??May & June Mummies 2016??

M had her jabs last week. She had a little cry but honestly was over it in seconds!
They recommended she had calpol straight after and then 2 more doses at 4 hour intervals that day.
No fever or symptoms other than a bit sleepy for 48 hours. X

M had her jabs last week. She had a little cry but honestly was over it in seconds!
They recommended she had calpol straight after and then 2 more doses at 4 hour intervals that day.
No fever or symptoms other than a bit sleepy for 48 hours. X

My HV recommended calpol for injections, I could only see 3+ months in boots, is this the one to use? and how did you administer it.
Yeah the nurse just gave me the 3+ one and said 2.5mls. I had to use a tiny syringe and drop tiny amounts into her cheek seeing as she won't even take a bottle with my milk in I didn't think she would take calpol willingly lol x

That's good to know :-) exactly how Oscar was but everyone says how much worse they are now so didn't know whether to believe it or not lol. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Xxx

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Hiya, just found this group, can I join, Nathan was born 24thjune. Nice to catch up on how June mammies are getting on xx
*yawn* Kara switched her clusterfeed from 7-10 last night to 3-6am this morning! Think we over-tired her with fresh air yesterday as we were out at a country park for 6 hours yesterday and she slept pretty much the whole time other than 2 feeds. Hope we can reset her routine today...
Thanks for the replies and reassurance. Have been doing my pelvic floor exercises religiously every time he feeds and have noticed a slight improvement in my symptoms since last week which is reassuring. Guess it's just going to take time. Because I felt fine in the immediate aftermath of the birth it was a bit of a shock to subsequently develop problems, and I do partly blame the NCT for making me think that a vaginal delivery meant I'd just bounce back! Yorkslass, so glad someone has the same symptoms as me! (Well, I'm not glad you're in pain but you know what I mean.) I'm gradually building up how far I walk each day and hoping that things will just improve with time.

My husband is being really supportive in general, but doesn't do the night time stuff. He's back at work now and does work fairly long days (out of the house between 7am and 7pm usually) so while I'd love some help at night, I don't know how fair it'd be to ask.

Great shout on expressing whilst feeding Phoenix85, that hadn't even occurred to me! I tried it and you're right, I get more milk (even though it's a bit tricky to coordinate). It definitely saves time too so that's what I'll be doing from now on!

Tigger87 and Yorkslass, I agree that the birth weight is maybe misleading. I had IV fluids during labour and Arthur definitely came out looking a little puffy. I wonder if his natural birthweight would have been a little bit lower? He's finally almost fully regained his birth weight so I can be a little less stressed about it all.
Siskin, I had exactly the same symptoms you described. It's only been the past week that I've been able to do longer walks, and Jack will be 8 weeks on Saturday. Keep taking paracetamol and resting, the discomfort will literally disappear one day!

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Belatedly to that conversation, I think the worst thing I do with Rowan in the sling is hanging washing on the line - one line is so high I have to reach up with both hands and I have to assume such an awkward stance so her head doesn't just flop over lol
Evening ladies

Hope everyone is doing well. Things have gone from bad to worse for me. I woke this morning, fed baby in bed and put her back in the crib for me to go take my 14 month old downstairs and went back up to get baby. On the way down I slipped on the last few stairs (left a pack of baby wipes on stairs from emptying the babies pram yesterday) and I went down leaving my left foot behind me..... Broke both bones in ankle! Currently sat with cast cut open and ice pack on as pressure from swelling was causing me too much pain.

Fortunately the baby was not hurt at all and I managed to get us to the phone to ring my father to get down my house. One ambulance ride later, morphine, gas and air and my leg is in a cast awaiting surgery tomorrow morning. I've done nothing but cry all day in hospital. Won't be able to weight bare for 6-8 weeks and I haven't a clue what I'm gonna do with a 14 month old and baby to deal with.

I've been adamant at the hospital my baby needs to be with me as I'm breast feeding so they have arranged for me to be transferred to the maternity ward so baby can stay with me as she cannot stay on a general ward.

I feel like I'm at the end of my tether and I'm standing on the edge of a cliff with gust of wind fast approaching.

