May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I have 2 and i still feel clueless lol feels like forever since my youngest was born!
Snowbee I was utterly clueless when I had my first. I was 19, none of my pals had babies so I didn't even really know how to hold one! I didn't know how to change nappies. I was terribly embarrassed at the thought of anyone seeing my bits but after I'd gone through labour I was bloody thrilled when a midwife held my boob for me so I could latch baby on haha. Motherhood is very much learning on the job. I'm sure you will be ace! X
My leg hair has almost completely stopped growing. There are only a few little hairs and it's been 10 days since I shaved. I'm usually a monster! Thank you baby!

I haven't shaved for about 2 months! But my head hair seems to be growing at twice it's normal rate! Xx
Wow I'm not surprised Higgins have gone they were utterly pants (scuse the pun lol)
I may try aldi ones but I've not got one near me I've not brought ant nappies yet!
Dr Brown's bottles are supposed to be good but I've had such limited success with bottles!
My body hair bar my chin has almost completely stopped growing too. Hubby has done my first "lady bits" shave for me coz I just can see that anymore! And that was nearly a week ago and still doesn't need doing. Hair growth via shaving is almost as slow as when I epilate! Lol

I'm not sure how to combo feed but I'll probably be doing it with breast milk as it's sooooo much cheaper. I think I'm going to buy a medulla swing to pump. I remember being so knackered having my son on my boob every 2 hours and it ruined my relationship with my boobs in the sense I barred husband from them for nearly 2 years! So I'm hoping I don't have to go through that this time!
Snowbee as missyeo said it's such a learning curve. Bottle wise I've gone for MAM this time, we used dr browns with my little girl and did like them but there were so many pieces to them it was a faff lol. MAM are the same anti colic etc but just less pieces to worry about sterilising :) Nappies although we'll probably use aldi because we shop there we also found Asda and Tesco were just as good (Asda more than Tesco) but each baby is different . Some of my friends swear by pampers and others by Asda. With wipes I'll probably be using johnsons, I made the mistake with M of stocking up on packs and packs of Huggies wipes and they were the worst ones I'd ever used!
We'll be formula feeding so are using aptamil as found that best last time so will buy a few tubs of that. Nappy wise I think we'll be x2 of each size as I can't remember how long it took M to grow out of each size. She was in size 3s for ages I remember that much lol.
Weight wise M lost a fair bit at first then averaged about a 1oz-1lb a week. Hats we'll pop a few in for the hospital and will make sure we have a newborn sunhat for her too in case it's as hot as it was the May we got married :)

I really need to make my hospital bag list and start buying the bits for it as M came early so I didn't have everything I needed and hubby had to keep running to Tesco lol!
One tip I found invaluable when packing for hospital was to put a full outfit in a clear sandwich type bag, so nappy, vest, babygrow, mitts, hat etc and label the bag with the size. Then when you're too sore/tired to be rummaging through the bag for stuff hubby (or whoever) can just grab the bag and it's all there for you xx

Our pram is being delivered today! I can't wait to put it together and play with it :) so excited x
I combi fed Cam for seven weeks. I'd bf first and then top up with formula after. I had supply issues though and despite best efforts couldn't increase it! Hoping we don't have that issue this time.

I bf for 3 weeks with my eldest but he was constantly on my boob and i didnt like doing it around people so made myself housebound and depressed i was only 21 tho. Didnt even attempt it with my second. I want to try for at least the first few days maybe a week just going to take it day bu day and then when ive had enough ill go onto formula
My leg hair has almost completely stopped growing. There are only a few little hairs and it's been 10 days since I shaved. I'm usually a monster! Thank you baby!

I haven't shaved for about 2 months! But my head hair seems to be growing at twice it's normal rate! Xx

Yes, my head hair has stopped falling out! I had a problem with low ferritin before I got pregnant.

Ery, yep, I was epilating about a year ago and the hair growth is similar to that now.

MrsLM thanks for the tip!

I'm so emotional at the moment, I cry at the drop of a hat.
Thanks everyone :) At the moment I'm not too worried about being clueless... I'm sure the panic will come at some point! I have no idea how to hold or pick up a baby or do anything with them at all. I know how to look after a newborn calf though, surely it is similar hahaha!

Wow a tri 3 thread eek!
I am definitely going to bottle feed more than breast. I did not like it at all, just thought I might do one or two breast feeds a day but prob affect supply too much xx
My leg hair has really slowed, and what little grows is light and fine, so my legs always feel smooth. I don't even realise that there is any hair there until I shave. I shaved yesterday, first time in weeks, and there wasn't too much there.

Gosh, two days in and I feel like I've been working non-stop for 2 weeks. Not getting anymore unpacking done now as I'm just too exhausted when I get home. The students have been awful and then staff not getting back to me in a timely manner means my deadlines are tight. Just a few more days and then half-term. I can't bloody wait. We have a kitchen design consultation on Saturday and will hopefully finish unpacking, too! Then after payday on the 15th, we've got to do a bit of shopping.

I need to start getting my bag in order for when he decides to arrive. We also need to start buying the necessary items for him, too. Hopefully we'll get out next2me crib, changing table and pram very soon. Start after Feb payday and finish up when Mar payday comes. We still need furniture for our own bedroom. All we have is a bed. Still need a coffee table for the living room, too. Sofa arrive next week!

So much to do and so little time. He'll be here before we know. Hopefully our kitchen will be done by then!
Thanks, Leigh. I really can't believe it.

Happy 27 weeks Ery!!
Thanks kabuk x

Happy 27 weeks to you too!!!!! Argh tri 3!

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