May mummies and rainbows to be :)

That doesn't seem right to me. I don't understand these men! We've been on the verge of splitting up so many times recently, it's stupid.

I think I may have a virus again - blocked nose, coughing, sneezing etc. Every morning, until about lunchtime, I'm battling the sickness, now combined with shortness of breath and headaches.
I dont think this little girl has slept today shes been kicking all day lol
We went for our scan. Worth every penny, was amazing to see her moving around, she was playing with the cord, yawning and we even got what looked like a little smile at one point. She looks so cute and sure she has my nose xx

USD 27w_19 (2).jpg
Wow!! That picture is lovely!!

I'm still toying with the idea of getting a 4D scan and I think Can would enjoy it too.

Wow!! That picture is lovely!!

I'm still toying with the idea of getting a 4D scan and I think Can would enjoy it too.


Its amazing Emily, I would recommend it completely xx
Aw that is a super picture! I'm tempted but I think I like wondering what they are going to look like too much.

Little one has been pretty quiet today, but I'm still not well and have an awful cough so I think he has gone and hidden right at the back so my coughs don't crush him too much.
Aw that is a lovely pic! I want one so badly but thinking i could spend the money on baby stuff lol going to ask oh when he gets paid see if we can have one done!
Oh really ill have to keep an eye out they said best time to have it done was 28-28 weeks before baby gets too chunky lol
My friend gave me an avent microwave steriliser but i want to use tommee tippee bottles does anyone.know if they will fit?
Just got a baby delivery

Picture didnt work lol got bibs, sheets, bottles, towels and breast pads from asda baby event lol
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What a great picture! Have always fancied a 3d/4d scan but would take a whole day to get there and back so doesn't really seem worth it!

I have finally got some antibiotics for this stupid sinus infection. Been in so much pain over the weekend. Only painkillers that helped were co-codamol and not mad on taking them while pregnant! Hopefully will start to feel better soon, so much stuff I need to sort! Meant to have mifwife on Thursday but gonna see how I feel. Its at home so I need to clean a bit and I've barely done anything for the last 2 weeks as have felt so rubbish so my house is filthy! X
hope the antibiotics start to work for you Missy!

im so tempted to get a 4d scan, i will if everything is going well in my pregnancy and dont get more scans would just love to see him again before he is in my arms!

got my GTT test on thursday dreading it already

was my birthday at the weekend, so had a nice chilled one. the OH was lovely for a change, he never drank to excess meaning we never argued, we went to the cinema to watch T2 and i got my pick and mix i had been craving, then a cheeky nandos, followed by a huge carvery yesterday and a movie afternoon. it was perfect!
Happy Birthday Leigh, glad you had a good one :)

MissY hope the antibiotics work soon. My house is also a tip as I've really not felt well enough to do anything. Hoping I'll be better this week and I can have a good session cleaning it up before the builders arrive.

Once this heating problem is sorted I'll be able to start putting everything for little one in his room, then it will be easier to see what we still need. I think I've got a lot of things, I don't know what to do with nappies etc, I think I'll just get a box of newborn and go from there? I'm tempted to try reusables but think I'll just buy a couple and mix them in when they get a bit bigger as I've seen a few reviews saying best to wait until they are a certain weight. I'm hoping to bf, so I have only bought three different bottles, just in case. I figure if we need other stuff it is fairly easy to buy online. Still need to sort car seats!
thank you Snowbee, im not BF so ive got bottles think i have 12 hoping this is enough!

i have been on a cleaning spell, i hated mess before i got pregnant - i now have OCD and cant stand the mess haha, even tho im shattered 24/7

we still need to move before i sort through all the baby bits! i havent bought nappies yet, dont think i could cope with reusable ones!
We will be using pampers lol. Unless Huggies have changed in 8 yrs I won't be using them they were useless with my son lol never know may be different with a girl.
I'm really hoping to combi feed so I think I'm looking at the tommeetippee bottles again
im going to try aldi's nappies, heard good things about them and obv with being my first im open to try new things and see whats best! only going to get a couple of boxes tho in case they are rubbish
Huggies are gone Ery! You can only buy Huggies swim nappies, pj pants and wipes in this country now as far as im aware! We use tesco nappies with my wee boy and the pull ups with my daughter so imagine we will stick with that. I wanted to do reusables this time but the way its worked out with us being between houses I don't think we'll bother. Definitely don't stock up on newborn nappies too much snowbee. They're in them one day and shoot straight out of them the next! X
I've heard good things about aldi nappies too leigh. Think its aldi ones my friend gave me a few of that her wee boy grew out of. Asda ones are really good too but we don't live close enough to an asda for us to use them really. The only nappies ive tried and not thought much of are pampers actually! Don't think they're as absorbant as some of the own brands.x

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