??May & June Mummies 2016??

Hi everyone, Skye's now 8 days old and thriving! She got weighed on Friday and had gained 5oz already and has already got the nickname Skye Pie from me and her dad. Unfortunately I'm not doing so well, I have either a UTI or a urine infection and now on antibiotics and c section scar is looking inflamed this morning and I'm finding all my clothes are rubbing off it. Also really struggling to sleep during the day and my house is a riot within 5 mins of me tidying it. Finding it all a huge adjustment if I'm honest, but I wouldn't change it for the world


Hi all, so pleased to see this thread running as have been thinking about you all. Sorry to hear your lo has been ill Maud, hope all is ok.

Joe is 7and a half weeks old now, at his 6week check he was 12lb 5oz so he's probably over 13 by now, gaining weight on the 91st centile so bf has been going really well. Have started expressing some for oh to give him a bottle so he can have some close time with him.

We went on holiday last week to the forest of dean with our 5yo and Joe and it was great, lots of walks in the forest and climbing up castle walls - really appreciated the stretchy wrap I had to carry Joe in. Was lovely to get away and be just us because MIL is doing my head in. Coming round unannounced and stopping for ages at really awkward times e.g. tea and bedtime. Its not even to help out because she doesn't like us having a bedtime routine - children should go to bed when they're ready in her view - so she insists on playing with them when we're trying to get them both to calm down. Oh won't say anything as his dad passed away a couple of years ago and she's lonely - which I do understand, but its just not helpful. Don't know what to do because I am going to lose my rag with her at some point and don't want to.
I would just say I'm sorry but they are going to bed, otherwise they will be ratty in the morning and your the ones who have to deal with it. Our baby is 3 weeks and my dad tries to wake her when we see them. Iv told him if he tries to wake her we will go home as i will need to seetle her. Just be firm but polite x
Morning ladies.
Stanley is now just over 10 weeks old and weighed in at 9 14 last week, still teeny, he's such a long skinny baby
I discovered the baby swing yesterday at my friends, so I didn't hang about and brought one straight away, was an amazing bit of kit
I guess I belong here here now baby Charlie was born on the 26th June at 2.40 am via emergency csection after a 48 hour induction (40 hours in established labour) weighing 7lbs 2oz. He's beautiful and worth every second. He developed jaundice so we had some extra time in for treatment he's still very sleepy so topping up with ebm which is very hard work but I'm sure he'll wake up soon xx

.I'm only seeing this now. Can I be added? Baby Caoimhe (it's irish, pronounced Queeva) was born June 3rd. We got out first genuine smile yesterday at 3 weeks and 5 days old. :yay:

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I've lost track and can't keep up with everyone!

Are you home now Maud? How's little one doing?

Yorklass how's the feeding going?

Lottie your little girl is so sweet - I love her headband! I've got one of M in a daisy headband and it's so cute!
How you feeling now you're on antibiotics?

Bobkat our little ones are similar weight - M was 12lb 5oz at 7 weeks ebf and on 91st centile.
I've started expressing a supply but she won't take a bottle yet so only me.

Hi Eaw - can't believe you have a 10 week old - he'll be 3 months soon!!!

Welcome Elfs mummy and Charlie! How's his Jaundice and topping up going?

Love87 I love the name! And she's beautiful!
I managed to catch a smile on camera at 10 days (I promise it wasn't windy smiles)!

My little diva is an active one! She's already nearly rolled off the bed and during tummy time rolled nearly onto her back but got her arm trapped and screamed!
I can't take my eyes off her already!
Life's very busy but it's lovely meeting up with friends and spending time with my babies.

I bit the bullet and I'm back at slimming world - first weigh in Saturday and went back to Zumba tonight which was a killer especially for my boobs! I stupidly wore washable breast pads which kept trying to escape! Next time I'll get the ones you stick to your bra!

A few more pics -


This was 10 day old smiles!


7 week smiles!


Daisy headband!

Tummy time! Before it ended in screams lol

Thanks MrsT. We are home and Kara is back to normal, other than her skin slowly peeling off her. We still don't really know what caused it, although the skin infection seems most likely. They were still running some tests when they discharged but said they might not get a conclusive answer. Have to wait and see what they say when they write to us.

I'm really wanting to start exercise but not sure if two weeks is too early even for gentle stuff (yoga, very low impact aerobics or dancing)? The weather hasn't been very walking friendly lately! I'm trying to watch what I eat a bit as have 1.5 stone of baby weight to lose, but it's hard to get out of the gluttony habits I developed while pregnant. Am sat stuffing half a box of Milk Tray atm, whoops.

I'm really hoping we get some summer weather soon. We've bought a bunch of summer rompers, expecting to be living in the garden or in parks and having picnics.
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I've been back in the diet and spinning classes for 4 weeks now. Desperate to loose the baby jelly. Two weeks after birth I weighed 11 stone lost 1 stone With out trying now I'm stuck stuck at 10. Want to get down to 9 st. Don't think I'll ever be 8 st again x
I wasn't too worried about losing baby weight, as it came off really quickly last time. But I am struggling to find clothes to fit each morning. My maternity trousers are too baggy and just fall down. My normal trousers are far too small. Have just about managed to cram into an old pair of size 14 jeans this morning but they are tight and uncomfortable and I have a massive muffin top. .I was in size 12 matermity wear. I'm thinking I am actually going to have to go shopping for size 16!! Not feeling very good about myself right now :-(
Oh wow I can't even think about exercising at the moment. I'm really struggling to eat at the moment having to force myself as I'm feeding. Mrst she's beautiful ! Just had our 5 day weight check at were at birth weight so the mw said not to worry about top ups and focus on breast feeding xx

I've signed up to slimming world yesterday! I've got about 3.5stone to lose, but about 2.5 of that was pre pregnancy anyway!! I need to sit down and go through all the bits and work out my meal plan for next week. Not even considered exercise yet but I might have to!

