May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I love that feeling kabuk. Like a little massage. I get kicks/punches at both sides, at the same time now. So baby must be getting big.

Is anyone else feeling some intense love for their bump? I'm really protective of it too and keep getting emotional. Sometimes I wonder what I've got myself into, having someone I care and worry about so much. I have his clothes hanging near my bed and just keep staring at them!
Hi girls my c section scar is really sore tonight not sure if ive done too much the last few days and caused myself an injury. Should i be worried or just see if it goes?
Well im feeling much better today thinking i may have overdone it and pulled my scar a bit maybe. Little lady was still having a good kick maybe i just needed a rest
Try taking it easy today if you can hun and call MW for advice if you're worried.

Glad you're feeling more comfortable today.

Yes you probably just overdid it take it easy today. And I hope it feels better.

I just baby brained.

Made myself some toast then put the flora tub in the microwave instead of the fridge. It was only husbands bizarre look that made me realise what I did lol
Lol ery i do that alot! Ive taken it easy this morning just put some clothes away and now getting ready for work. Need to be more careful lol
Take it was Nikki, you've been doing a lot lately.

Well, another timeline move. Our boiler startled us awake last night. It sounded like a screeching alien being killed. It's gone. Planned on replacing with a combi when we redid the kitchen, but it now has to happen asap. British gas is coming out this afternoon- my dw drilled the pregnant wife thing home with them. No heat and no water now. I don't get paid again until the 15th. This is killing me. My dw has been fantastic though, organise them to come out today and then kitchen people to come for a design consultation asap. We knew the place needed work, we were just hoping to have a timeline of about a year to get it all done.

I'm tired and just want to sleep.
oh Kabuk! you are doing so much but doing fab with it all i would have freaked!

i still have to move and its looking to be next month!

ive had the "OMG IM HAVING A BABY" thought today! haha
Kabuk, hope you get some rest from it all.
Ery, I am always doing things like that. Often, in the eve, I take a plate in one hand and my sons tablet in the other into the kitchen. The amount of times I have nearly put the tablet in the sink instead of the plate!!

Has anyone got any water retention in legs or feet? I have had really restless, achey legs for a week or so, especially when trying to get comfy in bed etc. Last night, I was about to get in the bath and noticed my legs are really puffy looking. My boots don't fit around my calf muscles anymore either. I haven't gained enough weight that my boots won't fit. I don't have any signs of pre-eclampsia but will obv keep an eye on it xx
I've reached 24 weeks today! Think it's a bit of a milestone. Baby could live outside of my womb now! He's having a quiet day so far. I vomitted up my breakfast. I bought him some cotton hats. All good.
congrats Dovekie, mine next week cant wait - my little boy is a bit quiet today but was very active yesterday

ive named him bladder kicker cos thats all he does!
I've reached 24 weeks today! Think it's a bit of a milestone. Baby could live outside of my womb now! He's having a quiet day so far. I vomitted up my breakfast. I bought him some cotton hats. All good.

Happy v day xx
Happy 24 weeks Dovekie!

Lisey not noticed any difference in my legs but my fingers are very slightly swollen, just enough to make my rings too uncomfortable to wear. Going to measure my ankles and wrists later to record them just for my own interest really.

I've been to the dentist, he isn't going to mend my tooth until after baby is here, so fingers crossed it doesn't start to hurt.
Aw hope it doesn't start hurting snowbee!

Congrats on v day dovekie!

Sorry your boiler gave up kabuk but I guess it's good to have it done before baby arrives - just a pain about all the expense at one time!

I am still feeling utterly awful today. Had to risk an ibuprofen this morning too on drs advice as was just so bloody painful! Ridiculous I birthed two babies with naff all pain relief but a sinus infection has got me in tears with the pain.

On the plus side our mortgage has been accepted in principle so looks like we are all systems go. We are moving into my mum and dads while we build and they are moving into their (Deluxe) shed but looks like this will be before baby arrives now...but only just! Will need to speak to midwives about it cos although its just round the corner I'm down for a homebirth so they'll want to check it out I imagine. X
Happy v day dovekie! Lisey your in tri 3 tomorrow eek!

I was feeling better till i went to work now im sore again. My legs absolutely kill me everyday feels like ive walked about 20 miles!
Nikki, is it pelvic girdle pain causing your sore legs? I can't believe I am in tri 3 tomorrow and 4D scan on Sunday, eek!

Sorry you are still feeling so unwell missyeovil, sinus pain is awful. Hope you are better soon. Fab news about the mortgage :)

Snowbee, that is a good point, I might do that too with measuring although prob would have been better to do that a while ago. I just didn't realise, I thought I was just gaining weight but when I saw them last night, its just puffy, all around my knees and I can see it in my ankles too. My lower legs must be puffy too as boots won't go on but they are not as noticeable to look at. If it continues, I am going into hiding until she is here xx
Congrats missy! That's great news.

Happy v day, dovekie.

Well, my dw was on it today. She got a second quote and now we are getting the same compact combi boiler British gas suggested, installation of boiler and thermostat and our radiators flushed for £900 less! And best part, they will be doing it tomorrow or Friday!
That is good kabuk!

Great news about your house MissY. We need to crack on with getting planning permission for ours, won't be until this time next year though so we can relax after getting this wretched heating sorted.
I think so lisey i end up waddling by the end of the day lol

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