Sorry for the moan

Gosh fruity, how scary! Glad baby is OK and wishing you a speedy recovery. Well done for insisting on appropriate accommodation for you and baby too. x
Oh Hun that sucks - my friend fell out the bath and broke her elbow when her little one was really young so her arm was fixed in a bizarre position. Her hubby managed to get some carers leave time off work as she couldn't of managed otherwise. Is that an option for you? X

Thanks ladies.

MrsT I don't think that is an option. He is able to work from home at times but he needs access to certain systems in work to complete some particular stuff.

I've still not been transferred to maternity ward. I'm in severe pain as only paracetamol I can take. Staff just tried to put bed pan underneath me but was excruciating so I didn't end up peeing. Cried for over half hour trying to calm down. But if I accept morphine they'll tell me baby can go home which is not what I want. I need her with me as hubby has to sort out our son.
What a nightmare fruity... keep insisting they follow your wishes. Do you have family who can help? Hope things get better soon x
Sorry to read your going through a hard time. It must have been very scary for you. Hope you and baby are settled in maternity now. Hope the op goes well hun, what's the recovery time? X
Oh fruity what a nightmare. Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to being mummy at home xxx
That's awful Fruity, as if you didn't have enough on your plate. I take it you can't have the morphine because of breastfeeding - would adding some ibuprofen to the paracetamol be an option? I know it's not exactly the big guns as painkillers go, but you can take it while breastfeeding (I'm pretty sure you can anyway, no doubt the hospital docs could advise) and it might be worth a try just to see if you can get a little bit more comfortable? Good luck for the surgery.
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Hi ladies

Thanks for kind wishes. Well I stuck to my guns and only had iv paracetamol through the night (pain has been horrendous) but I wanted to BF baby so winced my way through the night. Baby however, was unusually quiet through the night she last fed around 9:30pm and remained settled till midwife changed her for me around 11:30pm I gave her a bit of breast to settle her back and she stayed asleep till 4am. She even slept through all the other babies screaming on the ward which I found strange as when I'm at home I only have to turn in bed and she stirs so I think this was the after effect of the morphine I took in the afternoon that made her sleepy. A&E dr told me I can BF after 4 hours so I made sure I waited 5 and half hours before feeding her.

I've had the op and even though I am still in pain it it slightly more bare able than before (but only a smidgen). Physio has been around and had me up out of bed using a Zimmer frame so at least I will be able to go to the loo properly instead of using s bed pan.

When I woke from theare they told me maternity ward has sent my hubby home with baby. He hadn't arrived by time I was being taken so baby stayed in maternity till he arrived and I was expecting to return there when back out and they sent me back to the general ward. I felt annoyed about this and told the nurse that if I cannot have baby with me tonight I will be going home regardless. So she's mentioned she has spoke to someone and I may be going back to maternity for the night again. So I've told hubby to bring the baby in with him for this evenings visit and leave her here so they have to move me.

I'm not allowed to BF now for 24/48 hours due to pain relief they have given during op so they have brought me a pump, steriliser and bottles to pump and dump so it seems she will be on ready made formula till I get back home, which isn't ideal but I need to be out of pain and comfortable else I'll never produce the oxytocin needed for good supply of breast milk.

I have family close by to help but there is only so much my parents can do at 70 years old. They've had my 14 month old for me and I'm hoping they be able to have him for a couple of hours a day for me while hubby is in work. My sister and two eldest nieces have been fab too they've really rallied round for me and I feel overwhelmed by it all as I'm not used to asking for help I'm a person who just plods on with things.

The recovery time is 6-8 weeks and I'm not allowed to weight bare on my foot for this length of time so there are trying time ahead. I'm hoping with my niece being home from uni for the summer she will be able to pop down and sort my toddler out possibly take him to the park as well weather permitting.

There's been a few firsts for me this weekend... First broken bone (or bones in this case) first ambulance journey, first operation, first bed bath!!!!!

After my c section I was given liquid morphen and allowed to bf. Can you not ask for that?x
Good lord fruity you really put a bit of sleep deprivation into perspective, I can't believe how brave you are to stick to your guns over pain relief.

Lovely to hear your family can help you out, any chance after a few weeks you can get a walking boot cast or is it to severe a break?

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