I've been so down in the dumps the last few days. My house is a pig sty, I'm tired, I'm too busy to do anything "constructive". I just don't feel like I'm doing anything for my kids at the moment except going through the motions. I hate it. Went out to a shopping event with my mum and Robyn yesterday evening, my dad babysat. As soon as they showed up I just burst into tears because I can't handle it. Then when I came home, hubby said toddler had grumbled a bit when I left - more tears at the fact I possibly shouldn't have gone. More guilt then because I bought myself a tshirt, and nothing for the kids. It's ridiculous!!!

My boss has also messed up my pay and started my mat leave 2 weeks early, and not paid me for 4 days I was working. She's also in no rush to sort it out, because she's "busy" apparently. I cried after that phone call, it's all so hard to deal with right now?!
Hi ladies summer is almost 4 weeks and I can't believe how fast time has gone. I also need to shift my jelly belly after my c section I have a horrible looking pouch. I do however only need to lose 5lb to be bk to pre pregnancy weight, I put on on about 2 stone. I am also going to join slimming world next week as I'd like to lose at least 3 stone. I can't do an awful lot of exercise till iv seen doctor in two weeks and I'm still a bit sore so will take it easy but watch what u eat. X
Hi everyone, Joe has been sleeping in his cot past 2 nights as he outgrew his basket and despite waking up a couple more times than usual was fine. We also started establishing a routine at night with him of bath, cuddles and feeding followed by rocking to sleep then putting down, he had the dummy to help him settle then he spits it out and slept fine. Got him down by 8.15 the first night and 7.45 last night so happy at that. Hope it continues but Saturdays are always a bit disrupted as hubbie plays cricket and I'm singing in a concert tonight so will be a bit more ad hoc. I went back to zumba last Monday too, it was great to get back and moving properly again, although I took it steady. Did it up till being 32 weeks pregnant. Waited till after 6 week check to go back though. Also started post natal yoga this week to hopefully firm up the tummy muscles again. I am back in pre pregnancy clothes but am eating like a horse so don't want to put any weight on. Got a great jiggly muffin top though. Hope everyone else ok, will try and sort putting some pics of Joe up soon.
Haven't had much time to post lately, but just had a quick catch up and seems like everyone's doing great :-)

I think we've finally got Belle sorted with her milk. She's on a prescribed milk from the doctor that has no cows milk in it. She's also having gaviscon for her reflux, but that makes her even more bunged up than usual so she's also having lactulose to help with that. We end up leaving the chemist with a huge bag full of stuff for the poor girl!

She slept 10pm - 7.30am last night! She woke up at 5am so I went down to make her a bottle, came back up and she was fast asleep! Just as I drifted back off to sleep, she woke up again. I keep wondering if I should be letting her sleep so long, she's only 7 weeks?! But as long as she's getting enough milk through the day, then in sure she's fine. I think it's all the growing she's doing. The horrified look on people's faces when I say that we get at least 6 hours at night..... Oscar has always been a fab night time sleeper, but never so good with day time naps.

Hi ladies hope you're all well and babies are getting big? Summer will be 4 weeks tomorrow and weighs 8.5lb can't believe how fast it has gone already. Iv been brest feeding and topping up with formula but as some of you know have found it difficult. Iv been trying to ween her of the top ups but it's just so hard. She is hugry all the time I spent a good 4 hrs with her on my boob last night and it's like that everyday recently. She just want to be fed constant and I can't do anything at all. Iv been showering at 11.30 as that's when she is finally in her got asleep. I have been giving formula at night a whole bottle so we can all sleep. Im thinking I can't be producing enough if she is always hungry? This morning she was on me for a hour and still wanted more but we had to go out so I gave her a top up of 60mls which she took. I'd love to keep bf as I love the closeness and the relationship we build but I'm struggling to remain sain xx
You will be making enough blue class - she's just making sure your body knows to keep making it!! Cluster feeds are also totally normal - embrace it if you can. Plan NOT to do anything for a few days and just let her feed. Offer boob constantly with no top ups and see where you go. Have you got a pump? You could try pumping after a feed to make a bit more milk, too (though be warned that can lead to oversupply - I'm suffering with that at the moment and my let down is too fast so she's struggling a lot at the start of a feed :-( ).
Hey folks - not posted for ages either...
Still having to have mw weigh Rowan, hopefully might be the last one tomorrow, as they seem happier with her progress. Will be bloody delighted when all that stops, it just makes me more stressed!
Bfing has gone from less painful last week to more again this week - think it's because of the awkward positions I'm trying to do to build her up. She also squirms and pulls back to the nipple now all of a sudden... anybody else had that? Bloody hurts...
Been expressing with a manual pump between feeds to and partner is enjoying giving her the top ups. Getting about 60ml out at times, which I believe isn't too bad!
Thanks tigger, that's pretty much all her symptoms lol - she's been bringing up quite a bit of milk after feeds too, particularly yesterday. Although my boobs don't really leak or seem to feel engorged much, is that normal? It was the mw who wanted me to do the expressing and top ups, is that causing the problems do you think? I have her round tomorrow, so will update her on what's going on!

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