****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

sooo cute!
dexter has never slept through! we've tried every trick in the book!

yeah i think it is pretty big. hes on the 98th centile xxx
Ah Dexter's a cutie hun. Max is a similar weight to Dexter and Harry and people always comment in his size although he's also long so all in proportion. I love having a chunky monkey though, he loves his food :) xxx
Aww wow that video is so cute! Harry doesn't say on his back long enough to do this lol. Les my Harry had a tongue tie too, which was cut at 6 weeks, I thought that was a long enough wait! 9 weeks is just awful! xx

It was horrendous really, the HV basically told me there was nothing wrong with him even though I had failed to BF him and was struggling with a bottle! He was finally diagnosed with a thick tongue tie by our fantastic GP but the local hospital refused to cut it as he wasn't BF and was putting on plenty of weight! Luckily my GP fought for him and they eventually agreed! X

That is so bad! I was told whilst being stitched up in theatre that Harry had a tongue tie and might not be able to bf! I mean seriously, after being rushed into theatre for an emergency c section, I don't think ur son has a tongue tie is the first thing they could have told me!!

I struggled through the first 10 days BF'ing Harry before I was taken seriously (as he was gaining weight too) and referred to the hospital and got it done at 6 weeks. I persevered through the pain and cracked nipples I continue BF'ing along with expressed bm bottles. xx
Aww he's lovely!
Seb is not very chubby yet but I'm trying my best to work on the rolls lol. Not s big milk fan but he's loving the food so I'm having to hide it in his cooking!
He's long though as on the 99th for length.

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hey girls! im yvonne :)
my bubba is Dexter Saul
he was born on the 7th of july
weighing 8lb3oz
but now weighs a wopping 21lb2oz
hes been weaning for a couple of months now and is doing great!
and is sitting all by himself.
his new favourite thing to do is giggle at himself in the mirror.
unfortunately he is a terrible sleeper and as im breast feeding this is always an issue for me! haha.
but over all he is a little joy! :)

p.s love the ville valo pic ;) xxx

Updated to here..Welcome new julybugs!!!:wave:

Thank you...He's a hunk and a half :P..Well tonight Sebastian is very grumpy! :(..Teeth trouble, he's so close to cutting his top tooth!..He already has 2 bottom teeth but this next lot are proving too much for him to take!..I think im in for a late one tonight :(

Have any of the ladies here with 7 month old tried their baby on the more lumpier food yet?..I started seb' a few days ago and he's just not wanting to know..He'll have a a few spoons and then he'll cry :(
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Yeah shes fab thankyou. Doesnt do tummy time or crawling. sits and plays lovely on the floor.
Eats extremely well theres nithing she refuses as yet and starts nursery this week. hows your boy xx

He's good thanks.
he can roll, push himself backwords along the floor on his belly, do what looks like pushups lol and he gets on his knees as if hes gona crawl but not yet lol.
he sits up too and has had 5teeth since he was 6months x
Oh wow teeth. were close.
Danni i give mine lumps n shes ok but i hve never made her food smooth x
June baby here too :-)

Name- Dawn
LO - Jack William
Due - 24/612
Born - 16/6/12

He can sit up fairly well on his own until he gets excited. I bought Galt Play Nest which was great for this. Rolls forward and back. Does a lot of tummy time but he's a tummy sleeper :-) wants to crawl and gets to frustrated wen he can't move. Funny watching him. Has had 2 teeth from 4 1/2 months. Top ones causing bother now :-(
We were doing ok with weaning until yesterday. He has vomiting bug so only bf him now :-(

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Finn has lumps as we are BLW so we give him our food. He will happily eat sausage, or a roast dinner (he loves Yorkshire puddings!)
He hates sandwiches though so we're struggling with lunch at the moment!

Ladies who know what their babies are for length, do you get them measured when you get them weighed? They haven't measured Finn since he was 6 weeks but at his last weigh in he was 16lb 11 and that was at 6 and a half months x
Seb was measured at 6 weeks but that was it so I just measured him myself and charted it x

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Coz keira was jumping centiles they measured and weighed her at clinic. cyrrently 21lbs 1oz and 70 cm x
I've always measured B myself (with help)! He was 17lb 8oz and 70cm at 5 months.

We are doing a mix of BLW and TW and I love it, so does B. he feeds himself all sorts of solid foods now and will feed himself with a spoon if I put the food on it and hand it to him.

