??May & June Mummies 2016??

Wow phoenix, that must've been scary doing it all alone!! Glad all worked out ok x
Huge congrats phoenix! Very sudden due date baby lol - sounds like a lovely home birth :-)
Congratulations sounds like a nice labour. Did you have a lotus birth *x
Good lord Phoenix! Congratulations! You are such a strong woman, I can't believe you set up your own bed and everything xxx
thank you :)

I ended up not having a lotus birth, her cord was really short, I delivered the placenta into a bowl and it was right next to us but even then if we moved at all the cord tugged on her, so after the MW came I got a cord tie my friend made me and tied and the midwife cut it. It was just too short :( Never mind.

Only scary bit was when her head was crowning I had a brief moment where it felt HUGE and I momentarily panicked I wouldn't be able to birth her, but then I snapped out of it and pushed lol.

I had wanted to do it on my own so I'm glad I did.
Congratulations Phoenix :-) sounds like a fab birth! I'd have freaked out doing it on my own but would have loved it at the same time.

Belle's still struggling with her pops :-: she's now going 2-4 times a day for the first time ever, but they're so hard I don't know how she gets it out?! (Sorry if tmi!) she's on the full dose of lactulose that the doctor prescribed. Going to call the health visitor in a bit and see what she suggests. Xxx

Congratulations Phoenix :-) sounds like a fab birth! I'd have freaked out doing it on my own but would have loved it at the same time.

Belle's still struggling with her pops :-: she's now going 2-4 times a day for the first time ever, but they're so hard I don't know how she gets it out?! (Sorry if tmi!) she's on the full dose of lactulose that the doctor prescribed. Going to call the health visitor in a bit and see what she suggests. Xxx
Summer really struggles she goes alot but it's like water yet she screams the house down and goes purple when doing them. I was told it's normal but it's horrible to watch. X
I've been desperate to start exercising again. Been for a couple of gentle walks with toddler and felt OK afterwards so today I did my first post-baby exercise DVD (an easy low impact walking based one) and feel fantastic. :-) Really hope I won't regret it later and can fit them into my days regularly (on top of actual walks). Want to start doing post-natal yoga too but suppose I should really wait for my 6 week check up (although last time that consisted of being asked if I felt OK!).
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Congratulations Phoenix :-) sounds like a fab birth! I'd have freaked out doing it on my own but would have loved it at the same time.

Belle's still struggling with her pops :-: she's now going 2-4 times a day for the first time ever, but they're so hard I don't know how she gets it out?! (Sorry if tmi!) she's on the full dose of lactulose that the doctor prescribed. Going to call the health visitor in a bit and see what she suggests. Xxx
Summer really struggles she goes alot but it's like water yet she screams the house down and goes purple when doing them. I was told it's normal but it's horrible to watch. X
That's how Belle was when the health visitor told me to put her on to comfort milk for colic and constipation - it made it a while lot worse! She'd gone from having solid-ish poos every 2-4 days, but going with no problems, to going every day but really struggling even tho it was the 'right' consistency. She also smelt sooooo bad and had constant wind. I was paranoid people would think it was me, it was far too bad for a newborn haha. Anyway, she ended up on a prescribed milk with no dairy which cleared up her skin and made her poos normal for the first time. But her reflux was back, so we had to put her on gaviscon, which constipated her so she's now on lactose, which is where we're at now.....I tried speaking to the hv this morning, waited for a call back and had nothing :-/ it's so frustrating trying to get it right and horrible seeing my poor baby struggling :-/ xxx

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Hopefully it will get sorted as you say it's horrible to see them in so much pain. Im nearly in tears everytime as she crys the house down. Iv just brought that milk but she has not had any yet. I'm hoping it will help and not make her worse like your LO x
Today is my birthday can't believe I'm 28! Since summer came we have not really taken any pics of the 3 of us so today we are of to have our photos done. I'm super excited about having some done of summer she is going to look gorgeous. After that back home to see the in laws then hubby and I are going for dinner. Hope everyone has a great weekend x
Happy birthday Blueclass, hope you have a lovely day with the pictures!

