Snowbee as missyeo said it's such a learning curve. Bottle wise I've gone for MAM this time, we used dr browns with my little girl and did like them but there were so many pieces to them it was a faff lol. MAM are the same anti colic etc but just less pieces to worry about sterilising

Nappies although we'll probably use aldi because we shop there we also found Asda and Tesco were just as good (Asda more than Tesco) but each baby is different . Some of my friends swear by pampers and others by Asda. With wipes I'll probably be using johnsons, I made the mistake with M of stocking up on packs and packs of Huggies wipes and they were the worst ones I'd ever used!
We'll be formula feeding so are using aptamil as found that best last time so will buy a few tubs of that. Nappy wise I think we'll be x2 of each size as I can't remember how long it took M to grow out of each size. She was in size 3s for ages I remember that much lol.
Weight wise M lost a fair bit at first then averaged about a 1oz-1lb a week. Hats we'll pop a few in for the hospital and will make sure we have a newborn sunhat for her too in case it's as hot as it was the May we got married
I really need to make my hospital bag list and start buying the bits for it as M came early so I didn't have everything I needed and hubby had to keep running to Tesco lol!
One tip I found invaluable when packing for hospital was to put a full outfit in a clear sandwich type bag, so nappy, vest, babygrow, mitts, hat etc and label the bag with the size. Then when you're too sore/tired to be rummaging through the bag for stuff hubby (or whoever) can just grab the bag and it's all there for you xx
Our pram is being delivered today! I can't wait to put it together and play with it

so excited x