till 7am!
Coupled with the fact I got a hour long bath last night I feel like a new women!

Horray!!! Well done little man!

We had a good night too! She woke up at 3 for some milk. Went pretty much straight back to sleep and is still asleep now! Can't believe it!
I don't even know what a good night is anymore!

Finn has been waking 2 hourly every night for nearly 2 months now :(

Last night I think he woke at 10, 12, 1.30, 3.30 and 5.30 then up at 8. I usually start to forget the times he had woken after about 3 wakes!
I tried comforting him without milk but he just screamed blue murder so I fed him at every wake! I'm sure he doesn't actually need that much milk! xxx
Wow that's a lot of waking up! I don't think I could cope with that :s
No teeth here nearly but not quite thankfully doesnt upset herr night.
shes still sleeping 7pm tol 5am and bck til 8 am.
kirsty your doing so well i hope this phase stops soon xx

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