****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

How old is he Kirsty? B has been waking anything between 3 and 10 times a night since he was 19 weeks, he's now 26 weeks and having 3 meals a day and only waking once or twice.
The no cry sleep solution book was really helpful for me as I don't feel comfortable with controlled crying x
I don't even know what a good night is anymore!

Finn has been waking 2 hourly every night for nearly 2 months now :(

Last night I think he woke at 10, 12, 1.30, 3.30 and 5.30 then up at 8. I usually start to forget the times he had woken after about 3 wakes!
I tried comforting him without milk but he just screamed blue murder so I fed him at every wake! I'm sure he doesn't actually need that much milk! xxx

Aww do you think he's having bad dreams? Does he cry when he wakes? When Harry's hungry during the night he sort of shouts/sings whereas he cries when he's upset x
I don't even know what a good night is anymore!

Finn has been waking 2 hourly every night for nearly 2 months now :(

Last night I think he woke at 10, 12, 1.30, 3.30 and 5.30 then up at 8. I usually start to forget the times he had woken after about 3 wakes!
I tried comforting him without milk but he just screamed blue murder so I fed him at every wake! I'm sure he doesn't actually need that much milk! xxx

Oh goodness, you poor thing! Are you still breastfeeding? It's so easy to feed them back to sleep if you are. I find myself guilty of it a lot. T wakes up in the early part of the night and we can usually soothe her back to sleep either in her cot or using pick up/put down method. If she wakes after 2am, I invariably have to feed her, she won't settle without. She woke at 4 this morning, had a feed, then woke again at 5 and moaned for an hour before getting hungry again at 6, fed to sleep again until 7.45... I never know what she wants half the time. She has no routine because her day can start anywhere between 5am and 8am!
Hugs xx
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x
I bet you are! I'm fed up of doing it once a night! I don't really know what to suggest. Tilly wakes up crying too, sometimes very upset. In the early evening most of the time we just have to go in and put a hand on her chest and say everything's OK and she'll settle again. Other times the PU/PD method has worked for us to an extent but I still struggle with it because she is really highly strung and cries through it no matter what. Eventually she kind of gives up crying, then settles into what's called a 'mantra cry', or starts to rub her eyes without crying and then we walk out. Sometimes she settles then, other times she starts to cry again. It's exhausting. I wish she'd sleep through again!

At least I don't feel too alone in this! xxx
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x
I bet you are! I'm fed up of doing it once a night! I don't really know what to suggest. Tilly wakes up crying too, sometimes very upset. In the early evening most of the time we just have to go in and put a hand on her chest and say everything's OK and she'll settle again. Other times the PU/PD method has worked for us to an extent but I still struggle with it because she is really highly strung and cries through it no matter what. Eventually she kind of gives up crying, then settles into what's called a 'mantra cry', or starts to rub her eyes without crying and then we walk out. Sometimes she settles then, other times she starts to cry again. It's exhausting. I wish she'd sleep through again!

At least I don't feel too alone in this! xxx

Sometimes he will settle if my husband goes in and rocks him or pats his tummy but if I go in he just wants feeding.
I go back to work in 2 months and I just pray that he is back to normal by then! I'm in no way expecting him to sleep through any time soon, but if I could just get his wakings down to twice a night, I think I'd feel like a new woman! lol x
Sometimes he will settle if my husband goes in and rocks him or pats his tummy but if I go in he just wants feeding.
I go back to work in 2 months and I just pray that he is back to normal by then! I'm in no way expecting him to sleep through any time soon, but if I could just get his wakings down to twice a night, I think I'd feel like a new woman! lol x

Aw. Hugs! I don't expect T to sleep through either any more - it's like a fantasy these days. I am back at work, but I work from home so it's OK, and OH is currently on paternity and looking after her for most of the day except for feed times. Fingers crossed they all grow out of night wakings soon!
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x

Harry's now on 3 meals a day (started weaning early!) and still takes 4x7oz a day of milk. Recently he's started waking once on a night after sleeping through and the only way he will go back to sleep is by feeding him so he's taking a lot of milk over 24 hours. I don't know how to drop the night feed either I've tried giving him water and he has a screaming fit! X
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x

Harry's now on 3 meals a day (started weaning early!) and still takes 4x7oz a day of milk. Recently he's started waking once on a night after sleeping through and the only way he will go back to sleep is by feeding him so he's taking a lot of milk over 24 hours. I don't know how to drop the night feed either I've tried giving him water and he has a screaming fit! X

Wow this was like I wrote it! I don't know what to do either. Exactly the same problem!
Oh dear. Sounds like a phase that they are all going through! Does it ever end? That's my question... Could do with a solid night's sleep!