Robyn isn't much of a pooper - once a day at most, maybe every other day. But we went to baby massage on Tuesday, and did some at home Thursday and Friday. That REALLY freed her up!!! She's not stopped on the days she's had massage so we might incorporate it into bed time routine now. Though she screams for sleep by 8pm, not sure I'll manage to fit it in.

We're off car shopping tomorrow, need a small hatchback because we're not coping with just 1 car anymore. Going to leave Robyn with my mum for a few hours and possibly the toddler too. She's taking a bottle lovely, I'm fairly sure approx 20oz of milk I have will be enough (it'll be at most 4-5 hours!!) but still scared it won't be!
Happy birthday blueclass! Have a good un and enjoy the photos - do share!
Man, I really should start some massage with Rowan, think she'd benefit. She gets quite distressed in the evening and then does about 3 poops in a row and passes out lol - trouble is she seems to cry at being naked and still isn't sure about baths or anything!
Ladies I'm sooooo excited.... Can't put on fb but I can share on here... After 8 years of renting the same house we have finally (after much persuasion on the husband) put an offer on a house!!!! I don't know if offer will be accepted but this is just a huge step for us!
Congrats Eaw! Hope it works out for you. Happy birthday Blueclass.

I know this might seem odd but I wish Joe would poo less, 3-5 in a morning and potentially the same during afternoon. He doesn't go at all at night though, just wet ones.

Tigger is that 20oz of expressed milk you're leaving?? Wow. Joe is feeding every couple of hours but when I leave expressed bottles he only really takes 2-3oz, and I struggle to express more than that off in one sitting. I really want to help him go longer between feeds but even though I offer him both breasts he never takes the second one. I guess he would if he was hungry.
Yeah she'd never take 20oz, I'm being dramatic, but I've no idea how much she would take! I've chickened out of leaving her now anyway. It's too long.

Had a massive row with hubby tonight. Toddler has been a nightmare all day. I've had pity looks and comments from lots of people. So he finishes work. I went for a lie down. He marches in just after I've nodded off demanding I sort out the baby carrier because he can't. So I took the baby, fed her, he made tea. He let toddler fall asleep (6pm ish). We have dinner, all ok. I asked him if he wanted to do some massage with baby, so he did, looked pissed off the entire time and didn't say one word to her. We had words about this - it really feels like he just can't be arsed with the kids, unless he's in the mood?

So anyway. Bedtime. I take baby to feed, he transfers sleeping toddler. Obviously, sleeping toddler wakes. Then goes mental screaming because he wants mummy and only mummy. Babys fed, so we swap. Toddler nods off immediately, baby screams more than she's ever screamed in her life. 20 mins go by and I come out. (At this point I've also had the bloody dog follow me, because he doesn't like hubby much at the moment). We've just had a huge argument because he's just SAT on the bed with her, he's fed up of walking around, he did it for 10 mins and his feet hurt because he's been on them all day. So, what, I have to sit up with her and rock her now for another 30 mins because you just can't be arsed? He reckons he does try, and it just comes more easily to me and the kids like me better? ARGH. Ive sent him to the spare bed - we have NEVER slept in separate beds due to an argument before now. I'm so mad at him though :-(
Sorry to hear you had a rough night. Could it just be tiredness? Summer does not really settle for.tom and I end up walking or rocking her for ages it's hard work. I think bf babies are better with mum as they are close to us all the time. Hope.you get it sorted must be tricky having a toddler aswell x
It was just the sleep deprivation talking I think, from both of us!! We've made up now so it's ok haha!

Our Monday playgroup has now finished for summer, which is a massive nightmare. We went to the beach this morning instead!

Hey everyone!

Charlie was 8 weeks on Saturday and will be 2 months on the 14th! Time is flying. His big brother (Noah) turned 3 today!!! Can't believe I have a 3yr old!!!

Anyway, Charlie has his jabs tomorrow, dreading it!
Im excited to get him weighed though :)
We are still currently ebfing, which I'm finding so easy and enjoyable! Went to Longleat for Noahs birthday on Sat and it was so much better just whacking my boob out, remember rhe days where we did day trips with Noah and packing bottles and formula would take over my life!

Hope everyone is doing well! Xxx

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