Summer really struggles she goes alot but it's like water yet she screams the house down and goes purple when doing them. I was told it's normal but it's horrible to watch. XCongratulations Phoenixsounds like a fab birth! I'd have freaked out doing it on my own but would have loved it at the same time.
Belle's still struggling with her pops :-: she's now going 2-4 times a day for the first time ever, but they're so hard I don't know how she gets it out?! (Sorry if tmi!) she's on the full dose of lactulose that the doctor prescribed. Going to call the health visitor in a bit and see what she suggests. Xxx
That's how Belle was when the health visitor told me to put her on to comfort milk for colic and constipation - it made it a while lot worse! She'd gone from having solid-ish poos every 2-4 days, but going with no problems, to going every day but really struggling even tho it was the 'right' consistency. She also smelt sooooo bad and had constant wind. I was paranoid people would think it was me, it was far too bad for a newborn haha. Anyway, she ended up on a prescribed milk with no dairy which cleared up her skin and made her poos normal for the first time. But her reflux was back, so we had to put her on gaviscon, which constipated her so she's now on lactose, which is where we're at now.....I tried speaking to the hv this morning, waited for a call back and had nothing :-/ it's so frustrating trying to get it right and horrible seeing my poor baby struggling :-/ xxxSummer really struggles she goes alot but it's like water yet she screams the house down and goes purple when doing them. I was told it's normal but it's horrible to watch. XCongratulations Phoenixsounds like a fab birth! I'd have freaked out doing it on my own but would have loved it at the same time.
Belle's still struggling with her pops :-: she's now going 2-4 times a day for the first time ever, but they're so hard I don't know how she gets it out?! (Sorry if tmi!) she's on the full dose of lactulose that the doctor prescribed. Going to call the health visitor in a bit and see what she suggests. Xxx