??May & June Mummies 2016??

That's good I only get maybe 10 to 20 mls out with an electric one lol! Arg I'm so torn I love bf but it's so time consuming and I can't do anything. X
I know what you mean blueclass - have been pretty much confined to the house when she's cluster feeding (which is all the time o.o), have only really been able to do the dog walk for about 40 mins with her in the sling or a quick supermarket trip lol
Just waiting it out until she can go longer between feeds...
Keep going - I'm sure you can get your production up!
Tigger, are any of the tips on that site working for you? I'm trying to feed her as suggested this evening, but she's still pulling back and squirming. I have some things for the boobs that can cool or heat from my partner's sister, will try cooling them too...
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I've been having my let down go into a Muslin then latching her on, not sure how well it's going yet?! Also, the lying down feeds are the best. I think it's why she sleeps so well, she has zero complaint but dribbles a LOT.

You don't have to leak or be engorged for oversupply - though saying that, I leak ALL the time - it's so frustrating. My clothes constantly wet if I forget a breast pad :-( hoping this sorts itself out soon. I've basically stopped all expressing, just feeding on demand and hoping supply settles! They say 6 weeks to settle supply, and that's us today, so I'll give it another week or 2 given our interference!!!
Hope it sorts out for you! Not sure when my let down happens, or if it's too early to be noticeable - she's only 2 1/2 weeks! Lying down feeds I just can't seem to do - can't see the latch properly to get her on :-S
I can't believe Rowan is already over 2 weeks old! That's gone so quick.

I also can't believe I'm 40 weeks... I was so sure I'd have a June baby :doh:
I know! Although sometimes I think it's gone quick and sometimes it feels really long lol
Are you having any signs yet phoenix?
We're just getting to grips with lying down feeding as I'm so sore. It'll come yorkslass I've found feeding so much easier this time it worries me that were only getting one night feed the last two nights but he seems to be doing well so I need to stop. Phoenix it won't be long before your baby is here. I do really miss my bump and I can't wait to do it all again in a few years time :/ xx

I find it very hard to believe our LO isn't even 3 weeks old. This time with our first we were struggling to get out of the house or eat proper food. This time we've been out all sorts of places. We spent the whole day out yesterday, taking her to meet work colleagues, having lunch and doing some shopping. Today we went for a long walk in the woods then came home and had a BBQ.

I am getting nervous about going it alone with both when OH goes back to work. But we are also rubbing each other up the wrong way a bit so maybe it'll be a good thing really as I can start figuring out a routine a bit easier by myself.

I can't believe how much easier feeding has been second time around. But I well remember how hard it was last time so I feel for you ladies having difficulties. I honestly believe that it is worth all the struggles if you can push through the first tough weeks though x
That sounds like good going with the getting out and about Maud! My partner's started doing a bit of work this week - he runs his own business though so can be a little flexible. However he's doing a lot of hours Thursday and Friday, so me, little 'un and dog are off to stay with my folks until Saturday. Toughest is that we both teach music on the side and he's started that again the last two evenings in the house, leaving me downstairs with Rowan when she's at her most grumpy! I really want to take her in to meet my day job colleagues soon too.
Mw couldn't make it today, so we'll be having a weigh again tomorrow instead...
Blueclass, I originally got a Kari me off eBay, but thought it seemed too hot for this weather, so I hurriedly got a didymos ring sling which we really like - we take her out in that (in a sat up position rather than cradle hold) or even around the house as I do chores and she just instantly falls asleep lol - she's not been liking the pram, just cries in that! ;-)
Ohh I love my didymos wrap! Although I prefer my connecta as so quick to get her in and out. Only used the peak twice and she's nearly 9 weeks!

Only just seen this thread.
Im pleased everyone seems to be doing so well.
I can't believe that Logan is 8 weeks old already. He's found his voice the past few days and spends ages cooing at us.
I've been put on medication for my anxiety as it got really bad a few weeks ago but I can definitely say I feel a million times better now and more like the old me.


