May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hi ladies. Hope everyone is well. I keep doing the same - it takes me ages to read through all your messages then I don't reply!

I've had to call into maternity triage today as I was getting regular intense period like pains front and back. This lasted for about an hour, the triage midwife told me to have a hot bath (I assumed she didn't mean overly hot?!) and that helped them settle down. She said she thinks that because I have a condition where I'm releasing too much relaxin that that has irritated my uterus and triggered contractions! I called oh and told him to come home from work immediately (were getting on so much better now thank god) I think he was quite freaked at the prospect of me going into premature labour, as was I at one point to be honest! All seems fine now though and hopefully baby will stay put for athe least another 3 months.

Which leads me to the thought - OMG 3 MONTHS TIL I'M FULL TERM!!!!! Happy trimester 3 Lisey! Eryinera if you're going to keep a ouija board in the house may I suggest sleeping with the lights on?! So who's going to start the tri 3 thread then? Xx
The hard lump, I've decided, must be his head. When he starts moving I see it appear and then disappear. I'm seeing a lot of stuff now and my belly is jumping when he kicks :)
Hi MrsLM, sorry to hear you are in pain, I hope it eases for you soon. We have gone for the egg, I tested every pushchair in the two towns closest to us and that was the one I liked best (although it was a bit more that I was going to spend I managed to find it on offer will all the accessories for under £600, so thought I would go for it being as we have waited so long for this baby!).

Gosh Betty I hope you are ok, what a scary thing. I had a minor panic yesterday when Feb arrived as it is easily possible that these babies start arriving in April eeek!

Dovekie I can't decide which bit is which! My bump goes hard and then soft in places but I'm unsure how they are laying, my midwife said at my next appointment she would be able to locate the head and so I'll have a feel then so I know what I'm looking for!
Happy tri 3!!!!

Im not bothered who wants to start the thread if youbwantbme to i can or if someone else wants to thats fine. Ive got lots to do on the house so im not as talkative as i used to be lol.

Yes i was very creaped out. Weve had the board for about 10 yrs but first time its been moved in 6!

My midwife could feeel the head at my 24 wk appoint. Snowbee but i still have no idea what im feeling for!
Snowbee the egg is definitely my favourite just need to try and get it for the right price :) May use this time that I'm off work to actually decide haha! Poor hubby is so fed up of looking at prams now so if I go alone I might actually make a decision.
Ah Betty how scary! Glad you're ok now and hopefully baby stays out for a long while yet :)
It's scary isn't it. If this little one comes early like her sister then she'll be an April baby! I wonder if she will or if she'll stay in a bit longer?
Ah ery what are you doing to your house? Decorating?
Can i ask what you didn't like about the surf?
How nice that you have a joint baby shower xx
Sorry to hear you've been in pain mrslm. Hope your time off gives you a bit of time to relax and look after yourself. We have got an icandy peach all terrain this time but managed to get it with a free carrycot so it was a good deal although hubby is yet to be convinced. Ive had a britax, an oyster, a mountain buggy and a joie with the other 2 so thought id give another brand a shot haha!

Hope baby stays put betty! I had pains in my back like a period today too but I think its the way baby is lying. Im sure baby is back to back and it doesn't seem to roll around like the others did so it just kinda sits on my left hand side and if it sits on something uncomfy it takes ages to get it to move anywhere better!

I tried my hypnobirthing cd last night. I used it with my other 2 and it worked really well but last night was a disaster and I ended up switching it off. Just couldn't get into it and mind was just stressing and worrying about everything. Need to try it again at some point but I just feel so anxious this time around and I can't put my finger on why! X
Sorry you have had pains Betty. Hope they ease up xx
Sorry to see what youve been through betty how scary! Hope baby stays put for you
Hi, just checking in, sorry am another who hasn't posted for a while, so apologies if I have missed any milestones.
Happy V day Betty, hoping everything has settled now and baby stays put.
Had another midwife appointment a couple of days ago, a new midwife that I had not met, I arrived already feeling quite anxious (as per for me) and a bit inadequate and by the time she had finished with me I felt totally inadequate (she even made me cry :( ) I really hope its my regular midwife next time!

I have gone for the Silver cross Surf as it was so light weight and easy to manoeuvre I loved it. I felt as I am quite clumsy normally this would be an easier option. The only downside for me against others is the basket size, it seems small compared to others. I am also not sure how much use I will get out of the three wheel option as although living on the doorstep of the lakes I am not much of a hiker.

Hoping everyone else is well and all pregnancies progressing perfectly x
Betty that sounds awful hope all is ok! I'm banking in the baby brig late like my son because my maternity leave starts 2 days before my due date lol.

Yea I'm getting the decorator in we have plastered front room. Need it papering and painting. And then I need to do 2 bedrooms one for my son one for the nursery
Lisey I just found the basket way too small so struggled to get anything in there and as much as I loved how lightweight it was when we tested when we actually used it with M in it was a massive downfall. We would have to use the handle to hang stuff off because we couldn't get it in the basket and it would make the pram tip with her in it a lot no matter how you adjusted the stuff :( We also found it a pain to collapse and had to take it all apart to fit in our boot, although that's not a pram issue our boot was just small so we had the take the wheels etc off, we have a bigger car now so that wouldn't be an issue now :) So I'm thinking I definitely want something with a huge basket this time especially as I'll have more stuff with a toddler and baby, sturdy but still easy to push and easy to collapse :)
MissYeo I've brought a hypnobirthing book that I need to start reading as would love to use the methods this time :) Sorry you couldn't get into the cd last night though
Aw ery lots to do! Will be lovely having it all done by time baby is here though :) we need to decorate our room and the nursery and then our house is finally done, only taken 3.5 years lol
3.5 years is speedy lol we've been in since 2010 lol. Only just starting to do the work. I'm hoping to have the kitchen done by 2022 lol
The basket on the uppababy is ginormous!!! You could definitely fit a couple of extra kids in there haha.x
Lol ery! I'm quite into diy (weirdo I know!) and hubby is a builder so luckily we've managed to do the majority ourselves. I think if we were paying all the trades it would've taken a lot longer as it's just so expensive. We done our kitchen just before Christmas I'm so happy with it :)
Ooh thanks missyeo:) I don't think we've looked at that so will have a nosey at it to see what we think. Think I'll go up next weekend and get one sorted x
i still havent bought a pram either! i have no idea what to get and feel so unorganized!

OH says he will buy it outright, and he will save for it but hes a rubbish saver! my parents offered to buy it and he said no!

just hope he pulls his finger out soon!
Betty, really hope the baby listens and stays put. Gosh, that must've been scary.

I can tell which side he is sitting on as my belly clearly shows it. He's really moving a a lot, so much that I wonder if he ever sleeps. He startles me when I'm teaching. It's like he's jumping and throwing his entire body toward my size. It's crazy. He only ever does it when I'm teaching.

We opted against the surf because of the size of the basket. We haven't settled on one yet. Cost is an issue, so we are going to check out cheaper ones. We really like the Silvercross Wayfarer and Mama and Papas Urbo2, but both are pricey. We just haven't had time to go have another look. We might go the weekend of the 11th as we'll be heading to an area with the bigger shops to check out kitchens.

We will finally have a bed today and a new boiler. My dw has been amazing! She's getting it all sorted today. The decorators will also finish today, so we can start to get settled in. We'll have about a month of down time before the kitchen work starts. I'm hoping that can be done within a week. We will wait to redo the bathroom until after our boy arrives.

Happy 3rd trimester Lisey! I can't believe we'll be moving over there so very soon.

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