Tilly has been a bit of a grump bag lately. Not much progress on hitting any more milestones - no teeth, no rolling, no crawling, not even the intention. When I give her tummy time, she puts her arms out straight behind her, lifts her legs up and just lies there on her tummy. Very interesting and all, but not useful. Just a lot of 'nanananana! aNANANANA!' 'DADAdadada' 'UhBdeh' and 'Maaameeeehmehmamamehmeh'. x
It must be a phase - I'm praying we're through the other side of it!

24 hours with no dummy - so far so good.

Karen with regards to milestones I feel like they've hit me all at once and can't seem to cope with each new skill B wants to master.
I've noticed that B seems to learn new things when he's been around other babies especially if they are older and crawling/walking.
Definitely must be a phase, max was sleeping beautifully and then all of a sudden started waking up multiple times during the night, was a shock to the system! Thankfully each time he wakes I can usually soothe him back to sleep until about 5-6am when he has a feed but I would love for him to start sleeping through again. I've put it down to teething just for my own sanity as in my head I can believe it'll stop soon xxx
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Hello Mummy Junebugs & July bugs :D

Hope the snow hasn't kept you all in doors today!, anyone have any pictures of their 'bugs' in the snow today? :D..I have, this is the first picture of all 3 of us we have ever taken!

So this is Sebastian, Me & Sebastian's father..Wonderful photo taken courtesy of our Neighbour!:lol:


  • MummydaddyandSebbie.jpg
    76.9 KB · Views: 18
I didn't think about going out in the snow today and getting a pic :( mind u, we've not had much really, barely enough to coat the grass.
Yes I still breast feeding.

He's 7 and a half months now. He wakes up crying, I'm not sure if its bad dreams or what but he's very difficult to get back off to sleep without being fed. I'm getting pretty fed up now but don't know what to do to stop it! He eats 3 good meals a day so I'm sure he's not actually hungry! x

Harry's now on 3 meals a day (started weaning early!) and still takes 4x7oz a day of milk. Recently he's started waking once on a night after sleeping through and the only way he will go back to sleep is by feeding him so he's taking a lot of milk over 24 hours. I don't know how to drop the night feed either I've tried giving him water and he has a screaming fit! X

Wow this was like I wrote it! I don't know what to do either. Exactly the same problem!

It's so hard isn't it! I don't resent having to get up once during the night as it's obvious some ladies are getting up much more frequently! But I just don't know how I will leave him screaming i order to cut that one feed out? He used to sleep through the night, I don't know what went wrong! x
We have a tooth!!!!! He's cut his first one and seems to be much happier so I think that might have been hurting him, bless him. It's one of his bottom ones and I don't think the one next to it will be long. The only problem is everytime I feed him I brace myself, it's not going to be long before I'm bitten! xxx
Oh, brilliant! That's a relief. We still have no teeth. Like you, I'm dreading being bitten. Tilly has a habit of hanging on to my nipple and then kind of ripping away from me with her jaw still clamped tight. OUCH. I can't imagine how it will feel once she has teeth. I think I'll have to beat that habit out of her pretty sharpish before she gets a chance to draw blood. xxx
Yay for Max's first tooth! We just have one too. Man I wish they would all come at once. The thought of her being this grumpy on and off for until they all arrive isn't a pleasant thought!

Yikes having your nipple bitten doesn't sound pleasant! Makes my eyes water thinking about it!
I know Spammy, I was so chuffed when I saw his first one, then realised we've got loads still to come through. Yep the thought of being bitten isn't fun. Max is so nosy he likes to try and turn his head to see the tv while he's still got my nipple in his mouth! Apparently you're supposed to yelp Karen if they bite you, it breaks their concentration and makes them let go. Max bit down with his gums the other day so I yelped, but he just laughed at me, at least he let go I guess :)

Also Karen keep a close eye out for teeth, with Max's it was literally a case of put him to bed, no teeth, up the next morning with one poking through xxx
Hehe. I can't even feed with the TV on in the background any more, T is so distractible. Quiet, dim room is best. Tried to do it in a cafe the other week and had to cover her ears with her hat just to get her to take any milk at all.

I've got an eye on those gums - she seems to be teething at the moment, so I'm hoping we'll see one before long xxx

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