B isn't too fussed on lumps if I feed him but will eat loads if he does it himself.

We've got a sleep specialist coming this afternoon to start as sleep diary as I'm only getting about 4 hours broken sleep a night and go back to work tomorrow!
I've always measured B myself (with help)! He was 17lb 8oz and 70cm at 5 months.

We are doing a mix of BLW and TW and I love it, so does B. he feeds himself all sorts of solid foods now and will feed himself with a spoon if I put the food on it and hand it to him.

B isn't too fussed on lumps if I feed him but will eat loads if he does it himself.

We've got a sleep specialist coming this afternoon to start as sleep diary as I'm only getting about 4 hours broken sleep a night and go back to work tomorrow!

Oh gosh, poor you! That's pretty rubbish sleeping - i thought one wake up per night for a feed was bad... now I feel kinda lucky. T also used to sleep through, but when she hit the 4 month sleep regression it all went backward and we've not recovered since. She also seems to be teething but with nothing to show for it. I am also back at work and have been for ages, but I work from home and OH is taking paternity until mid-February, so it's OK.

Tilly handles the lumpy food she eats quite well. She still gags quite a lot on things, but is getting better. It would help if she didn't shove huge mouthfuls in all at once! Greedy little thing. She seems to have hit a bit of a wall with the BLW at the moment and is getting frustrated with things. She is also quite selective and isn't bothered about foods that are a bit plain like porridge fingers and carrot muffins. She knows what good food is already the rascal! Anything with eggs and cheese in it is good, as are all veg and fruit, though, so I guess she's getting enough good stuff.

Danii, maybe try Sebastian on some finger foods and let him feed himself? It'll help him to get used to lumps and he will associate it with play and exploration on his own terms rather than having it spooned into his mouth. Just a suggestion. Try some broccoli, carrot sticks or toast. xx
Oh wow teeth. were close.
Danni i give mine lumps n shes ok but i hve never made her food smooth x

Lol everyone gets surprised at him having teeth but like his sisters he had his first tooth at 4months and by 6.5months he had 5 lol

We have been using the ellas kitchen 7months plus pouches with his textured but not lumpy. but he does get finger foods to nibble on too.
June baby here too :-)

Name- Dawn
LO - Jack William
Due - 24/612
Born - 16/6/12

He can sit up fairly well on his own until he gets excited. I bought Galt Play Nest which was great for this. Rolls forward and back. Does a lot of tummy time but he's a tummy sleeper :-) wants to crawl and gets to frustrated wen he can't move. Funny watching him. Has had 2 teeth from 4 1/2 months. Top ones causing bother now :-(
We were doing ok with weaning until yesterday. He has vomiting bug so only bf him now :-(

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Updated to here:wave:..Welcome Dawn! :)..Hope Jack gets better soon :(

Seb can sit up for a short amount of time but he's still a bit wobbly, hopefully he'll get the idea of keeping himself up right soon!..Well i checked Seb's mouth today and his top tooth has now cut through!..In total he now has 3 teeth!:), but his lack of hair..All he's got at the moment is a small tuft of blonde hair on the top..poor boy :(, mind you I was the same when i was his age, really fast with my teeth but slow with my hair =(

So glad Seb has finally cut that tooth, he's a million times happier today! :D

Does anyone make their own baby food here?, if so what recipes do you recommend?, Im thinking about introducing Seb' to homemade baby food to give him a little more variety rather than just feeding him jars and pouches of food! :)

I measured Seb myself when he got to around 5/6 months, when weighed my scales said he was 22lb!! :eek:, and 27 inches according to the tape measure!
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I'm another July mummy :)

Lo- Sebastian George
Born- 25th July
Due date- 17th July
Weight- 7lb 15oz

Sebastian isn't doing a great deal compared lol.
He rolled from back to front from 16 weeks and does it constantly but can't go back yet lol.
He also squeals.........alot!!

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He's absolutely stunning! x
Like Tilly, Max is is better with lumps if he feeds himself, although he's a greedy little monkey and will pretty much eat anything. He has a lot of what we're having now, so for example tonight he had sea bass, broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. Broccoli is his new favourite as he can hold the stalk and munch away on the top part. I have a baby recipe book so will copy down some on here tomorrow xxx

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