Hi ladies. I didn't realise I hadn't listed in so long. I keep reading all your posts and then getting distracted and forgetting to post my responses. It's been manic here lately, feel like January absolutely flew by, can't believe we only have 3 months until we're due

Not masses to update really, bump has had a growth spurt so I had to do an emergency run to H&M the other day when I realised none of my clothes went over my belly anymore lol. My PGP, coccyx pain and sciatica has got a lot worse

I was only really noticing it 2/3 times a week and now it's every single day it's unbearable some days. I've ended up being signed off work for 3 weeks as they took ages to sort my workplace assessment out and now it's going to be another few weeks until my new chair is delivered. I can't go in anymore every time I go to work I'm stuck on the most uncomfortable chair and my whole pelvis is locking up so I can't get off the chair and spend the rest of the day crying and in agony. Hopefully the chair will be ready soon so I can get back.
Can I ask what pushchairs everyone has gone for? We're still undecided and I'm starting to worry that I'm 25 weeks tomorrow and we've not ordered one

I just can't make my mind up and don't want to spend £900 on an I candy when we won't be having anymore kids.
So glad to see you're all doing well and lisey congrats on tri 3! Can't believe how close it is for the rest of us too

Seems like just yesterday we were all throwing up 24/7 and wondering if we had bumps or bloat and now we're about to countdown the last trimester!