My baby was born on her due date! 5th July.
I was having contractions from 10.39am but the next was 36 minutes later, then 28 minutes later, stayed around the 20 minute apart mark til about 2 pm. Last recorded one was at 3.42pm and was 12 minutes after the last. I spoke to my midwife at around that time as I had just cancelled the 40 week MW appt I was supposed to go to. I got in the bath for all of about 10 minutes before I had too much pressure in my bum and had to get out, had a contraction, quickly set the bed up with a plastic sheet, towels and disposable pads, and chucked everything I needed on (had a basket ready filled with pads and cloth nappies and a sheet to wrap the baby in etc etc)
Got on my bed and had 3 contractions about two minutes apart each, and then had the urge to push! I felt the head but was a bit worried briefly it was placenta or something so had my 9yr old check it was dark (hair) haha!. It was. Pushed two or three times, waters broke on the first push and her head was out soon after, then the rest of her a minute later. No midwife and no pain relief LOL!
Placenta came away almost immediately & I delivered it about 5/10 mins after the baby.
I phoned the hospital about half an hour later and they put me through to the community midwives who sent one but she came about half an hour after that (an hour after I gave birth). She was fab, we tied the cord with a cord tie my friend made and cut the midwife cut the cord (it was really short).
She stayed til about 7 filling in paperwork, getting rid of the disposable pads and held the baby whilst I showered.
Oh and she made me a cuppa lol.
Should add my mum turned up 5 mins before the MW at about half 5, as I had phoned her just after phoning the hospital but she didn't stay long she took my 9yr old home with her to have some dinner and then my parents came back with my kids around 7 just before the MW left.