List of our 2007 Babies

Hayden Lee Birkitt was born on 11th April 2007 at 10:41am weighing 7lb 7 1/2 oz
Evie Donna Ann Lorraine Gellatly, 30th March at 04:20am weighing 7lb 2oz

Fav moment: watching her looking at her daddy with pure love in her eyes and seeing him doing the same right back. Makes me feel so proud of my little family.

Willow Summer Davis born 28th march at 6:51am weighing 7bs 8 1/2 ozs by emergency c section

fav moment: being back on post natal ward as labour lasted 40 hours.
also holding her for the fisrt time and wondering how i managed to make something so perfect. :D
christopher john davies born 29th march at 9:22am weight 6-15
fav moment hearing that first cry
Holly Elise James, born 5.55 pm 24th May 2007 at home, weighing 6lb 7oz.

Fav moment:- having a first cuddle and breast-feed 14 hrs after having her as she was rushed to Neo Natel Unit at birth.
babys name: melissa elaine
date and time of birth: 10th june 2007 at 16:45
weight: 7lb 7oz
favorite moment: feeling her little warm wet body against my chest and holding her tiny hand when she was only seconds old!
Bailey James Braithwaite

26th june 2007 at 20.11pm weighing in at 5lbs (6 weeks early)

best moment, seeing him born over the screen, and getting to kiss him before he went to scbu..
Kadyn Ryan Miller
Born June 18th 2007
best moment - him looking right in my eyes brought tears to mine :)
Dylan carter davis was born 21/6/07,weighing 7lbs.

Mums fave moment:When he first smiled in his big brothers arms.
nathan david paul
5th july

best moment was them putting him on my tummy and looking up at my OH and seeing proud tears in his eyes
Oooh I not put Eefie down!

Ethan Bruce David Kennedy born 28th Feb 2007 at 5.26am weighing 7lb 15oz

Best moment, hearing him cry for the first time as it took a few minutes to get him going so I was on pins waiting for it.
Maddison Debra Elaine Heath

Born on 21.07.07

Weighing in at 7lbs 2ozs

Length 51 cms

Fav Moment : Was holding her for the first time , looking into her eyes and hearing her cry for the first time .
hi, please add my little fighter to the list...

Ami-Grace born at 25 weeks (14 weeks early) on the 9th of June 2007 weighing 1lb 13oz. She is still in the NICU. Poor little angel has had more than her fair share of preemie problems and continues to take one step forward and four steps back, but will hopefully be out soon. Our little miracle.

Alexander Joshua was born on 14th August 2007 at 9.58pm weighing 10lbs 1oz

My favourite moment was hearing him cry for the first time and knowing that despite a scary birth (he had the cord wrapped round his neck) that my little guy was okay.
Im adding:

Imogen Dakota Thompson

born at 4.45 am monday morning weighing 6lbs 9oz, dark haired and as gorgeous as her brother was when he was born.

Best moment when i delivered her and she was put straight on me for skin to skin.

My midwife was fantastic and read my birth plan and did everything i wanted. I even cut the cord which was great.
Emily Jessica was born on 10 august 2007.
7lb 130z we was told. red book says 7lb 15oz but whats 2lb lol

she had some brunette hair and blonde hair and blonde eyebrows. several days later i noticed some red/ginger in her hair. think shes gonna be a blonde tho :eek:

love her so much.

best bit was gettig her head out and skin to skin contact straight away with her eyes focusing on mummy :)
Can you please add my beautiful new daughter.

Olivia Louise born Thursday 30th August at 9:17am weighing in at 7lb 13.5oz and delivered by c-section after 21hrs and 17 minutes in established labour and worth every second and every twinge.

Best moment - seeing her for the very first time and realising she was mine. :D
Maisy Mucha-Cable, 07 June 2007, 21.02pm, 5lb 14 1/2oz, When the midwife handed our baby to Vinnie and told him it was a 'GIRL'. After 3 boys, he was so happy
James David
Born on 28th August 2007 at 11.29am via c section weighing in at a respectable 9lb 6oz two weeks early.
Favourite moment was when i was looking at my darling husband when Jamesy let out his first cry and seeing Hubbys bottom lip quiver and tears pricked both our eyes as our son was born into the world, the rush of love was as amazing as the moment itself.

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