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Hi ladies :) Finally able to join you hehe

Our little miss, Meryl, was born 2:48am on 29 June 2016 (41w+4d) weighing 6lb 12oz. Laboured using TENS machine and gas and air only. Went into hospital at 19:45 on the 28th at already 6cm dilated. Was able to get the room I wanted and used the labouring couch with my DH by my side. No complications for either of us so we were able to have early discharge next day; we were home by 11:30am on the 29th. My DH was great during the whole experience.

Went for 5 day checkup yesterday and Meryl has only lost 60g of her birth weight. Mw reckons she will be back at birth weight come Sunday. Breastfeeding was going well, she latched within an hour of being born. Currently sat in the livingroom though as Meryl has decided to cluster feed from 7pm and DH goes back to work tomorrow so want to help him get some rest. I also dont know if she may have some acid reflux as her stomach makes gurgle noises alot but isnt gassy. Going to call breastfeed support tomorrow for a chat...

Other than that she's a pretty chilled little lady :)

Heres a pic for you :)


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Aww... many congrats on your gorgeous little 'un alrm! Sounds like a great labour :-)
Welcome to the thread too Emmam!
Meryl is beautiful congratulations :) I've just had Charlie weighed and in 5 days he's put on 8 oz so now weighs 7lbs 12 oz ! I'm shocked as although he feeds well he's going 4/5 hour stretches between feeds was hoping to get signed of but as I have an infection I have to go to the Sunday clinic x

That's good going with the weight elfs mummy ;-)
Just had mw round again for weighing - she's only gained 60g in 6 days :-( just don't understand... she feeds constantly, has tons of wet & dirty nappies, looks chubbier, is alert etc... so still we aren't discharged as she's still over 200g away from her birth weight. It's just frustrating!
Stanley is now 11+2 weeks old now. Time goes way too fast.
Finally had the MRI scan results back and they are all clear which we are so thankful for. He still under the hospital and has regular checks but everything seems fine.
He's such and easy little lad, never really cries and quite content.
Hope all your little ones are doing ok? X


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Yorkslass, Stanley was the same, it took an absolute age for him to put weight on and he's still slow at it now. At 2 weeks old we were still in hospital as he couldn't gain very well, he was discharged a few days later at his birth weight and wasn't discharged from mw until 5 weeks. At 9 week he only weighed in at 9 14 way behind all his friends the same age or younger. It'll come honest, I still worry a little but he's happy.
My daughter was the opposite it took ages for her to gain. I topped up to start but do t need to now xx

My baby was born on her due date! 5th July.

I was having contractions from 10.39am but the next was 36 minutes later, then 28 minutes later, stayed around the 20 minute apart mark til about 2 pm. Last recorded one was at 3.42pm and was 12 minutes after the last. I spoke to my midwife at around that time as I had just cancelled the 40 week MW appt I was supposed to go to. I got in the bath for all of about 10 minutes before I had too much pressure in my bum and had to get out, had a contraction, quickly set the bed up with a plastic sheet, towels and disposable pads, and chucked everything I needed on (had a basket ready filled with pads and cloth nappies and a sheet to wrap the baby in etc etc)
Got on my bed and had 3 contractions about two minutes apart each, and then had the urge to push! I felt the head but was a bit worried briefly it was placenta or something so had my 9yr old check it was dark (hair) haha!. It was. Pushed two or three times, waters broke on the first push and her head was out soon after, then the rest of her a minute later. No midwife and no pain relief LOL!
Placenta came away almost immediately & I delivered it about 5/10 mins after the baby.

I phoned the hospital about half an hour later and they put me through to the community midwives who sent one but she came about half an hour after that (an hour after I gave birth). She was fab, we tied the cord with a cord tie my friend made and cut the midwife cut the cord (it was really short).
She stayed til about 7 filling in paperwork, getting rid of the disposable pads and held the baby whilst I showered.

Oh and she made me a cuppa lol.

Should add my mum turned up 5 mins before the MW at about half 5, as I had phoned her just after phoning the hospital but she didn't stay long she took my 9yr old home with her to have some dinner and then my parents came back with my kids around 7 just before the MW left.

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