May mummies and rainbows to be :)

im willing to give any a chance but dont want to be spending over the odds if some supermarket own brands do a good job.

im all new to this haha
Happy Birthday Leigh xx
Ery, how are you planning on doing the combination feeding? I was only going to breastfeed for a few days and then bottle feed but am thinking of trying combination, not really sure how it would work and did read it can upset their tums? Xx
Lisey what a fab picture! I really want a 4D scan but it's a 1.5 hour round trip and I'm not sure my hips will cope at the moment :(
We've brought Aldi nappies, 1x newborn and 2x size 2 (I think) and will keep buying different sizes as we go. We found them good with our little girl and that's where we shop anyway. Have also started buying formula as it's so blooming expensive!
We finally (!!) decided on and brought our pram this morning. Have gone for the Bugaboo Bee 3, grey seat liner with soft pink hood and newborn cocoon and I might buy the grey cocoon or hood too if I think it's too pink when I put it together lol. We got it for such a good price, the Bee 5 comes out in a few weeks so we got the chassis, basket, raincover, footmuff, hood, cocoon for £550 in John Lewis! They've discounted most of the stuff so couldn't not snap it up especially as Mothercare haven't discounted any of it yet so it's about £300 more in there. Can't wait for it to come tomorrow so I can put it together and have a play with it :) I think that's all the big things sorted now so we just need to start clearing the nursery (which looks like a dumping ground) and then get the room painted and new carpet laid before setting it all up x
That does sound like a good deal MrsLM :) I've not seen one in person as they don't seem to be stocked by anyone around here but I've heard rave reviews about them. I heard a bit of a rumour about a new version of one of the car seats I liked being out in March, one of the reasons I've held off buying one in case the old ones are discounted.

I've got a bit stroppy with my oh today, I've given him a huge to do list and he has been faffing about for ages not doing any of it and now I've reached the stage in the house where I'm stuck until he does some of his list! Hopefully tonight I can kick his butt into action and he can help me put some stuff in the loft so I can carry on! I just feel mean when he doesn't roll in until after 9 and is cold hungry and knackered.

I'll get one box of newborn nappies then and hold off anything else for now. How likely is it that they won't fit the newborn size at all? Wondering if I should hedge my bets and get a box in the next size up too, although then I will have to decide whether to try a different make or go for the same one without knowing what suits... Gosh it is hard to know what to do for the best isn't it!
Also could someone tell me about hats? Do I need baby hats and how many will do? What sort bearing in mind these are going to be summer babies?
ive got a few hats but they came with sets i didnt purposely buy them. i figured we wouldnt need many with them being summer babies x
I am wandering around wondering what I need etc so am interested to hear your thoughts on everything (utter novice here!).
I got some Pampers as on offer but also got Aldi nappies as heard good things but worried bout sizes and getting too much in case it doesn't suit her.
Bought some dummies and a tommee manual breast pump to try as on offer and again not sure if we will manage the BF.
My next thing is bottles?? I have been told Dr Browns anti colic, but are they as good as they say and how many do you need? We have such limited space.
What about the sleep bags or do you swaddle?? So many dilemmas? I am sure we will have a load of stuff we thought we would need but end up not using which is such a waste of money when my wages are going to drop massively :(
im shattered all the time! i never seem to have any energy and its getting to me. gets to 3pm and i just want to go home to bed
gesic I am also fairly clueless and am going with the minimal approach to start with, I figure there is always online shopping with next day delivery if I get desperate! I'm hoping to bf but have bought three different bottles (I just randomly chose three, in the hope that if they don't like one they will another as I was warned not to go mad and buy a full set in case they wouldn't take that type of bottle) and a breast pump as ideally I would like my husband to be able to do the evening feeds so I can sleep, although I'm aware that could be wishful thinking! I've not bought sleep bags as I think they need to be a certain size first? I'm starting with two swaddle blankets plus some regular knitted blankets.

Me too leigh, I could nap right now....
just zero energy all the time!

ive got a couple of sleeping bags says they can go in 0-3 months but i might swaddle for the first month!

oh man never knew that about the bottles, ive got closer to nature ones, watch him not take to them!
I've got 4 packs of newborn nappies (2 aldi and 2 pampers), 4 packs of size 2 pampers and two boxes of wipes.

I'm hoping to bf but I've still got 4 tommee tippee bottles and a steriliser.

I've got hats as it can still be a bit chilly in May and will pop one on when we're out and about while bubs is teeny weeny. But, I don't expect we'll use them for long. I've only got knitted cardis to use rather than a coat and I'll just pop a blanket over if needs be so it's easy to take off if it gets too warm

I'll swaddle initially but will deffo use sleeping bags when bubs is bigger.

Guessing no one knows if tommee tippee bottles can fit in an avent steriliser? Lol

I heard aldi nappies are really good if anyone has an aldi nearby lol ive got 2 hats i know they like to put a hat on when baby is born for body temp. And no coats just a couple of cardigans incase its not very warm and blankets. Ive got 2 sleeping bags but my youngest liked to be swaddled for the first few weeks
No idea Nikki, have you already got both? If so try it and see. I'm not getting a steriliser I'm just going to milton things.

I've got two hats that came with baby grows. I was thinking I might need a sunhat as we are both really pale and maybe we will get a summer this year?! I've only got one cardigan, I think I'll get another. My husband has something wrong with him where he can't control his body temperature and runs hotter than usual, so he is never cold and hates it when it is over about 11 degrees! A couple of others in the family also have it so it is possible he passes it on to little one so I need to be careful not to over heat them.
I am not sure about the bottles nikki, maybe Google the steraliser and see if it specifies.
I am going to swaddle at first and have sleeping bag for 6 months plus.
I got some pampers nappies on offer in tescos. Just one pack newborn and one next size up. The newborn ones are 6lb to 11lb. My son was 9lb and she is apparently a little above average so I can't imagine she will fit into the newborn ones for long.
I have heard the asda newborn nappies are just as good as pampers. We don't have an asda local enough though so am just going for generic pampers for now xx
I have another really dumb question, how quickly do babies put on weight? Eg lisey you said your son was 9lb, how long would he have fitted the newborn nappies that go to 11lb? A couple of weeks? More or less? Also approx how many nappies would it be normal to use in a day?
They usually lose a little weight at first but I honestly don't remember how quickly they put it on. I am a bit clueless on all of that as been so long xx
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My leg hair has almost completely stopped growing. There are only a few little hairs and it's been 10 days since I shaved. I'm usually a monster! Thank you baby!
I'll add that to my list of questions for the midwife then, thanks lisey :) I'm slightly concerned about how clueless I am but at the same time I think well ignorance is bliss and all that!

My legs are erm a bit yeti like but I've not attempted to shave them for a couple of weeks...! I will have a bash at them tonight and see how much they grow! I've heard some people grow much faster then usual and others much slower, bet mine are in the faster camp lol!
I remember my eldest was putting on a pound a week lol he was greedy tho my youngest about half a pound a week but yeah they do lose some first and then put it back on. My eldest was 5lb and my youngest was 7.7lb this one was measuring slightly below average at my 20 week scan but will see how much they estimate at 28 weeks
My leg hair doesn't grow mich either.
Snowbee, I have a child and I still feel clueless!!! Xx

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