May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Dovekie they are supposed to be the holy grail of pushchairs but I've never had a proper shot so couldn't tell you... They hold value really well though so I'm surprised someone would sell it for £50! Sounds a good deal! Also im pretty sure you can buy new fabrics for it so it wouldn't need to stay pink but I think they're pretty pricey x
im edging towards the wayfarer i love it ! but it is pricey he says as long as i like it he is happy
I liked the Wayfarer when I tested them out. I slightly preferred the Pioneer with its bigger wheels and basket, but it is a bit more expensive than the Wayfarer. I liked the colour choices they both came in too.

Dovekie I've not seen any of the Bugaboo in real life, there don't seem to be any stockists near here. I've heard loads of rave reviews about them though and I'm sure you would be able to change the inner colour? You seem to be able to in most prams.

So far I'm loving the egg, it feels really solid and stable yet still pushes and turns really easily. It is a bit smaller than some other prams but both my oh and I are short ish so as long as little one is too that shouldn't be an issue. We will see how it goes once they are in it! It is difficult to know what you will need/use it for etc isn't it. I'm really clueless.

26+6 for me today! I'm still feeling rough, I struggled to sleep last night with my cold and my back hurting. I was also unable to get any blood out yesterday bar one attempt so my fingers are pretty sore now. All my blood results are normal so far though. I was in tears not being able to get any out to test but my husband said to stop trying as it is stressing me so much.
Thanks MrsLM, thats a relief that it is just the basket issue that you weren't keen on. I don't think I would be using it all that much so not an issue for me. I love how easy it manoeuvres around. I wanted something I could push easily with one hand for when I walk my dog xx
Is anyone buying a cot or waiting? Weve got a moses basket and i wanted to buy a cot ready but now kind of thinking theres no point till baby is about 6 months but then don't know how long she will fit in a Moses basket for lol
We aren't getting a cot yet Nikki, I figured wait a while and see how we get on with the moses basket first.
ive got a moses basket and a next to me crib, im not planning on getting the cot till hes older its too expensive for everything at once
We have moses basket and the cot. I want the cot all set up so I can do her part of the room ready in advance. I won't have time once she is here. Plus I got the cot in the tesco baby event so didn't want to miss out on the offer xx
Think were just going to start with a moses basket we dont have much space in our room and get a cot for when baby goes in her own room
We can't fit a cot in our room, so hopefully we won't need one for a while. I was hoping to have my old one but it is looking like my parents threw it out fairly recently (although they haven't confirmed this) so that is one other reason we are holding off buying one.
Snowbee a friend of mine had to test her blood for GD. She struggled to get any sometimes but found running her finger under the hot tap for a bit before helped.

We've got a cot already. We used it for Cam and it was used for me and my brother. I need to get a custom made mattress for it as it's smaller than cots are nowadays. We'll probably get that next month and get her room sorted in March/April. I want her room sorted before she arrives as I think it'll be easier to do it now than when she's here. The room is carpeted and decorated, it just needs accessories to bring in colour and a theme. I did want Beatrix Potter but it's hard to find it for a reasonable price!

Yeah it's brilliant to push one handed lisey so that'll be perfect for you. I just hated it tipping over with M in all the time but they may have made it a bit sturdier seeing as it was 3 years ago I was using it :)
I like the look of the wayfarer too and it collapses so easily. I've seen the stokke scoot online which looks good and is a lot cheaper than others so will go have a play with that. I'm so indecisive this is driving me crazy haha!
We also have a cotbed, our little girl is in the bed part still but we're building her single bed at the weekend so we take the cot back and try and sort the nursery. As Emily said it'll be easier to do now than when they're here :) We have the next2me crib ready for our room and Moses basket for the living room x
We are holding off on the cot for now. We'll be getting a chicco next2me. It'll fit nicely in our room.
I've got a crib for while she's in with us and then the cot for when she's in her own room when she's a bit older.

I dont know if this is just my anxiety but when oh is with me sometimes he ignores texts on his phone till
Hes away from me to reply like he doesn't want me to know who's messaging him. Am i going mad?
I dont know if this is just my anxiety but when oh is with me sometimes he ignores texts on his phone till
Hes away from me to reply like he doesn't want me to know who's messaging him. Am i going mad?

I wish my boyfriend would wait to text someone! He's constantly on it. I'm sick of phones :(

I wouldn't worry too much. Have you asked who it is? I just ask.
My oh is normally the same thats why i know it's weird.

I ended up asking him and its the girl from work i hate him talking to. Thats the only time he hides it because he knows ill get annoyed. I hate phones too dovekie im constantly on at my oh to get off of his!
I don't have to worry about other women too much, thankfully. Is he just friends with the girl? I have to be honest - I find it strange she's texting, although I don't know how often it happens.

My bf's phone is just like an extension of himself. When I met him he had one of those old phones without the Internet. That's why I liked him! Soon after, he got a smartphone :( I use mine a lot, but not when I'm doing stuff with him.
He says they are just friends but shes the one he always moans to about me and she interferes. Weve had massive bust ups over her, and he texts her all day every day at work and now shes started texting him in the evenings again aswell drives me mad

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